Интернет-журнал «Мир науки»
World of Science. Pedagogy and psychology
2018, №4, Том 6
2018, No 4, Vol 6
ISSN 2309-4265
Издательство «Мир науки» \ Publishing company «World of science»
Bochkarev Anatoly Vladimirovich
Ogarev Mordovia state university, Saransk, Russia
E-mail: Proshkolublog@mail.ru
Andronov Vladimir Petrovich
The national research Mordovian state university it. N.Р. Orageva, Saransk, Russia
E-mail: andronovvp@rambler.ru
Gerasimov Ivan Aleksandrovich
National research nuclear university “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: ropoger@yandex.ru
Kafidulina Natalya Nikolaevna
Moscow sity university, postgraduate, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: Knn777@inbox.ru
Research activity in the field of multimedia
systems and information and communication
technologies in the pedagogical process
The article have analyz the research activity in the field of multimedia systems and
information and communication technologies in the pedagogical process for the last 25 years. The
author observed the tendency of changing scientific interest in the
Russian-speaking scientific
community, analyzed over 6,000 Russian-language scientific works, candidate and doctoral
dissertations devoted to the use of "multimedia systems" and "information
and communication
technologies" in the pedagogical sphere. The analyz from the beginning of the introduction into the
educational sphere of the term "multimedia", in the early 90s of the last century, to the peak popularity
in the mid-2000s of its. The article reviews the scientific field from the emergence of a new direction,
to the peak of interest shown to it. The analysis of works devoted to
the use of information and
communication technologies and multimedia is mainly descriptive and analytical. But in modern
conditions of equipping schools with electronic
technical means of training, a request is made to
develop methodological and methodological systems of education and upbringing.
multimedia; information
and communication technologies; research activity;
pedagogical process; hypermedia; scientific review