Л. М. Демесинова PhD, аға ғылыми қызметкер

Keywords: urbanization, artistic text, urban text, image of the city. References

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18-25 Демесинова

Keywords: urbanization, artistic text, urban text, image of the city.

1. Kulmanov, S. Oryssha-қazaқsha terminologiyalyқ anyқtamalyқ sөzdіk (sәulet zhәne құrylys) [Russian-Kazakh terminological reference dictionary (architecture and construction)] / S. Kulmanov. - Almaty: Center for the development of the state language, 2009 – - 320 P. [in Kazakh]
2. Kurmanbayuly, Sh. Қazaқ tіlіnің kіrme sөzder sөzdіgі [Dictionary of borrowed words of the Kazakh language] / compiled by: Kurmanbayuly, S. Iskakova, B. Mizamkhan. - Almaty: public fund" National Translation Bureau", 2019. – 596 P. [in Kazakh]
3. Kevser, T. Urbanisticheskaya poeziya K.D.Bal'monta i V.YA.Bryusova [Urban poetry of K.D.Balmont and V.Ya.Bryusov]. Abstract of the dissertation.for the degree of step.k.phil.N. / T. Kevser – Moscow, 2017. – 32 p. [in Russian]
4. Lyusy, A.P. Nasledie Kryma: geosofiya, tekstual'nost', identichnost' [Crimean heritage: geosophy, textuality, identity] / A.P. Lyusy. – Moscow: Russian Impulse, 2007. – 240 p. [in Russian]
5. Marinina, Yu.A. Obraz Parizha vo francuzskoj literature koncaXIX - nachala XX veka [The mythologized image of the city in French poetry of the second half of the XIX century: from Baudelaire to the symbolists]: dissertation of the Candidate of Philology / Yu.A. Marinina. –Nizhny Novgorod, 2007. -207 p. [in Russian]
6. Ruban, A.A. Obraz Parizha vo francuzskoj literature koncaXIX - nachala XX veka [The image of Paris in French literature at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century]: dissertation of the Candidate of Philology / A.A. Ruban. –Moscow, 2004. -267 p. [in Russian]
7. Gololobov, M.A. Parizhskij tekst v romanah E. Zolya [The Parisian text in the novels of E. Zola]: dissertation of the Candidate of Philology / M.A. Gololobov. – Moscow, 2009. – 188 p. [in Russian]
8. Averintsev, S.S. Mify [Myths] / S.S. Averintsev // Literary encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow: The Soviet Encyclopedia, 1987. – pp.222-225.
9. Barth, R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika. Poetika [Selected works: Semiotics. Poetics]: [translated from French] / R. Bart. – Moscow: Progress, University, 1994. – 616 p. [in Russian]
10. Schmidt, N.V. «Gorodskoj tekst» v poezii russkogo modernizma ["Urban text" in the poetry of Russian modernism]: dissertation of the Candidate of Philology. /N.V. Schmidt. –Moscow, 2007. – 199 p. . [in Russian]
11. Amangazykyzy, M. Қazіrgі қazaқ prozasyndaғy қala modelі zhәne ұlttyқ mental'dylyқ [The model of the city and the national mentality in modern Kazakh prose]: doctoral dis. / M. Amangazykyzy. - Astana, 2021 – 135 p. [in Kazakh]

Мақалаға сілтеме:

Искакова, Ж.М. Урбанистік әдебиет және оның зерттелуі [Мәтін] / Ж.М. Искакова, Л.М. Демесинова // Dulaty University Хабаршысы. – 2024. - №2. – Б. 18-25 https://doi.org/10.55956/RSTM2329

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