Let’s look for treasure (Давай поищем клад!)

II.Основная часть урока. Путешествие

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II.Основная часть урока. Путешествие. Слайд 3.
Учитель: It is our captain. Let’s ask him questions. You can see his answers.
Ученики задают вопросы : What’s your name? Are you brave? Where are you from? Can you swim well?
Учитель : Now we have got a ship and we can go to Grammar Island.
Первая остановка. Даем ученику игрушечный бинокль. What can you see? Слайд 4.
Ученик: I can see a bottle over there.
Заранее в бутылку складываем письмо с пропущенными словами. (слова «размылись» , надо восстановить текст).
D ear friends!
M y name Nick. I ten. I go to school in London.
I got a mother, a sister and a father. My sister, my father and me like playing computer games, but my mother like computer games. She likes cooking.
M y favourite book is about Harry Potter and I like reading detective stories.
you like reading detective stories? I good at History and Math.
M y favourite subjects Biology, English and Math. What are your favourite subjects? Will you write me back? Yours, Nick.
Когда ребята справятся с заданием, они меняются письмами, на экране появляется письмо, идет взаимопроверка. Если кликнуть на кляксе, она растворяется. Слайд 5.
Учитель: We can take this car. Let’s go to the Phonemka river. Слайд 6.
Ученики получают карточки с заданием.

  1. Прочитайте слова, каждый должен прочитать 2 слова.

This what smart nice but tomato giraffe lazy clock field neck Saturday bright school evening thirteen autumn quick usually mother

  1. Вычеркните слово, которое отличается от других по звучанию.

1 do go no
2 arm farm warm
3 one sun phone
4 tie tea my
5 feet meat well
6 run put fun
Выполнение второго задания контролируем, используя взаимопроверку (на слайде –правильный вариант).
За выполненное задание получают бонус – лодочку.
Учитель: Let’s sail to the waterfall Slovechki. Слайд 7.
Распределите слова по группам.
Table, bread, potatoes, sharpener, armchair, paints, bedroom, workbook, vegetables, pen, sugar, Art, living room, pencil, kitchen, Reading. Проерка – слайд 8.
Учитель : Вы получили бонус – лодку и проводников, но путь через водопад очень трудный, надо набраться сил.
Физкультминутка. (под музыку, кликните на слайде)
Hands up, hands down,
Hands on the hips, bend left, bend right,
1,2,3 –hop! 1,2,3- stop!
Учитель: now you are ready to go to The Lion’s mountains. Слайд 9.
The Lion lives there and he wants you to describe him, if he likes your story, you’ll have a bonus. You will make up a storey and he will sing a song for you.
Ученики составляют коллективный рассказ о льве по плану:
name , age, what he is like, what he can do, what he likes and doesn’t like.
Учитель: I think the Lion is very pleased to hear your interesting stories and he gives us a good bounce – a balloon. And we can fly to the Storey Valley. Слайд 10.
Аудирование .
New word – look for
Listen a story of this pirate and answer the questions:

  • Where did he go yesterday? (He went to the forest)

  • What was the weather like? (It was sunny and hot)

  • What did he look for? (He looked for a jacket)

  • Why was he happy? (He found a map)

My name is John. I am a pirate. I have got 3 brothers, they are pirates too. I am the oldest and the bravest. Yesterday I went to the forest. The weather was sunny and hot. I was tired and sat under the tree. I took off my jacket and put it on the ground. When I woke up, I couldn’t find my jacket. I looked for it in the grass. I saw a small paper, it was a map. I am the happiest man in the world! It was the map of treasures.
Учитель: Thank you for your good answers. We are going to ride a horse.
We are near the tree where we can find the treasure. But look there is a tortoise under the tree. It wants you to read a story about tortoises. Слайд 11
Tortoises come from warm countries –Spain, Greece, Italy, Australia, Africa – but they can live in cold countries. Many tortoises live in Great Britain and North America. When it is cold they sleep for 20-24 weeks. Big tortoises can live for 150 years. Small tortoises can live for 50 or 60 years. They are not very beautiful! They eat plants. They can’t fly and they can’t climb, but they can walk at 5 kilometres per hour.
True or false?

  1. Tortoises can’t fly. T

  2. Tortoises can’t walk very fast. F

  3. They can live for 200 years. F

  4. Tortoises can’t live in cold countries. F

  5. They sleep when it is hot. F

Проверяем правильность ответов при помощи слайда. Подсчитываем очки, по количеству очков определяем, какая команда пришла к дереву первой.
Учитель: Hooray! We have found our treasure! (можно достать коробку с шоколадками)

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