Қысқамерзімді жоспар

Supposed to, rules to, allowed to

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plan 7 (6)

Supposed to, rules to, allowed to

Suft the internet and do online test

To write answer
And discuss

Teacher gives feedback orally

Teacher gives feedback orally

Internet resources

A collection of tasks
for Formative Assessment


Grade 7

Internet resources

5 min

At home to write description of a typical day, beginning : I usually get up ….
Reflection Self-assessment: Hand signals
Ask students to look at lesson objectives they set at the beginning of the lesson and think and say what they did well in the lesson and what needs improvement. Learn how to explicitly teach students how to assess their own work and the work 

Students write

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check


ӘБ жетекшісі Ажмагамбетова А.А
Қысқа мерзімді жоспары
Holiday activities : Sport
(Lesson title)

Unit of a long term plan

Holidays and travel


Ainur Latifovna



Grade 7 « А» 7 « В»
7 « Г» 7 « Д»

Қатысушылар саны: Қатыспағандар саны:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) organize and present information clearly to others; understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a growing range of general and curricular topics; use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles;

Lesson objectives

  • use most specific information and detail of short without support

ask question



Teacher`s actions

Student`s action



0-5 min

Organization moment
Teacher greets learners and asks on duty to prepare a report
Energizer [ˈenəʤaɪzə]
People to people
Let`s remember our last lesson
Play the game to check h/t
Dividing into subgroups using colourful stickers Warming up: To ask individual students:
About holidays

Learners greet a teacher and the duty makes a report

To ask individual students:

Elicit ideas from the class, and ask learners if they think they have a lot of possessions

Motivating Students orally
Motivation is key to a successful classroom whether it is a class full of secondary school children or a workshop in a college setting.

Students book Excel 7.

30 min

How do you think what theme we have for today? Teacher asks the learners to identify today’s theme using mimics and gestures. Teacher introduces lesson objectives to the learners.

New vocabulary

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