Любую национальную или этническую культуру мы обязаны отнести к культурным типам

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Lecture 4

Theme-4 Typology of cultures


Branches of culture

should be called such aggregates of norms, rules and behavioral patterns of people that make up a relatively closed area as part of the whole.

Отраслями культуры следует называть такие совокупности норм, правил и моделей поведения людей, которые составляют относительно замкнутую область в составе целого.

Types of culture

  • should be called such sets of norms, rules and behavioral patterns of people who make up relatively closed areas, but are not parts of one whole.
  • We are obliged to attribute any national or ethnic culture to cultural types. The types of culture should include not only regional-ethnic formations, but also historical and economic ones.

Типами культуры следует именовать такие совокупности норм, правил и моделей поведения людей, которые составляют относительно замкнутые области, но не являются частями одного целого.

  • Типами культуры следует именовать такие совокупности норм, правил и моделей поведения людей, которые составляют относительно замкнутые области, но не являются частями одного целого.
  • Любую национальную или этническую культуру мы обязаны отнести к культурным типам. К типам культуры надо относить не только регионально-этнические образования, но также исторические и хозяйственные.

Branches of culture

Economic culture It includes a culture of production, a culture of distribution, a culture of exchange, a culture of consumption, a culture of management, a culture of work.

Она включает в свой состав культуру производства, культуру распределения, культуру обмена, культуру потребления, культуру управления, культуру труда.

There is a concept of organizational culture.

It includes a set of customs, traditions, norms and rules of conduct that have developed in this organization.

Political culture

Sometimes it is considered as an independent phenomenon, and sometimes it is included as a subspecies of managerial culture.

The content of political culture is determined by the prevailing political regime of power.

Professional culture

  • Professional culture includes a set of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to a specific type of work.

Pedagogical culture

It covers not only teachers, but also the literacy level of the entire population.

Pedagogical culture describes not only quantitative criteria, for example, the number of graduates of primary or secondary school, but also qualitative, in particular, the level of intelligence of the nation.

Rural culture

Rural culture has received a number of names in the literature: rural type of culture, village culture, village culture, villager culture.

When they talk about rural culture, it should be about peasants, and that's all. They are carriers of this culture. L.N. Kogan highlights the following features of rural culture.

Urban culture

Urban culture (city culture, industrial culture, urbanized culture) is the culture of large and medium-sized non-agricultural settlements, usually large industrial and administrative centers.

Forms of culture

Depending on who creates culture and what its level is, sociologists distinguish three forms of it:

  • elite,
  • folk,
  • mass.

High culture Elite (high) culture

is created by a privileged part of society, or by its order by professional creators. It includes fine art, classical music and literature.

High culture (for example, Picasso's painting or Schoenberg's music) is difficult for an unprepared person to understand.

The cool of elite culture is a highly educated part of society: critics, literary critics, museum and exhibition regulars, theater-goers, artists, writers, musicians. The formula of elite culture is "art for art".

Folk culture

Folk culture consists of two types - popular and folklore culture.

When it comes to songs performed by Dimash, we are talking about popular culture, and when an ethnographic expedition from the Kazakh hinterland brings material about the Aitys of the 1920s, they talk about folklore culture.

Popular culture Mass culture

does not express the refined tastes or spiritual searches of the people.

The time of its appearance is the middle of the XX century, when the mass media (radio, print, television) penetrated into most countries of the world and became accessible to representatives of all social strata.

Mass culture can be international and national. Pop music is a vivid example of this: it is understandable and accessible to all ages, all segments of the population, regardless of the level of education.

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