Клиническая медицина Медицина и экология, 2021, 3

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Экология и гигиена 

Клиническая медицина 
Медицина и экология, 2021, 3 
UDC 616.216-002-07 

А. Cheşcă
, G. A. Gyurka

Faculty of Medicine, Transilvania University of Braşov (Braşov, Romania) 

Nowadays, the incidence of respiratory 
infections is at high level. This fact is caused by 
numerous risk factors and determining factors 
predisposing and contributing to the appearance 
of signs and symptoms of these types of patholo-
gies [2]. 
In the context of respiratory pathology, 
there are some cases in which respiratory pathol-
ogy can be associated with sinus infections [16]. 
From this point of view we can recall that upper 
respiratory tract infections often can be the con-
sequence of sinus infections which had not been 
treated correctly and on time [8, 13]. Sinus pa-
thology is common in any age group, considering 
the existence of numerous factors which contrib-
ute to the occurence of this pathology [7, 15]. 
Clinically, sinusitis can be classified into acute and 
chronic [10, 12]. Acute sinusitis is caused by in-
correctly or insufficiently treated viral or bacterial 
infections. The most common signs of the occur-
rence of this pathology are stuffy nose, accompa-
nied by runny nose, cough, fever, headache, pain 
in the ears [5, 6]. 
Chronic sinusitis occurs as a result of in-
correctly or insufficiently treated repeated bacteri-
al infections. Frequently, however, it can be 
caused by a chronic inflammatory disease that 
affects the upper respiratory tract and that may 
show symptoms specific to asthma, considering 
the influence of respiratory allergies as predispos-
ing factor. In this context, decreased immunity 
and the low defense ability against infections are 
major risk factors in chronic sinus infections. 
Chronic sinusitis is characterized by a variety and 
complexity of forms, therefore it is imperative a 
specialized medical consult in order to establish 
an appropriate diagnosis and treatment [3, 8]. 
The methods of diagnosis of sinusitis are 
the performing conventional radiography of the 
sinuses and native CT scanning [1, 14]. These 
methods are joined by those used by Otorhinolar-
yngology physicians who perform, when required, 
endoscopic examinations by using optical fibre 
instruments [4, 11]. This method allows, by ex-
ploring areas in detail, to observe barely visible 
structural aspects of high accuracy that can be 
used as diagnostic support [9, 17]. 
Antibiotic treatment associated with anti-
inflammatory and other types of drugs are 
requiered in sinusitis. In this type of pathology 
the treatment must be individualized and specific 
to each patient, according to the form of the dis-
ease. In the context of the incidence of the pa-
thology extensively presented previously, this 
study aims to present diagnostic aspects of sinus-

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