Search Engine Optimization – The “art and science” of making web pages attractive and keyword-rich to improve its ranking in search engines.
Seasonality – The seasonal fluctuation in sales for services and products throughout the year.
Speaking engagements – A planned event in which an individual educates the public on a particular topic. In marketing, speaking engagements are used to increase a client’s visibility and strengthen his or her reputation as an expert in the field. In addition, these opportunities give the speaker direct contact with his or her target audience.
Survey – An accumulation of a sample of data or opinions considered to be representative of a whole. Surveys are useful in public relations to support a client’s claim(s). They can be cited from other sources or funded by the client and conducted by a third party.
Social Media – Web-based communication tools that allow users to interest in real-time. Social Media is a powerful tool for brands seeking feedback or support from customers as well as businesses and nonprofits seeking to cultivate new audiences.