Мележик К. Н. Неличные формы глагола indd

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Task 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Infinitive 

in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose, result and 

attendant circumstances. 

1. But the expansion of the market has not been sufficient to yield 

the same rate of profit.

2. The difficulties became sufficiently general to cause many owners 

to hesitate to make new investments.

3. Under such circumstances monopolies will find an excuse for 

limiting oil production so as to recreate the artificial shortage of oil.

4. The Cartel in its complete form is a selling syndicate formed to 

take over or control the marketing of the output of the member firms.

5. Large numbers of American corporations became multinationals 

simply in order to maintain or to expand markets in Canada or in the 


6. The multinational corporation may originally establish an overseas 

plant to protect an existing market to which it is exporting or in order 

to expand sales.

7. They try to adapt their polices and tactics to meet the new 


8. The term «programming» is used here to make a distinction 

between this and the planning in other countries.

9. This is clearly insufficient to justify the assertion that we have 

entered a technocratic epoch.

10. Individual firms were not large enough to exercise a perceptible 

influence over the market.

11. The developed countries desperately need foreign markets to 

keep their industries running.

12. Provisions exist in the constitution of the Fund for modification 

of rates if circumstances are such as to require it.

13. When too many laborers arrived to be absorbed on the East 

Coast, they could usually move on to Farmland in the interior.

14. Some of these men were honest, according to business standards 

of their day; others used force, bribery and guile to achieve their wealth 

and power.

15. Firms merged to create huge, diversified «conglomerates» for 

example International Telephone and Telegraph Co.

16. Some individual proprietors join forces with others to form 

chains of independents or cooperatives.

17. Some directors are selected to give prestige to the board, others 

to provide certain skills or to represent lending instructions.

18. Hedgers are business firms (or individuals) that enter into 

the commodity contract to be assured access to the commodity at a 

guaranteed price.

19. Strict regulations are needed to keep businesses from cheating or 

harming workers or consumers in order to increase business profits.

20. The government used the act to break up the Standard Oil 

Company and overall other large firms that have abused their economic 


21. The agency sets and enforces tolerable limits of pollution, and 

establishes timetables to bring polluters into line with standards.

22. The federal budget includes savings accounts that cannot 

automatically be converted to make purchases.

23. The new conditions may interact with the size of the money 

supply to create a totally unintended result.

24. Spending and taxing policies work together to increase or 

decrease aggregate demand.

с) Comparison (manner)

In some cases it has the additional meaning of purpose. In this 

function the Infinitive is introduced by the conjunction 

as if




and translated by adverbial clauses.

She nervously moved her hand towards his lips 

as if to stop him


Она нервно протянула руку к его губам, 

как будто хотела 





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