Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С


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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

Text С. The Founder of Virology 142
VIII.Выучите следующие слова. Предложения переведите: 143
IX.Instead of the modal verbs use the equivalents in the proper tense: 143
X.Put the predicates info Past: 143
XI.Make the sentences negative and interrogative: 143
XII.Put general questions to the following sentences making other necessary changes: 143
XIII.Translate the following sentences: 143
XIV.Read the pairs of sentences and choose those corresponding fo Text C: 144
XIII.Choose the appropriate word from those given in brackets, iranslate the following sentences: 148
XIV.Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold type: 149
XV.Answer the following questions: 149
XVI.Read Text F. Answer the teacher's questions and retell the text: 149
Text F. The Discovery of Cholera Bacterium 149
Notes 172
VII.Translate the following word combinations: 172
VIII.Choose the appropriate verb. Translate the sentences: 172
IX.Translate the following sentences with gerundial constructions: 172
X.Read and translate the medical terms: 172
XI.1. Read Text E using a dictionary. 2. Memorize the words in bold type. 3. Be ready to answer the questions on the text: 172
Text E. Examination of the Patient 172
LESSON 33 173
I.Повторите правила словообразования, грамматические правила, лексический и текстовой материал всею цикла V (уроки 27—32). 173
II.Прочтите и переведите следующие слова, найдя в них суф-фиксы и префиксы: 173
III.Ответьте на следующие вопросы: 173
IV.Переведите пары предложений и определите, чем отличаются их сказуемые: 173
IX. Find the word-building elements. Translate the words: 175
XI.Form and translate the nouns: 180
XII.Define the tense of the verbs. Translate the sentences: 181
XIII.Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense: 181
XIV.Choose the statements corresponding to Text A: 181
XV.Choose the appropriate word from those given in brackets. Translate the sentences: 181
XVI.Answer the following questions: 181
XVII.1. Read Text B. 2. What have you learned about the treatment of pneumonia from the text? 182
Text B. The Treatment of Lobular Pnenmonia 182
IX.Read the passages, translate theui and answer the questions: 185
X.Read and translate Text D using a dictionary: 185
TextD 185
LESSON 36 185
I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времен (письменно): 185
IX.Form new words by adding the prefixes. Translate the words: 197
X.Choose the appropriate participle given in brackets. Translate the sentences: 197
XI.Translate the following sentences using Complex Object with Participle: 197
XII.Use the English words instead of the Russian ones; translate the sentences: 197
XIII.Finish the sentences choosing the appropriate statement to correspond to Text C: 197
XIV.1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. What data important for a future doctor does it contain? 4. Put questions: 197
TextD 197
1.1. Сгруппируйте (письменно) слова по частям речи и подчеркните в них суффиксы: 198
XII.Translate into English: 201
X.Translate the following word combinations: 204
XI.1. Give the words of the opposite meaning: 204
2. Give the words of the close meaning: 205
XII.Choose the appropriate word from those given in brackets: 205
XIII.Read the pairs of sentences and answer the questions supplying your explanations: 205
XIV.Find Complex Object. Define the forms of the Infinitive Translate the sentences: 205
XV.Translate the following sentences: 205
XVI.Read Text В. Entitle and retell it: 205
Text В 205
IX.Supply the words of the same root: 213
X.Recall and supply the most characteristic words to be used with the following nouns as attributes: 213
XI.Choose the appropriate word. Translate the sentences: 213
XII.Define Infinitive functions. Translate the sentences: 213
XIII.Use Complex Subject instead of the subordinate clause: 214
XIV.Read and translate the following words: 214
XV.Finish the following sentences using the necessary words from Assignment XIV: 214
XVI.1. Read Text D. 2. Entitle it. 3. Characterize the pain in this disease. 4. Why is the prevention of this disease so important? 214
TextD 214
VII.a) Give the words of the close meaning: 217
b) Give the words of the opposite meaning: 217
VIII.Supply one of known to you words of the same root. Make up sentences using them: 217
X.Translate the sentences: 217
XI.1. Read and translate Text F. 2. Put questions to the text. 3. Retell it: 217
Text F. Acute Appendicitis 217
LESSON 46 225
I. Напишите глаголы, используя указанные суффиксы. Полученные слова переведите: 225
П.* Определите, какой союз опущен. Предложения переведите: 225
III.* Выберите нужную форму причастия для самостоятельного причастного оборота. Предложения переведите: 225
IV.Переведите, используя самостоятельный причастный оборот (письменно): 225
V.1. Прочтите текст Б. 2. Скажите, при каких заболеваниях может наблюдаться желтушность. 3. Выпишите английские эквиваленты следу­ющих словосочетаний: 226
Text Е. Jaundice 226
VI.Приготовьте сообщение на тему "Infectious Hepatitis" на основании текстов А, В, Е. 226
VII.Translate the words with the same root: 226
X.1. Прочтите текст А. 2. Найдите и переведите предложение, содер­жащее сослагательное наклонение. 3. Выпишите английские эквивален­ты следующих словосочетаний: 234
4. Напишите аннотацию этого текста: 234
Text A. Immunity 234
XI.Translate the following sentences: 235
XII.Pick out the appropriate phrase fo end the sentences: 235
XIII.Finish the sentences using Complex Object: 235
XIV.Pick out the sentences corresponding fo Text A: 236
XV.1. Read Text B. 2. Determine the meaning of the words in bold type from the context. 3. Say about what Pasteur spoke in his lecture. 4. What conclusion have you come to having read the text? 236
Text B. Asepsis 236
X.Answer the following questions: 241
XI.Translate the following sentences: 241
XII.Translate the following using the Subjunctive Mood: 242
XIII.Read Text В and retell it: 242
Text В. Edward Jenner 242

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