Мембранды үрдістер

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Ergashev Perdekhan

Aлматы технологиялық университеті”

Тема: Мембранды үрдістер

Орындаған : Ергашев Пердехан

Топ:TMO 18-13

Тексерген: Назымбекова.А

Алматы. 2021



1. Мембранды үрдістердің жалпы сипаттамасы

2. Мембрана сипаттамасы

3. Баромембранды үрдіске арналған аппараттар

4. Баромембранды үрдістер мен аппараттарды есептеу


Dry dairy products are widely used in various sectors of the food industry, the production of baby food, etc.

Dry dairy products have a fairly good nutritional and biological value, are convenient for transportation, and allow you to create stocks of food dairy products. The production of dry dairy products makes it possible to use all the useful substances of milk. This production is practically waste-free.

Dry dairy products contain very little water (from 3 to 5%), proteins, fats, lactose, a complex of vitamins and a rich range of minerals.

The nutritional value of dry dairy products for baby food after their recovery is even higher than that of fresh milk. This is achieved through various additives: vitamins, minerals, dextrin maltose, oil, protein and other additives.

In the new economic conditions, enterprises that process raw materials of animal origin and trade enterprises are at the stage of formation and improvement of technological processes, which negatively affects the quality of dairy, meat and fish food products.

Dry mixtures are obtained by drying in spray dryers, subjected to heat treatment of rare mixtures made from whole and skimmed milk. Spray dryers are the most common, efficient and economical way to produce guaranteed high-quality dairy products.

Until now, the production of dairy products uses dryers produced 30-40 years ago. These are, as a rule, single-stage drying dryers of various modifications and firms. Modern drying plants provide two or even three stages of drying dairy products. The second stage of drying, or rather drying, opens up new opportunities for production workers. If it is available, it is possible to significantly reduce the temperature of the air, and in the drying bath, accordingly, the issue of burning the product, to a large extent sticking it to the walls of the bath, is reduced. The process is carried out in a delicate mode, which allows you to preserve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the original product. The product, processed in a gentle mode, has a relatively high humidity and enters the next stage of drying as if not dried and is dried in the air layer, which allows you to get a high-quality product. At the same time, energy consumption is reduced (up to 30-40%). The heat regulators included in the process allow you to further raise the bar of economy. The company ICF & Welko s. p.A (Italy), as a know-how, offers to complete production lines with agglomerates of the RC model. R, which by the method of steam sintering make it possible to obtain a granular product with granules of 1-3 mm. The function also provides improvements in the highest appearance, solubility, flowability, splendor and a number of other technical characteristics of the finished product, while leaving the physical and chemical properties unchanged. This opens up prospects for manufacturers to expand the range, allowing them to create a whole palette of new products based on sintered, granular mixtures.

Indicative is the experience of the company "Alev" which purchased a dryer of the last generation. The modern market of dairy products is developing dynamically, the production of competitive products without modern equipment is almost impossible.

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