Key vocabulary mobility training-обучение мобильности Traits особенность, штрих, характерная черта

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Lecture 8

Lecture 8 Training, maintenance and support of teachers in inclusive education

Key vocabulary

 1. mobility training-обучение мобильности
2. Traits особенность, штрих, характерная черта
3. Maintenance-|ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns| обслуживание, поддержание, содержание, ремонтный
4. skill навык, умение, мастерство
5. NGO a non-profit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue.
6. Proactive |prəʊˈæktɪv|активный 
7. Participative |ˌpɑːˈtɪsəpətɪv| могущий участвовать, участвующий
8. Specialist support personnel персонал
9. cater обслуживать, угождать, поставлять
10. potential learning difficulties потенциальные трудности в обучении
11. Enchance усиливать
12. Hearing impairment— ухудшение слуха
13. Applicable |əˈplɪkəb(ə)l|применимый, подходящий, пригодный
14. Braille |breɪl| шрифт Брайля

How teacher is helpful in inclusive education?

The teacher's role is not only to teach the subject but also to provide other training such as mobility training, self-care training, preparation of teaching material according to the needs of the disabled children, training in use and maintenance of aids and so on. 
School Management School Directors should possess the following traits: 
 They should have an understanding of the needs of children in different categories of special needs, as well as all children.
 They should possess the necessary knowledge and skills about special needs education to develop and manage an inclusive school.
 They should be able to successfully manage the School Core Team, providing strategic direction and lead the implementation and monitoring processes.
 They should have strong networking skills with parents, senior education officials, other community organizations, NGOs and schools.  
 They should be proactive in finding ways to identify and support children with special needs. 
 They should have basic knowledge of materials and equipment.
Teachers Regular teachers are critical to the learning of all children, including those with special needs. Hence, they should possess the following characteristics:
 They should have basic knowledge of each category of disability and what strategies should be used to include these children.
 They should possess the necessary skills in identifying special needs, as well as teaching children with special needs in an inclusive classroom.
 They should be proactive in finding ways to identify and support children with special needs.
 They should be active and participative in developing and enabling inclusive school policies and practice, with the support of school leaders and other staff.
 They should be actively involved in networking and sharing information with other teachers.
 They should have basic knowledge of materials and equipment. 
 They should be able to develop teaching learning materials using locally available materials for all children, especially for those with special needs.
Specialist support personnel
Specialist support is needed to cater for children’s individual needs and interests. Such support should, possibly include the following persons who would serve in different capacities.
Educational psychologist  
o To advise teachers on how to assess children’s learning needs 
o To advise teachers on how to support children’s learning needs, especially those with potential learning difficulties
o To advise teachers on how to develop inclusive learning environments which will enhance children’s learning.
Speech therapist (for children with hearing impairment and communication difficulties).
o To assess children’s hearing potential and identify, where applicable, levels of hearing loss.
o To provide speech therapy for children with speech impediments, delayed language development and/or hearing loss.
Occupational and Physiotherapists (for children with physical impairment, e.g. cerebral palsy) 
o Assess needs of children with physical difficulty in terms of their capabilities and limitations
o Provide therapy for children with physical difficulty, to enhance their mobility 
o Advise on modification of schools’ physical infrastructure to enable accessibility for children with physical impairments. 
School nurse
o To assess medical needs of children, including those with special needs
o To provide support for specific medical needs
o To refer children to hospitals and clinics for further assessment and treatment
o To provide interpretation for children and teachers with hearing impairment 
Orientation and Mobility trainer(s)  
o To provide orientation and mobility training for children with mobility difficulties, e.g. children with low vision and blind
Braille trainer
o To train children and teachers in the use of Braille for basic reading and writing

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