Laboratory work № creation of presentations. Орындағандар: Орынбасарова А,Есмурат В,Қыдыралы Ж,Жалғасбай Д

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Lab work 5 (4 топ)

Button "Office" - to Publish
To prepare for

Fig. 19. Publication of presentation on a compact disk - disk.

Topics for presentations

  1. Forms and language of information representation. Natural and formal languages

  2. ICT role in power industry.

  3. History of numeration systems.

  4. The principles of data representation and commands in the computer.

  5. Classes of modern computers

  6. The concept of virtualization

  7. Means and languages of the description and representation of algorithms.

  8. Operating systems of the Windows family.

  9. Local and global networks

  10. Protocols and services of the Internet network

  11. The search websites and technologies of information search in Internet

  12. Information security problems in Internet

  13. Memory devices. Internal memory. External bulk memory. Recording media.

  14. Information transfer protocols in power industry

  15. ICT in Transmission and distribution of electrical energy

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