Методическая разработка открытого урока по мировой музыкальной литературе Тема «Analyzing academic language»

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IV. Актуализация темы
4.1. Значимость спорта в жизни человека.
Today we’ll speak on the topic “Health is the ‘best wealth. We’ll discuss how sports, balanced diet help us to be fit, healthy and strong. We will speak about sports in our country. You will know something interesting and new for you. I hope that our co-operation will be important and useful for you and for me. You see that your health is in your own hands. Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: The ‘first ‘wealth is health. ‘Health is the ‘best wealth. These words will be a redline of today’s lesson.

  • Will you read the epigraph to our lesson? ("A sound Mind in a Sound Body".)

  • How do you understand it? (В здоровом теле здоровый дух).

V. Систематизация и обобщение изученного материала
5.1. «Good and bad habits. What habits give such results? » - «Хорошие и плохие привычки. Какие привычки дают такой результат? » (выполнение упражнений)

- What habits give such results?

- Try to give full answer, please.
- For example, If you are smoking you will have yellow teeth
- So, let us begin. One by one.
(Possible answers of the students:
Student 1: Smoking causes a caugh, a headache and in the worst case cancer.
- It makes teeth yellow, hair smell, clothes smell, and skin unhealthy.
- It’s true that smoking affects the health of the whole family, the people around you.
Student 2: I think that drinking alcohol causes a headache, heart disease, slow reactions and loss of memory.
- It makes skin unhealthy, speech unclear and brain centers sleep.
- Drinking affects the whole family, the people around a drinking person, one’s social controls.
Student 3: To my mind taking drugs is a very bad habit. It causes blood disease, brain disease, slow reactions, loss of memory and death.
- Taking drugs makes speech unclear, brain centers sleep)

5.2. «Rules of healthy life» - «Правила здоровой жизни» (высказывание собственного мнения)
Do you agree with these statements? Tell me your own opinions either is it correct or isn’t it.

  1. Our health doesn’t depend on our way of life.

  2. Healthy food is not very important.

  3. A little exercise every day will keep you fit.

  4. We should have our meals at regular hours.

  5. Taking drugs causes a cough.

  6. Taking drugs makes brain centers more active.

  7. A balanced diet causes obesity.

  8. You will find protein in butter, bread, fruit and vegetables.

  9. To get more vitamins you should eat more fruit and vegetables.

5.3. «Important steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle» - «Основные правила здорового образа жизни» (аудирование)







health, exercise


man - woman


Listen to the conversation between husband and wife and after listening answer to these following questions.

1. What does the man want to do?
A. play basketball with friends from work
B. try out for the company baseball team
C. get in shape and compete in a cycling race
2. What is the woman's main concern?
A. She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.
B. She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.
C. She is concerned about her husband's health.
3. What is the woman's first suggestion to her husband?
A. He should see a doctor.
B. Her husband should start with a light workout.
C. Her husband needs to visit a fitness trainer.
4. What does the woman advise about the man's diet?
A. He should consume less salt.
B. He should eat less fatty foods.
C. He should add more protein products to his diet.
5. Why does the man's wife recommend cycling?
A. It is good for improving muscle tone.
B. It helps strengthen the heart. 
C. It helps develop mental toughness.

5.4. «Good and Bad manners» - «Хорошие и плохие привычки» (просмотр видеоролика)
I hope you understand that it is important to follow these simple rules to keep fit. But sometimes people can fall ill. What should they do in this case? Let's watch a video fragment about people who have some problems with their health. Then you will tell me what they complain of and what they should do to recover. (Watching a video fragment).

Thin questions

Thick questions

  1. What does this person complain of?

  1. How do you think do we face such issue in our country?

  1. What does he advise him to do?

  1. How can we solve this problem and in what way?

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