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plan 7 (6)


Teacher`s actions

Student`s action



0-5 min

I.Organization moment
Teacher greets learners and asks on duty to prepare a report
Energizer [ˈenəʤaɪzə]
People to people
Let`s remember our last lesson
Play the game to check h/t
II. Setting a lesson goal.
Announce the topic and purpose of the lesson. Introduction to the stages of the lesson.
Students get acquainted with the topic, goals, and stages of the lesson

Learners greet a teacher and the duty makes a report
To ask individual students:

Elicit ideas from the class, and ask learners if they think they have a lot of possessions

Motivating Students orally
Motivation is key to a successful classroom whether it is a class full of secondary school children or a workshop in a college setting.

Students book Excel 7.

30 min

III. Main Activities
Activity 1 (Grammar)
• Refer students back to the text on page 60 and ask: What will happen in 2016 in China? Elicit the answer: A lot of children will celebrate their eighth birthday. Write this on the board and underline will.
• Focus on the underlined verbs on the board and ask students if they refer to the past, present or future. Elicit that they refer to the future and that they are predictions. WG

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