We synthesize the structural scheme of the spatial mechanism of the mecha-
tronic module of the robot actuator with three degrees of mobility containing
kinematic pairs of the fourth and fifth classes, and having one closed loop
We determine the required number of moving links and kinematic pairs of
the entire mechanism, together with a closed circuit, according to the
where 2 is the number of excess links of one closed circuit.
Thus, the whole mechanism includes five links, one pair of the fourth class
and five pairs of the fifth class, i.e. n = 5, p
= 1, P
= 5.
We calculate the number of links and kinematic pairs of structural group
with redundancy, forming a closed circuit, according to the formula (2.19):
The structural
group contains two links, one pair of the fourth class and
two pairs of the fifth class, i.e. n
= 2, p
= 1, p
= 2.
We construct the structural scheme of the mechanism. First,
we draw the
main scheme ABCD, consisting of three links and three pairs of the fifth class,
and then to it we add the structural group EFM, consisting of two links, one
pair of the fourth class and two pairs of the fifth class (Figure 2.6).
Let’s check the correctness of the solution.
Determine the number of closed circuits:
К = 6 – 5 = 1.
We calculate the number of excess circuits links:
S = 3 – ( 5 – 4 )x1 = 2.
We calculate the number of degrees of mobility of the mechanism:
W = 6x5 – 4x1 – 5x5 + 2 = 3.
Thus, the structural scheme of the mechanism is synthesized according to
the specified conditions.
In conclusion, we note that in the synthesis of mechanisms of mechatronic
modules, it is necessary to strive to exclude redundant circuit links, superfluous
mobilities and superfluous links, as if they are available, assembly is difficult,
wear in kinematic pairs increases, conditions for the functioning of mechanisms
deteriorate, which leads to a violation of the required functional indicators of
mechatronic modules.