Мележик К. Н. Неличные формы глагола indd

Task 4. Analyze the sentences with the Complex Subject and

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Task 4. Analyze the sentences with the Complex Subject and 

translate them.

1. India appears to have been acquainted with iron and steel from 

an early age. 

2. A gram of water is proved to change exactly to a gram of ice when 

freezing and to a gram of water vapor when evaporating.

3. A sudden large supersaturation of the solution proves to cause the 

precipitation of very line crystals.

4. Television is likely to become commonplace within the next few 


5. It is pointed out that great advances in our knowledge of the lower 

ionosphere are likely to occur in the near future.

6. It is reasonable to expect and it has been found in practice, that an 

automatic computer is much less likely to make mistakes than a human 

being doing the same work.

7. The moment a flame comes near the gas in the mines, the gas is sure 

to explode. If it does explode, it will kill every one in that part of the mine.

8. Up to 1928 organic compounds were believed to be the products 

of vital processes only, that is, the products of plant or animal organs, 

therefore “organic”.

9. We see from Figure 2 that magnitude is an even Junction of 

frequency and phase is an odd function of frequency, which always 

turns out to be the case.

10. Solar installations have been reported to exist in many countries. 

Some of these installations seem to be used primarily for experimental 


11. The theory of gradient-Doppler has been demonstrated to have 

wide application and it is founded on already well accepted principles.

12. Bohr’s theory of atomic structure turned out to be extremely 

fruitful in the explanation of various properties of atoms and 


13. The present era, which is distinguished by the utilization of 

metals in enormous quantities, may be said to have begun in 1800.

14. The steam turbine, in a crude form is said to have been used 

many centuries ago, but its development as a really practical form of 

prime mover has only taken place during the last fifty years.

15. The majority of Gerick’s experiments on air pressure appear to 

have been carried out between 1657 and 1662.

16. Guerick appears to have been working on the air pump in 1635 


17. Metallic aluminum seems not to be acted upon by air or water, 

or many other chemical agencies.

18. There are crystals in which there appears to be two types of 

interatomic attraction acting at the same time.

19. Acid solutions are preferable to alkaline ones as they are less 

likely to give deposits of oxides or basic salts at the cathode.

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