Мележик К. Н. Неличные формы глагола indd

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The Perfect Infinitive


an action prior

 to the action of the 


Our head engineer was known 

to have made

 an important 




The Perfect Continuous Infinitive


an action which


lasted a certain


time before

 the action of the verb-predicate. 

Her cousin was believed 

to have been living

 in Sweden since the 

end of World War II. 

In technical texts the split infinitive is widely used (to clearly 

understand, to fully realize, etc). 


The Passive Forms of the Infinitive

Study the chart and translate the sentences into Russian

Active Infinitive

Passive Infinitive

He doesn’t want 

to disturb you


I am glad 

to give

 you advice.

I’d like you 

to understand



They had 

to do

 the work in time.

She was 

to meet

 him at the station.

He doesn’t want 

to be disturbed


I am glad 

to be given


I’d like my idea 

to be understood


The work had 

to be done

 in time.

He was 

to be met

 at the station.



In sentences with the construction 




 the Infinitive 

of some verbs can be active or passive without any change in the 



There’s no time 

to lose


to be lost


Task 1. Choose the correct form of the infinitive in brackets and 

fill up the blanks. Translate the sentences into Russian. 

1. I expect them ____ a telegram to me. / The telegram is ____


{send, be sent). 

2. Some people like ____ to themselves. / I don’t want you ____ so 


(leave, be left). 

3. They expect you ____ all the lectures. / They expect all the lectures 

____ regularly 

(attend, be attended).

4. We hadn’t reached the most northern part of the country yet, but 

cold began ____ already. / We began ____ the discomforts of the night 

train very soon 

(feel, be felt). 

5. She wants ____. / She wants ____ it 

(understand, be understood).

6. We were afraid ____ what was troubling him. / She was afraid 

____ this question 

(ask, be asked). 



I am sorry ____ you but may I ask you a question? / He was too weak 

____ (

trouble, be troubled).

8. We expected the meeting ____ next Monday. / We expected the 

speaker ____ the attention of the audience 

(hold, be held).

9. He was glad ____ the subject. / He didn’t want anything ____ in 

his room 

(change, be changed). 

10. Some changes had ____ . / He wanted ____ some changes in the 


(make, be made).

11. This is only ____ . / I don’t know what ____ of him 

(expect, be 



Task 2. Translate the following sentences into English, using 

either Active or Passive Infinitive. 

1. Он не любит привлекать внимание.

2. Всем хотелось, чтобы конференция состоялась в феврале.

3. Мы были рады, что до деревни добрались засветло.

4. Мы не ожидали, что решение будет принято так быстро.

5. Он рад, что ему помогают в работе.

6. Ребенок был слишком мал, чтобы оставлять его дома без 


7. Ему повезло, что его спросили первым.

8. Дети были довольны, что им дали билеты.

9. У меня есть друзья, которые могут помочь мне.

10. Вот статья, которую вы должны прочитать.

11. У нее есть ребенок, о котором ей надо заботиться.

12. У меня хорошая новость, которую я должен вам рассказать.

Task 3. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Passive In-

finitive and translate them into Russian.


: The house 

that will be built


here will be a school. 


     The house 

to be




here will be a school.

1. The questions 

that will be discussed


at the meeting are impor tant 

for our work. 2. The people 

that will be invited


to the conference must 

all take an active part in its work. 3. The work 

that must be finished




today is very important. 4. There was much 

that could be said


on the 

subject. 5. The railway 

that will be




there will join the two industrial 

centres. 6. He has lived in this town a long time and knows all the 

interesting and beautiful places 

that can be found here.


7. This was for 

him a chance 

that couldn’t be missed.

Task 4. Use the right form of the Infinitive.

1. Detective Morrison knocked on the door of Mrs. White’s house. 

When she opened the door he said, “I’m sorry (disturb) you but I have 

to ask you several questions.” In two hours the detective left the house 

saying, “I’m sorry (disturb) you.”

2. Sarah pretended (enjoy) herself although she felt like crying.

3. We didn’t expect (treat) like royalty.

4. They were fortunate (rescue) from the fire before the building 


5. Small children are eager (ask) questions and they always demand 


6. The little boy was proud (skate) for so long without falling down.

7. When walking around Rome, he felt extremely excited (walk) the 

streets of the city he had read so much about. 

8. Ann was doubtful that she would be admitted to university, so she 

was delighted (award) a place. 

9. Even though she was much younger than the other children, Alice 

demanded (include) in the game they were playing. 

10. He turned up at last two hours later saying: “I’m sorry (keep) you 

waiting for so long.” 

11. John claims (write) letters of application for a year already but 

(receive) no reply. 

12. Tom was so glad (dance) with Alice at last that he couldn’t help 

smiling happily. 

13. I hate people who talk about you behind your back and then 

pretend (be) nice to you when they meet you. 

14. He claims (see) the President, but I don’t believe him. 

15. Our football team is proud (win) every match this year. 

16. None of you may want (tell) blunt truth. 

17. Your proposal deserves (consider) seriously.

1. The forms and functions of the Infinitive

The Infinitive can be used in different syntactic functions. A single 

infinitive occurs but seldom: in most cases we find an infinitive phrase, 

i.e. an Infinitive with one or several accompanying words. 





It was foolish 

to conceal


the truth


from her

To conceal



truth from



 was foolish.





What I’m asking for is 

to leave


her alone



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