Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

the nouns: efficiency, slowness, division, usage, inhibition, tiredness, significance, development, difference, infancy, closure, passage;

  • the adjectives: medical, pulmonary, different, cortical, respiratory, various, specific, primary, considerable, effective, extensible, Italian;

  • the verbs: summarize, communicate, analyse, dilate

    1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the infinitives used after modal verbs:

    1. Can such a serious complication have occurred in this case? 2. The disease can't have developed so quickly. 3. The pain may not have been controlled yet. 4. The doctor may have administered this patient a light diet. 5. The nurse must have already given the injection. 6. His vision must have been checked up last week.

      1. Turn the direct speech into indirect:

    1. The surgeon asked: "Do you often develop pain in the stomach after meals?" 2. The eye doctor asked: "Do you drop the medicine regularly?" 3. The cardiologist asked: "When did you develop the pain in the heart area?" 4. The physiologist asked: "Where will the stimuli continue to come during a sound quiet sleep?"

      1. Give extended answers:

    1. What do the contractions of the heart produce? 2. What is the cardiac cycle composed of? 3. What is the role of the ventricles and atria? 4. Describe the pulmonary circulation. 5. Describe the systemic circulations. 6. What corpuscular elements compose the blood? 7. What heart sounds can one hear listening to the heart? 8. Where is the first (second, third) heart sound heard? 9. What do heart sounds help the doctors to determine? 10. What did I. M. Sechenov determine when he investigated the blood gases? 11. Describe the process of respiration. 12. What functions does the human brain perform? 13. What reflexes are called conditioned (unconditioned)? 14. Why is sleep necessary for any living being? 15. What is the process of inhibition?
    XVI. Read Text B. Translate it. Memorize the figures: Text C. The Cardiac Rhythm
    One knows that during the diastole the atria and ventricles take in (принимают) the blood. It has been determined that during the systole the atria and the ventricles discharge out the blood. The diastole of the ventricles takes place during the systole of the atria, and the systole of the ventricles takes place during the diastole of the, atria. These functions of the atria and the ventricles compose the cardiac rhythm.
    The cardiac cycle lasts 0.9 second. The contraction of the atria lasts 0.2" and that of the ventricles 0.3". When the atria contract the ventricles are at rest. The diastole or the period of rest of the cardiac muscle lasts 0.4".
    So during one cardiac cycle the ventricles work 0.3" but rest 0.6". The period of contraction of the ventricles is longer than that of the atria and the systolic blood pressure is always Higher than the diastolic one. Such an interesting cardiac rhythm which enables the heart to rest longer than to work is very important for the blood circulation.
    If the period of cardiac rest has become constantly shorter, the rate of heartbeat increases. Such an increased rate of heartbeat may affect [a'fekt] (поражает) the heart and produce different cardiac diseases.
    Словообразование: Суффиксы -th, -ish, -ful.

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