Laboratory work № creation of presentations. Орындағандар: Орынбасарова А,Есмурат В,Қыдыралы Ж,Жалғасбай Д

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Lab work 5 (4 топ)

Laboratory work № 5.
Орындағандар: Орынбасарова А,Есмурат В,Қыдыралы Ж,Жалғасбай Д
Қабылдаған: Кожамкулова Ж

Aim of work -

1) study of principles of creation a sliding seat is a show by means of Microsoft Power Point, applications of animation and voice accompaniment;
2) receipt of skills of presentation of lecture on a base a sliding seat is a show.
Recommendations on planning of sliding seats :
1. Presentation is a set of placards supporting a performance. Possible aims of presentation : to inform, entertain, render emotional influence, push on an action. In presentation it is necessary to pay attention to all four aims. Primary purposes of educational presentation : to show that you are oriented in a subject domain, to show the depth of knowledge on the topic, to report the results of own researches.
2. A structure of presentation must be easily memorizable. The oriented is needed no more than on three basic pt.s (maximally possible number - seven).
3. Beginning presentation is necessary from simple and most general concepts, gradually passing to more certain and difficult.
4. Methods of структуризации of presentation : chronologic, successive, geographical, category, comparison and contrasting of extremes, hierarchical, broadening radius.
5. Use on a sliding seat two types: one - for headers, second - for basic
6. Mix up an upper and lower case in text, however use an upper case only for the selection of corresponding words.
7. Observe intervals between rows.
8. In registration maintain single style of headers and subheadings. Sliding seats must be SIMPLE, but with taste and, most important, EASILY READ.
9. It is not recommended to mix up more than three colors on a sliding seat.
10. The visual tools of information (illustrations, charts, tables and charts) transfer pass ideas quicker, than words, with greater lightness explain difficult concepts, provide key prompts, that cause proof associations, wake up and retain interest of audience. An image must be large and it is good to be read in the distance.
11. All tables and charts must have signatures.
12. Animation, transitions and other tools, is used for underlining of certain aspects of the reported information, not to divert attention audience on the special effects.
13. Музыка that sounds during a transition from one sliding seat to other or during animation must pay attention audience on the shown sliding seats. Do not practise upon sound-effects.
14. The reaction of audience depends also on the rate of realization of presentation. The tools of the program Power Point allow отрепетировать the rate of show before realization of presentation. During a rehearsal it is possible to check evident registration of sliding seats.
For the achievement of result it is necessary to execute next actions:

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