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Computerization in Kazakhstan

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сауаташу 23.01.20, Лекция 3, туризм касиптик агылшын 18.09
Computerization in Kazakhstan
Computer is a device that works with information. For its work it is necessary to develop and insert special instructions called “program”.In 1952 the computer network Internet was created in the USA (firstly for military use). Then Internet became the worldwide network that integrates all computer systems on Earth.In the XXI century the computers will play the key role in the formation of the future society where information will be the main value.
That is why the President’s program “Kazakhstan-2050” needs the creation of a strong computer basis in all spheres of science, management, education business medicine, culture and sport.The Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan informs that 98% of schools of Kazakhstan are connected to the Internet. Kazakhstan has been providing schools with multimedia and language laboratories since 2005.
The system of online learning is introduced in educational institutions on the instructions of the President of Kazakhstan. The interactive boards functions in three languages - Kazakh, Russian and English.
By 2020, the state will get 83 000 tablets for schools but these devices will not fully replace textbooks as in the USA and Japan.
Computerization in Kazakhstan Information science deals with the laws as well as ways and means of accumulating and processing information. The necessity to store and exchange information led to the development of speech and writing, printing and art, radio and TV. But the most important thing about utilization of information is the planning of purposeful activity aimed at solving problems or making decisions on the basis of the acquired information. And until recently this planning was performed by the human mind exclusively. The invention of computers, calculating machines capable of processing information, cardinally changed the situation. The computer performs very simple actions, but its advantage is the speed it calculates at. In fact, the computer performs hundreds of thousands of operations per second.

1. Computers quickly entered into our life. They have changed our lives for the better. The modern computing machines present one of the most achievements of human thought, that is why it’s difficult to imagine our life without this clever machine.

2. Today we almost use PCs in every office, in every house, in every school, on airplanes, etc. The user of the computer can be a writer and an artist, a doctor and an engineer, a musician and a teacher. It is the universal tool which is capable to help everyone. 

3. Computers in manufacturing

Numerous factories use computers to control machines that make products. A computer turns on and off and adjusts their operations when necessary. Without computers, it would be impossible for engineers to perform the enormous number of calculations needed to solve many technological problems.
Architectural and civil engineers use the computers in designing complicated bridges, official institutions, shopping centers and other structures. 

4. The robot

The Robot is also controlled by the computer. The Robot is a mechanical device. It can carry out the work, which for people proves to be too heavy or even impossible, for instance, in conditions of strong fierce frost. Quite often one robot can change two workers at the plant. 

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