Laboratory work № creation of presentations. Орындағандар: Орынбасарова А,Есмурат В,Қыдыралы Ж,Жалғасбай Д

Ø addition on the sliding seat of text table

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Lab work 5 (4 топ)

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  • Fig. 8.
Ø addition on the sliding seat of text table
to choose the type of layout of sliding seat on that a picture or chart is added "Header and object"; in the menu of the program on an inset Insertion in a division Table to choose the amount of rows and table columns;
An insertion is Table
after addition of table to the user the bar of tools is accessible "Work with tables"; the receptions of work are analogical to work with tables in Microsoft Word

Fig. 8. Instruments of work with a table in Power Point 2013.

Fig. 9. An inset is the "Special insertion".

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