Methane is a colourless odourless gas, CH4; m.p. is -182.5°C; b.p. is -164°C. Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon. It is the first member of the alkane series. It is the main constituent of natural gas (-99%) and is an important raw material for producing other organic compounds. Chemists can convert it into methanol by catalytic oxidation.
Vocabulary carbon углерод
an organic compound органическое соединение
alcohol спирт
primary первичный
secondary вторичный
tertiary третичный
potassium dichromate дихромат калия
ester сложный эфир
methanol метанол
ethanol этанол
to differ in the way one reacts chemically отличаться по способу реагирования
dehydration дегидратация
alkenes алкены
ether эфир
aldehyde альдегид
carboxylic acid карбоновая кислота
oxidation окисление
to cause вызывать
reducing agent восстановитель
sodium hydrogensulphate гидросульфат натрия
formation образование
addition compounds добавочные соединения
hydrogen cyanide цианистый водород
cyanohydrins цианогидриды
methane метан
m.p. (melting point) точка плавления
b.p. (boiling point) точка кипения
hydrocarbon углеводород
alkane series ряд алкенов
main constituent основная компонент
natural gas природный газ
raw material сырье
to convert into превратить
conversion превращение
catalytic oxidation каталитическое окисление
Laboratory The laboratory is a place where the students and research assistants of the chemical faculty carry out different experiments. Modern laboratories of organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, colloidal chemistry, and electrochemistry have running water and gas. Every chemical laboratory has a ventilating hood for the escape of harmful odours and vapors. Every laboratory has lightening and different types of equipment.
All chemical laboratories have benches. These benches have a lot of drawers. Chemists keep their materials and devices in these drawers. Chemical laboratories also have many shelves and cases. Chemists keep their containers with chemicals in these cases. Flasks, weighing bottles, test-tubes, beakers, funnels, evaporating dishes are on the benches.
Chemists keep their glassware in good order. Some chemical laboratories, for example of the laboratories of physical chemistry have a microscope. Chemists use this device when they need to describe the properties of a substance or define what substances they obtained after experiment.
There are many burners in the chemical laboratory, for example Bunsen burner. Chemists use burners when they need to produce flame. Chemists use crucibles. They use crucibles when they need to heat a solution, ignite materials. People make crucibles of quartz, porcelain and iron. Also I know platinum crucibles. Chemists use platinum crucibles very seldom.
Vocabulary notes
a laboratory лаборатория
a research assistant научный сотрудник
to carry out проводить
a ventilating hood тяга
the escape of harmful odours and vapors выход вредных запахов и паров
lightening освещение
running water водопровод
equipment оборудование
a bench лабораторный стол
a drawer ящик
to keep хранить
a device прибор
a container сосуд, емкость
a chemical химическое вещество (химикат)
a case шкаф
a flask колба
weighing bottles стаканчики для взвешивания
a test-tube пробирка
a beaker мензурка
a funnel воронка
glassware стеклянная посуда
to keep smth in a good order хранить что-то в идеальном порядке
to describe описывать
to define определять
a property свойство
a burner горелка
Bunsen burner горелка Бунзена
to heat a solution разогревать раствор
quartz кварц
iron железо