2.1 Working principle and components of ESD system
2.2 Application of ESD system
The purpose of the course work is to consider the definition and objective of emergency shutdown systems (ESD), to analyze and determine the role of emergency shutdown systems at the entire facility.
In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:
To comprehend the major concepts and definitions of an emergency shutdown system;
To contemplate the activation mechanisms and levels of shutdown;
To investigate the activation points and hardware features of ESD;
To scrutinize the emergency shutdown and isolation valves.
Actuality of the course work on this topic can be expressed by the fact that the Emergency shutdown system is distinguished from other facility safety systems concerning that it reacts to a hazard situation that may influence the overall safety of the whole facility. It is therefore considered one of the primary safety systems for any facility. Without an ESD system, an incident at a process facility may be provided with “unlimited” fuel supplies that can obliterate an entire facility. Such circumstances are abundantly illustrated by well blow-outs that can be fed from underground reservoirs or pipeline connections, where further isolation capability is unavailable or destroyed by the initial incident. To control the safe operation of the equipment, the ESD system must be provided with means of monitoring and performing executive actions, eliminating failures and overloads.
To ensure life support and prevent accidents on pipelines, terminals and platforms, special safety systems are used, which should be based on continuous monitoring and control of process control systems, continuous monitoring of possible sources of danger and elimination of possible sources of ignition, automatic detection of abnormal operating conditions and operating modes of equipment and automatic response to these conditions by switching on or off (isolating) the necessary components of the system or the entire system, including pressure relief at installations, provision of sound and visual warning systems about the shutdown of the installation, emergency pressure relief and fire extinguishing. When designing control and safety systems, all possible types of equipment failure are taken into account, while their architecture has the necessary level of duplication of functions to meet the required level of automated IPF protection function, for this reason, the emergency shutdown system is essential.