Методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов факультета химии и химической технологии " Simple Chemistry" Алматы 2017

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түріМетодическая разработка
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мет. разработка по химии

7. I have obtained water.

Ex. 5 Put the following sentences in Present Perfect using already and yet. For example:
I did this experiment three days ago. – I have already done this experiment.
Did you write a letter to your mother yesterday? – Have you written a letter to your mother yet?
I didn’t pass the water through column last time. – I haven’t passed the water through column yet.
1. I passed solution through anionite three days ago.
2. I didn’t place ionite in the second column last time.
3. I placed ion exchange resins in the solution yesterday.
4. Did you obtain deminiralized water last time ?
5. Yesterday I used this filter.
6. Did you use quartz filters yesterday?
7. I built this setup last month.

Ex. 6 Put the verbs in brackets in Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1. Yesterday the colour of the solution (to be) different.
2. I (to finish)_____ my experiment.
3. Magnesium (to turn)____ just red.
4. When you (carry out)____ this experiment?
5. Two days ago I (to obtain)____ germanium oxide.
6. I already (to study)____ the properties of this metal.
7. Last time I (to determine)____ the new characteristics of ionic bond.
8. These two substances (not to react)____ with each other yesterday.

Ex. 7 Read and translate the text
Electron shells

We subdivide each shell into subshells. They are made up of orbitals, each of which has electrons with different angular momentum. Each orbital in a shell has a characteristic shape, and is named by a letter. They are: s, p, d, and f. In one-electron atom (e.g. H, He+, Li+, etc.) the energy of each orbital within a particular shell is identical. When there is more than one electron, they interact with one another and split the orbitals into different energies. Within any particular shell, the energy of the orbitals depends on the angular momentum. The simplest orbital in the atom is the 1s orbital. It has no radial or angular nodes: the 1s orbital is simply a sphere of electron density. The s orbital holds two electrons, as long as they have different spin quantum numbers. Starting from the 2nd shell, there is a set of p orbitals. Each orbital accommodates two electrons. The first set of d orbitals is the 3d set. The angular momentum quantum number is 2, so each orbital has two angular nodes. There are 5 choices for the magnetic quantum number, which gives rise to 5 different d orbitals. Each orbital holds two electrons. The first set of f orbitals is the 4f subshell. There are 7 possible magnetic quantum numbers, so there are 7 f orbitals. There are 14 f electrons because each orbital holds two electrons (with opposite spins).

an electron shell  электронная оболочка
a subshell  подоболлочка
an orbital  орбиталь
a shape  форма
within  внутри
identical  одинаковый

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