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түріЖұмыс бағдарламасы
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«Стоматология» мамандығына арналған шет тілдер кафедрасының аға оқытушысы Бикташева Г.М. дайындаған ағылшын тілінің жұмыс бағдарламасының бағалауы

Жұмыс бағдарламасы жоғарғы медициналық оқу орындарында шет тілдерін типтік оқу бағдарламасы негізінде (Алматы 1999), №6 инструктивті хатқа сай құрастырылған.

Жұмыс бағдарламасы келесі құрылымдардан тұрады:

1. Жалпы мағлұматтар.

2. Бағдарламада кіріспе, пәннің мақсаты, оқыту міндеттері, оқудың соңғы нәтижесі, реквизитке дейінгі, реквизиттен кейінгі, сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары, сабақ беру және оқу әдістері, студенттердің білімдерін мен дағдыларын бағалау әдістері, ұсынылатын әдебиеттер мен қосымшалар.

Жұмыс бағдарламасы ғылыми және тәжірибелік жұмыстарының жетістіктерін, маман дайындауда жаңа талаптарын қоса есептегенде құрастырылған.

Тақырыптың жоспарында ауызекі сөйлеу тәжірибе жүзінде меңгеруді үйретуге арналған «Лондон», «Қазақстан», «Университет» сонымен қатар мамандыққа бейімделген «Тістер құрылымы», «Ауыз қуысы», «Тіс және қызыл иек», «Тістердің периодонтальды аурулары » және т.б. тақырыптарды қамтиды.

Тақырыптық жоспарлар берілген тәжірибелік сабақтар, СӨЖ үшін әрбір сабақтың жүргізу түрінің анық сипаттауымен сағаттарға қарай бөлінген. Бөлінген сағаттарды және әрбір мамандық кредиттерін қоса есептегенде жұмыс бағдарламасында бақылау нұсқасы мен бақылау тапсырмалары үшін балдық – деңгейлік жүйе жасалған.

Ұсынылып отырған жұмыс бағдарламасы «Стоматология» мамандығы үшін кредиттік технологияның қатаң талаптарына сай жасалған және оқытушылардың тәжірибелік жұмыстарында пайдалануға болады деп есептеймін.
Қазақ тілі кафедрасының меңгерушісі, доцент: Б.Ж. Исхан

«Стоматология» мамандығына арналған шет тілдер кафедрасының аға оқытушысы Бикташева Г.М. дайындаған ағылшын тілінің жұмыс бағдарламасының бағалауы

Жұмыс бағдарламасы жоғарғы медициналық оқу орындарында шет тілдерін типтік оқу бағдарламасы негізінде (Алматы 1999), №6 инструктивті хатқа сай құрастырылған.

Жұмыс бағдарламасы келесі құрылымдардан тұрады:

1. Жалпы мағлұматтар.

2. Бағдарламада кіріспе, пәннің мақсаты, оқыту міндеттері, оқудың соңғы нәтижесі, реквизитке дейінгі, реквизиттен кейінгі, сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары, сабақ беру және оқу әдістері, студенттердің білімдерін мен дағдыларын бағалау әдістері, ұсынылатын әдебиеттер мен қосымшалар.

Жұмыс бағдарламасы ғылыми және тәжірибелік жұмыстарының жетістіктерін, маман дайындауда жаңа талаптарын қоса есептегенде құрастырылған.

Тақырыптың жоспарында ауызекі сөйлеу тәжірибе жүзінде меңгеруді үйретуге арналған «Лондон», «Қазақстан», «Университет» сонымен қатар мамандыққа бейімделген «Тістер құрылымы», «Ауыз қуысы», «Тіс және қызыл иек», «Тістердің периодонтальды аурулары » және т.б. тақырыптарды қамтиды.

Тақырыптық жоспарлар берілген тәжірибелік сабақтар, СӨЖ үшін әрбір сабақтың жүргізу түрінің анық сипаттауымен сағаттарға қарай бөлінген. Бөлінген сағаттарды және әрбір мамандық кредиттерін қоса есептегенде жұмыс бағдарламасында бақылау нұсқасы мен бақылау тапсырмалары үшін балдық – деңгейлік жүйе жасалған.

Ұсынылып отырған жұмыс бағдарламасы «Стоматология» мамандығы үшін кредиттік технологияның қатаң талаптарына сай жасалған және оқытушылардың тәжірибелік жұмыстарында пайдалануға болады деп есептеймін.

Тіл дисциплина кафедрасының меңгерушісі,

аға оқытушы: К.Т. Кешелева


Бірінші ОТ және ӘЖ проректоры

проф. А.А. Шортанбаев


«___» _________ 2008 ж.

пән: Ағылшын тілі IYa 1103
мамандық: 051302 «Стоматология»
Кафедра: шет тілдер
Курс: екінші Семестр: үшінші, төртінші

Лекция: жоқ

Практикалық сабақ – 90 сағат

Оқытушымен студенттің

бірге өзіндік жұмысы (ОСӨЖ): - жоқ

Барлық аудиториялық: 90 сағат

Аудиториядан тыс студенттердің

өзіндік жұмысы (СӨЖ) – 45 сағат

Барлық кредит – 3 (135 сағат)

Бақылау түрі: емтихан – 4 семестр

АЛМАТЫ, 2008
Жұмыс бағдарламаны аға оқытушы Бикташева Г.М. жасады.


жұмыс бағдарламасы “Типтік оқу бағдарламасының” негізі бойынша құрылған, БМ және ҒҚР бұйрығымен бекітілген № 200 бұйрық Астана қ. 30.03.2005ж.

және кафедра отырысында талқыланды «____»__________2008ж.,

Кафедра меңгерушісі доц. Сулейменова О.Я.
Жұмыс бағдарламасы циклдік әдістемелік комиссиясында талқыланған

«____»__________2008ж., №______бұйрық

Төрәйім проф. Тлегенова С.Е.

1. Жалпы мәліметтер:

Жоғары оқу орнының атауы: С. Ж. Асфендияров атындағы Қазақ Ұлтық Медицина Университеті

Кафедра: Шет тілдер

Пән, пәннің коды: IY а 1103

Мамандық: 051302 « Стоматология»

Оқу сағатының көлемі (кредиттер): 3 кредит, 135 сағат

Курс және семестр – 2 курс, 3-4 семестірлер.

2. Бағдарлама :


Қазақстан Республикасында жүріп жатқан ғаламдану, әлеуметтік эконимика және саяси өзгерістерге байланысты, шет тілін білуге, өз бетінше үйренуге деген құлшынысты арттырып, оның ролін күшейтіп отыр. Әлемдік білім алу кеңістігінде (шет ел тілін оқыту) интеграциялық процестердің тереңдеп, кең қанат жайған жағдайында шет ел тілін оқыту өзекті біліктілігі жоғары дәрежеде маманданған білімі жағынан бәсекеге түсе алатын, өзін халықаралық еңбек жәрмеңкесінде еркін сезініп, жүре алатын мамандар дайындау мәселесінің бөлінбес бөлігі болып табылады.

Пәннің мақсаты:

Жоғарғы оқу орнында жалпы білім беретін пәндер қатарында оқытылатын шет ел тілі курсының мақсаты; ол – студенттерді күнделікті өмірде, тұрмыста кездесетін тілдік формаларды ауызекі сөйлесу тілі және белгілі бір мамандық саласында күнделікті өмірде, кәсіби қарым-қатынас жасағанда шетел тілін белсенді қолдана білуге, қабілет пен дағдыларды қалыптастыруға үйрету, атап айтқанда:

• мамандық бойынша шетел әдебиеті (журнал мақалалары, монография) мен құжаттармен жұмыс істеу:

• шетел тілінде күнделікті өмірде, кәсіби қарым-қатынас жасағанда қоғамдық ортада сөйлеу.

• докладтар мен қысқаша мәліметтер даярлау.

• шетел тіліндегі пікірталастарға қатысу.

Оқытудың міндеттері:

• Ж.О.О. дейінгі алынған фонетикалық, лексикалық – грамматикалық білімдерді жалпылау.

• Студентте тыңдау дағдысын әртүрлі түсіну деңгейінде қалыптастыру.

• Күнделікті өмірде және кәсіби қатынас жағдайында қарым-қатынас қабілеті мен тілдік дағдыларды қалыптастыру.

  • 1-2ші этап (I, II семестрлар) дағдысын жетілдіру, оқып жатқан тақырыпта ойламаған жерден пікір айта -талқылай білу.

  • Студенттерді диалог-сұқпат, дөңгелек стөл сияқты диалогты сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру.

• Түпнұсқалы медициналық журналдармен ғылыми белгілі мақалаларды, медициналық әдебиетті оқуға арналған мақаларды, кітап мәтіндеріне деген таныстыру, іздеу шолу сияқты оқу түрлеріне үйрету.

• Студенттер күнделікті жазу қарым-қатынасына еркін түсе алатындай кез келген жазу түрін жазуды қалыптастыру.

• Ғылыми медициналық әдебиеттерді аударуға, аннотация, рефераттың негізгі тәсілдерін үйрету.
Оқытудың соңғы нәтижелері:

студент білуі керек:

• негізгі базалық, қолданыстағы грамматикалық, фонетикалық және орфографиялық тілдік нормаларды.

• медицина ғылымының негізгі бағытымен оқылатын мамандыққа байланысты негізгі лексика мен лексикалық құрылымдарды.

• оқу мәтіндерінің мазмұнын.

• аннотация, реферат, ғылыми әдебиетті аударудың негізгі тәсілдері.

студент істей алуы керек:

• мәтіндерді сөздікпен және сөздіксіз оқу:

• берілген ақпаратты табу;

• оқыған мәтіннің мағынасын түсіну;

• берілген тақырып бойынша мәтіннің негізгі сөздері мен сөйлемшелерін пайдаланып қысқаша мәлімет жазу.

• сұрақ қойып жауап беру;

• оқылатын тақырып бойынша диалог, пікірталас, әңгіме, дебат өткізу;

• хат, резюме, сұрақнама, аурудың тарихы, медициналық картасын толтыру;

• Мультимедиялық класс, лингафон кабинетінде, компьютер класында, кітапхана жағдайында өз бетінше жұмыс істей алу.
Пәннің пререквизиті:

шет тілін оқыту курсы орта жалпы білім беру мектебінде, орта мамандандырылған мектепте немесе орта арнайы оқу орындарында (колледж), және де шетел тілін оқыту курстарында, ЖОО-да I және II семестірде оқу.

Пәннің постреквизиті:

шет тілін білу керек:

• іскерлік шет тіліндегі қарым-қатынас үшін;

• шетелдік халықаралық оқу орындарында мамандық бойынша білім алу үшін;

• ғаламданған ақпараттық инфрақұрылымға, интернет және басқа жаңа телекоммуникация сияқты қатынас құралдарына кіру.

Тәжірбиелік сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары, СӨЖ (3 семестр)

апта №

реттік №


Өткізу түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы







Лексика-грамматикалық тест

Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Болымды түрі







Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite Шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Болымcыз түрі







Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite Шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Сұраулы түрі







Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі







Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі







Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі







Ауыз қуысы. Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)







Ауыз қуысы.

Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)

Аралық бақылау.







Ауыз қуысы.

Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)







Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.







Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.







Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.







Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдары.

сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.







Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдары.

сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.







Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.





Сағат саны:



Барлық сағат саны:


Барлық бал саны:


Тәжірбиелік сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары, СӨЖ (4 семестр)

апта №

реттік №


Өткізу түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы







Тіс жегінің себептері

Күрделі бастауыш







Тіс жегінің себептері

Күрделі бастауыш







Тіс жегін алдын алу және оны емдеу

Күрделі бастауыш







Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .







Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .







Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .







Тістерді пломбалау








Тістерді пломбалау


Аралық бақылау.







Тістерді пломбалау
































Стоматологиялық қызмет көрсету жүйесіндегі профилактикалық стоматология

Модальды етістіктер







Стоматологиялық қызмет көрсету жүйесіндегі профилактикалық стоматология

Модальды етістіктер







Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.





Сағат саны:



Барлық сағат саны:


Барлық бал саны:


Жоғарғы бал саны:

Тәжірибелік сабақ = 45 бал (1 тәжірибелік = 1.5, барлығы 30 сабақ, жалпы 1.5б х 30 = 45 бал).

СӨЖ = 9 бал (1СӨЖ = 3 бал, студент кем дегенде әртүрлі 3 СӨЖ орындауға міндетті, барлығы 3б х 3 = 9 бал).

Аралық бақылау = 6 бал (1 аралық бақылау = 1.5 бал, барлығы 4 аралық бақылау, жалпы 1,5б х 4 = 6 бал).

Сабақ түріне қарай сағат пен балдың бөлініуі.


Жұмыс түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы




Аралық бақ. =1,


Лексика-грамматикалық тест

Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Болымды түрі





Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі





Ауыз қуысы. Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)

Аралық бақылау.





Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.





Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдар.

сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.





Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.





Тіс жегінің себептері

Күрделі бастауыш





Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .





Тістерді пломбалау


Аралық бақылау.











Стоматологиялық қызмет көрсету жүйесіндегі профилактикалық стоматология

Модальды етістіктер





Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.




Сағат саны:135




Барлық сабақ:




Семестрдегі балдың жоғарғы саны = 60 бал.




Қорытындылау (емтихан) балының жоғарғы саны = 40бал.

Пән бойынша барлық балдың саны= 100 бал.

Оқыту әдісі : Тәжірибе сабақтарын СӨЖ - ді оқыту түрлері

Тәжірибе сабақтарын өткізу:

Пәннің басты тақырыптары бойынша сабақтар, тесттер мен ситуациялық тапсырмалар, оқулықпен жұмыс, компьютерлік модельдер мен бағдарламалар.

СӨЖ-ді ұйымдастыру түрі:

СӨЖ тақырыбы бойынша әдебиетпен жұмыс, терминдік сөздіктер құрастыру, тест жұмыстарын орындау, баяндамаға дайындық, реферат, эссе, жұмыстарды қорғауға дайындау, кесте – сызба, постерлерді дайындау.

Студенттің білімі мен дағдысын бағалау әдісі:
Тәжірибе сабақтарының ағымдық бақылауы:

• ауызша және жазбаша жауап алу (әдістемелік нұсқаудың сұрақтары бойынша)

• жазбаша түрде тестілеу

• ауызша ситуациялық тапсырмаларды тексеру

• лексико-грамматикалық тапсырмалардың орындалуын қадағалау.


• реферат, эссе, баяндама қорғау.

• тестік жұмыстардың орындалуын қадағалау.

• терминдік сөздіктің жасалуын қадағалау.

• постер, кесте-сызбаларды көрсету.

Аралық бақылау:

• тест және тақырып бойынша жазбаша мазмұндама.

Қорытынды бақылау:

Аралық және ағымдық бақылаудың нәтижесін ескере отырып ауызша емтихан + тест

Аралық бақылау уақыты: әр семестрдің 8 және 15 аптасында
Қорытындылау сынағының уақыты: семестр сонында ОҮБ және ЖБ сабақ кестесі бойынша.
Ұсынылатын әдебиет:
Негізгі әдебиет:

1. Учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов стоматологов», А., 2006

2. Смирнова Л.С. английский язык для студентов стоматологов. М., 1990.

3. Маслова А.М. учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов.М., 2001.

4. Маслова А.М. лабораторные работы по английскому языку для медицинских вузов. М., 2001.

5. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Start course, elementary course. Cambridge, 1993.

Қосымша әдебиет:

  1. Куриленко А.Н. 400 тем по английскому языку. М., 1998.

  2. Бонк Н.А. и др. Учебник английского языка, М., 1999.

  3. Кузнецова Н. Учись читать литературу по специальности, М. Высшая школа, 1985.

  4. Longman. Cutting edge (start, elementary, pre-intermediate) / Student’s book, work book, cassettes. 2004

  5. Longman. The Essentials of English. A writer’s Handbook. 2004.

  6. Longman. Student Grammar of Spoken and written English. 2004.

  7. В.И.Петров, В.С.Чупятова, С.И.Корн. Русско-английский медицинский словарь разговорник. М., 2000.

Оқу - әдістемелік кешен
пән: Ағылшын тілі IYa 1103
мамандық: 051302 «Стоматология»
Кафедра: шет тілдер
Курс: II

Алматы, 2008


  1. Силлабус .....................................................................

  1. Тәжірибе сабақтарына арналған әдістемелік

ұсыныстар .................................................................

  1. Өзіндік жұмысқа арналған әдістемелік

ұсыныстар .................................................................

  1. Қорытынды бағалау құралдары ...........................


пән: Ағылшын тілі IY а 1103

мамандық: 051302 « Стоматология»
Кафедра: шет тілі

Курс: екінші Семестр: үшінші, төртінші Лекция: - жоқ

Тәжірибе (семинар) сабақтары – 90 сағат

Оқытушымен студенттің

өзіндік жұмысы (ОСӨЖ) – жоқ

барлық аудиториялық: - 90 сағат (2 кредит)

Аудитариядан тыс студенттің өзіндік жұмысы

(СӨЖ) - 45 сағат (1 кредит)

Барлық кредит – 3 (135 сағат)

Тексеру түрі: емтихан 4 семестр

Алматы, 2008

Силлабус жұмыс бағдарламасына сәйкес аға окытушы Ғ.М. Бикташевамен жасалған .

Кафедра отырысында «___»_________2008 ж. талқыланды және бекітілді, хаттама №___________

Кафедра меңгерушісі: доц. Сулейменова О.Я.

1. Жалпы мәліметтер:

Ж.О.О. атауы : С.Ж. Аспендияров атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық медициналық Университеті.

Кафедра: шет тілдер

Пән, пән коды: IYа 1103

Мамандық: 051302 « Стоматология»

Оқу сағат көлемі (кредит)- 3 кредит, 135 сағат

Оқытылу курсы мен семестрі – 2 курс, 3-4 семестр
Оқытушылар туралы жалпы мәліметтер:

Аты –жөні



Приоритеттік ғылыми қызығушылықтары.

жетістіктері т.б.


Садыкова А.А.

аға оқытушы


Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, ғылыми әдебиеттерді аударудың теориясы мен практикасы шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар, «Фармация, химия, технология мамандығы студенттеріне арналған ағылшын тілі» - оқу қуралы, Алматы 2006. «Стоматолог студенттерге арналған ағылшын тілі» атты оқу құралы, Алматы, 2006.


Сағантаева С.Х.

аға оқытушы


Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, ғылыми әдебиеттерді аударудың теориясы мен практикасы, шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар, «Фармация, химия, технология мамандығы студенттеріне арналған ағылшын тілі» - оқу қуралы, Алматы 2006. «Стоматолог студенттерге арналған ағылшын тілі» атты оқу құралы, Алматы,2006.


Бикташева Г.М.

аға оқытушы

Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар, инновациялық технология, шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар,

«Фармация, химия, технология мамандығы студенттеріне арналған ағылшын тілі» оқу құралы, Алматы 2006. «Стоматолог студенттерге арналған ағылшын тілі» оқу құралы, Алматы,2006.


Лозенко И.В.

аға оқытушы

Лексикология, лексикология және шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар, ««Стоматолог студенттерге арналған ағылшын тілі» оқу құралы, Алматы,2006.


Унасбаева Г.А.

аға оқытушы


Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар, инновациялық технология, шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар, «Стоматолог студенттерге арналған ағылшын тілі» оқу құралы, Алматы,2006.


Шойбекова а.Ж.




Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылым.


Мезгильбаева З.М.


Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар, инновациялық технология,шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар, «Стоматолог студенттерге арналған ағылшын тілі» оқу құралы, Алматы,2006.


Махамбетова Ж.Т.


Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар, инновациялық технология, шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар,

«Фармация, химия, технология мамандығы студенттеріне арналған ағылшын тілі» оқу құралы, Алматы 2006.


Баянбаева А.А.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Сұлтанова Н.Т.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Бижанова А.А.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар, инновациялық технология, шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Қайбалдиева Б.М



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Ибраева А.С.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Жантасова С.О.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Бейсембаева Ж.А.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, ғылыми әдебиеттерді аударудың теориясы мен практикасы, шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Серикбекқызы А.С.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Ұлтанбекова З.Т.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі, Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі бойынша басылымдар.


Темірбекова Ұ.С.



Лексикология. Лингвистика бойынша басылым.


Сайынова М.Б.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар.


Баймолда Р.





Рахманова А.М.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар.


Қайрақбаева Г.С.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі.


Арғынбаева А.К.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар.


Сабырбаева Н.К.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі.


Абдижами Д.Ж.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар.


Қыдырбай Г.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі.


Сыдықова Қ.Ж.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар.


Жұбанышева А.Ж.



Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық технологиялар.


Жұмағұлова Қ.Ж.





Рыспанова А.А.



Шет тілін оқытудың әдістемесі.

Байланыс ақпараты:

Кафедраның мекен-жайы:

Адресі: Төле-би көшесі, 151 2 оқу ғимараты

тел: 292-86-69 (311)

Пәннің саясаты төмендегі талаптардан тұрады:

• сабаққа міндетті түрде қатысу;

• сабаққа кешікпеу;

• сабақты себепсіз жібермеу, ауырған жағдайда анықтама көрсету;

• сабаққа дайындалу, үй жұмысы мен СӨЖ орындау;

• тапсырманы дәл уақытында тапсыру т.б.

• оқу үрдісіне белсенді атсалысу;

• тапсырманы дәл уақытында тапсыру т.б.

• оқу үрдісіне белсенді атсалысу;

• тапсырманы уакытында орындамаған жағдайда қорытынды бағасы төмендейтінән есте сақтау.

• ұқыпты, жауапты және тәртіпті болу;

• ұжымдық жұмыстарға атсалысу.

Бағдарлама :


Қазақстан Республикасында жүріп жатқан ғаламдану, әлеуметтік эконимика және саяси өзгерістерге байланысты, шет тілін білуге, өз бетінше үйренуге деген құлшынысты арттырып, оның ролін күшейтіп отыр. Әлемдік білім алу кеңістігінде (шет ел тілін оқыту) интеграциялық процестердің тереңдеп, кең қанат жайған жағдайында шет ел тілін оқыту өзекті біліктілігі жоғары дәрежеде маманданған білімі жағынан бәсекеге түсе алатын, өзін халықарамық еңбек жәрмеңкесінде еркін сезініп, жүре алатын мамандар дайындау мәселесінің бөлінбес бөлігі болып табылады.

Пәннің мақсаты:

Жоғарғы оқу орнында жалпы білім беретін пәндер қатарында оқытылатын шет ел тілі курсының мақсаты:

Болашақ мамандарды күнделікті өмірде, тұрмыста кездесетін тілдік формаларды ауызекі сөйлесу тілі және белгілі бір мамандық саласында күнделікті өмірде, кәсіби қарым-қатынас жасағанда шетел тілін белсенді қолдана білуге, қабілет пен дағдыларды қалыптастыруға үйрету, атап айтқанда:

• мамандық бойынша шетел әдебиетімен (журнал мақалалары, монография) және құжаттармен жұмыс істеу:

• шетел тілінде күнделікті өмірде, кәсіби қарым-қатынас жасағанда қоғамдық ортада сөйлеу.

• докладтар мен қысқаша мәліметтер даярлау.

• шетел тіліндегі пікірталастарға қатысу.

Оқытудың міндеттері:

• Ж.О.О. дейінгі алынған фонетикалық, лексикалық – грамматикалық білімдерді жалпылау.

• Студентте тыңдау дағдысын әртүрлі түсіну деңгейінде қалыптастыру.

• Күнделікті өмірде және кәсіби қатынас жағдайында қарым-қатынас қабілеті мен тілдік дағдыларды қалыптастыру.

  • 1-2ші этап (I, II семестрлар) дағдысын жетілдіру, оқып жатқан тақырыпта ойламаған жерден пікір айта -талқылай білу.

• Түпнұсқалы медициналық журналдармен ғылыми белгілі мақалаларды, медициналық әдебиетті оқуға арналған мақаларды, кітап мәтіндеріне деген таныстыру, іздеу шолу сияқты оқу түрлеріне үйрету.

• Студенттер күнделікті жазу қарым-қатынасына еркін түсе алатындай кез келген жазу түрін жазуды қалыптастыру.

• Ғылыми медициналық әдебиеттерді аударуға, аннотация, рефераттың негізгі тәсілдерін үйрету.
Оқытудың соңғы нәтижелері:

студент білуі керек:

• негізгі базалық, қолданыстағы грамматикалық, фонетикалық және орфографиялық тілдік нормаларды.

• медицина ғылымының негізгі бағытымен оқылатын мамандыққа байланысты негізгі лексика мен лексикалық құрылымдарды.

• оқу мәтіндерінің мазмұнын.

• аннотация, реферат, ғылыми әдебиетті аударудың негізгі тәсілдері.

студент істей алуы керек:

• мәтіндерді сөздікпен және сөздіксіз оқу:

• берілген ақпаратты табу;

• оқыған мәтіннің мағынасын түсіну;

• берілген тақырып бойынша мәтіннің негізгі сөздері мен сөйлемшелерін пайдаланып қысқаша мәлімет жазу.

• сұрақ қойып жауап беру;

• оқылатын тақырып бойынша диалог, пікірталас, әңгіме, дебат өткізу;

• хат, резюме, сұрақнама, аурудың тарихы, медициналық картасын толтыру;

• Мультимедиялық класс, лингафон кабинетінде, компьютер класында, кітапхана жағдайында өз бетінше жұмыс істей алу.
Пәннің пререквизиті:

шет тілін оқыту курсы орта жалпы білім беру мектебінде, орта мамандандырылған мектепте немесе орта арнайы оқу орындарында (колледж), және де шетел тілін оқыту курстарында.

Пәннің постреквизиті:

шет тілін білу керек:

• іскерлік шет тіліндегі қарым-қатынас үшін;

• шетелдік халықаралық оқу орындарында мамандық бойынша білім алу үшін;

• ғаламданған ақпараттық инфрақұрылымға, интернет және басқа жаңа телекоммуникация сияқты қатынас құралдарына кіру.
Пәннің қысқаша мазмұны:

Фонетика: шет тілінің ритмдік - дауыс ырғағы мен дыбысталу ерекшеліктері.

Лексика: сөзжасау үлгілері, 2500 бірлік көлеміндегі негізгі тілдік лексикалық минимум және де мамандыққа байланысты сәйкес терминдер.

Грамматика: негізгі жаратылыстану –гуманитарлық мамандықтар саласында жиі кездесетін грамматикалық құбылыстар.

Оқу: оқылған материалдан ақпарат алу, мамандық бойынша ізденіс, шолу сияқты оқу дағдыларын қалыптастыру.

Сөйлеу: 1-2 оқу сатысындағы меңгерілген тілдік дағдыларды жетілдіру, берілген тақырыпқа диалогтық пікір алысу, пікірталас, дөңгелек үстел сияқты – диалогтық сөйлеу дағдысын жетілдіру. Монолог: оқыған тақырыптарға дайындықсыз тұжырым-пікір айтып үйренуді дамыту.

Жазу: Шет тілінде зссе жазу дағдысын жетілдіру, тілдік нормативті талаптарын сақтай отырып.

Тыңдау: іскерлік, ақпараттық, тұрмыстық хабарламаларды естіп қабылдау, түсіну.
Тәжірбиелік сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары, СӨЖ (3 семестр)

апта №

реттік №


Өткізу түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы







Лексика-грамматикалық тест

Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Болымды түрі







Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite Шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Болымcыз түрі







Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite Шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Сұраулы түрі







Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі







Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі







Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі







Ауыз қуысы. Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)







Ауыз қуысы.

Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)

Аралық бақылау.







Ауыз қуысы.

Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)







Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.







Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.







Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.







Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдары.

сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.







Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдары.

сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.







Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.





Сағат саны:



Барлық сағат саны:


Барлық бал саны:


Тәжірбиелік сабақтың тақырыптық жоспары, СӨЖ (4 семестр)

апта №

реттік №


Өткізу түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы







Тіс жегінің себептері

Күрделі бастауыш







Тіс жегінің себептері

Күрделі бастауыш







Тіс жегін алдын алу және оны емдеу

Күрделі бастауыш







Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .







Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .







Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .







Тістерді пломбалау








Тістерді пломбалау


Аралық бақылау.







Тістерді пломбалау
































Стоматологиялық қызмет көрсету жүйесіндегі профилактикалық стоматология

Модальды етістіктер







Стоматологиялық қызмет көрсету жүйесіндегі профилактикалық стоматология

Модальды етістіктер







Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.





Сағат саны:



Барлық сағат саны:


Барлық бал саны:



Жоғарғы бал саны:

Тәжірибелік сабақ = 45 бал (1 тәжірибелік = 1.5, барлығы 30 сабақ, жалпы 1.5б х 30 = 45 бал).

СӨЖ = 9 бал (1СӨЖ = 3 бал, студент кем дегенде әртүрлі 3 СӨЖ орындауға міндетті, барлығы 3б х 3 = 9 бал).

Аралық бақылау = 6 бал (1 аралық бақылау = 1.5 бал, барлығы 4 аралық бақылау, жалпы 1,5б х 4 = 6 бал).
Сабақ түріне қарай сағат пен балдың бөлініуі.

апта №


Жұмыс түрі мен сағат бойынша ұзақтығы




Аралық бақ. =1,


Лексика-грамматикалық тест

Тістердің құрылымы.

Indefinite шақ топтары

(Present, Past, Future)

Болымды түрі




Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

“To be”етістіктердің жіктелуі




Ауыз қуысы. Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)

Аралық бақылау.





Тістер және қызыл иектер.

Сын есімдер.



Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдар.

сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.




Қорытынды сабақ.

Аралық бақылау.




Тіс жегінің себептері

Күрделі бастауыш




Периодонталды тістердің ауруы.

Предлогтар .




Тістерді пломбалау


Аралық бақылау










Стоматологиялық қызмет көрсету жүйесіндегі профилактикалық стоматология

Модальды етістіктер




Қорытынды сабақ

Аралық бақылау.





Сағат саны:135




Барлық сабақ:




Семестрдегі балдың жоғарғы саны = 60 бал.





Қорытындылау (емтихан) балының жоғарғы саны = 40бал.


Пән бойынша барлық балдың саны= 100 бал.

Емтихан және консультация уақыты: график бойынша
Аралық бақылау уақыты: әр семестрдің 8 және 15 аптасында
Қорытындылау сынағының уақыты: семестр сонында ОҮБ және ЖБ сабақ кестесі бойынша.
Ұсынылатын әдебиет:
Негізгі әдебиет:

1. Учебное пособие «Английский язык для студентов стоматологов», А., 2006

2. Смирнова Л.С. английский язык для студентов стоматологов. М., 1990.

3. Маслова А.М. учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов.М., 2001.

4. Маслова А.М. лабораторные работы по английскому языку для медицинских вузов. М., 2001.

5. Murphy R. English grammar in use. Start course, elementary course. Cambridge, 1993.

Қосымша әдебиет:

  1. Куриленко А.Н. 400 тем по английскому языку. М., 1998.

  2. Бонк Н.А. и др. Учебник английского языка, М., 1999.

  3. Кузнецова Н. Учись читать литературу по специальности, М. Высшая школа, 1985.

  4. Longman. Cutting edge (start, elementary, pre-intermediate) / Student’s book, work book, cassettes. 2004

  5. Longman. The Essentials of English. A writer’s Handbook. 2004.

  6. Longman. Student Grammar of Spoken and written English. 2004.

  7. В.И.Петров, В.С.Чупятова, С.И.Корн. Русско-английский медицинский словарь разговорник. М., 2000.

Оқыту әдісі : Тәжірибе сабақтарын СӨЖ - ді оқыту түрлері

Тәжірибе сабақтарын өткізу:

Пәннің басты тақырыптары бойынша сабақтар, тесттер мен ситуациялық тапсырмалар, оқулықпен жұмыс, компьютерлік модельдер мен бағдарламалар.

СӨЖ-ді ұйымдастыру түрі:

СӨЖ тақырыбы бойынша әдебиетпен жұмыс, терминдік сөздіктер құрастыру, тест жұмыстарын орындау, баяндамаға дайындық, реферат, эссе, жұмыстарды қорғауға дайындау, кесте – сызба, постерлерді дайындау.

Студенттің білімі мен дағдысын бағалау әдісі:

• реферат, эссе, баяндама қорғау.

• тестік жұмыстардың орындалуын қадағалау.

• терминдік сөздіктің жасалуын қадағалау.

• постер, кесте-сызбаларды көрсету.

Аралық бақылау:

• тест және тақырып бойынша жазбаша мазмұндама.

Қорытынды бақылау:

Аралық және ағымдық бақылаудың нәтижесін ескере отырып ауызша емтихан + тест

Бағалау шкаласы:

Әріп жүйесі бойынша бағалау




Дәстүрлік жүйе бойынша бағалау




өте жақсы


































Тәжірибе сабақтарына арналған

әдістемелік ұсыныстар
Пән атауы: Ағылшын тілі IYa 1103
Мамандық: 051302 «Стоматология»
Кафедра: шет тілдер

Құрастырушылар: Темірбекова Ұ.С.

Сайнова М.Б.

Жұбанышева А.

Қыдырбай Г.

Арғынбаева А.Қ.

Алматы, 2008

Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part I
Theme: The structure of the teeth

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The part of the negative sentences
Hours: 3

Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the structure of the teeth is very important for the development of students mental out work. In text about structure of the teeth new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: Negative sentences play a great role in English grammar. We use negative sentences in our speech every day. We often use a negative statement to correct a mistaken idea

Method of teaching: Including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico – grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables. That’s why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of negative sentences.

  1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

  2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002

Controls: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico – grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour

The letter combination eu, ew, ue are read [ju:], after letters r, l, j eu, ew, ue are read [u:]: new, true

The suffix – ive – makes adjectives from verbs:

attract – attractive

effect – effective

nature – native

  1. Read the words and pay attention to the pronunciation.

few, new, tissue, newspaper, hue, dew, stew, blew, grew, true, clue, due

  1. Read the words and translate them.

Experimental, periodontal, interprismatic, microscopic, practical, attention, construction, collective, active, illustrative, relative, effective

  1. Make your own sentences using adjectives formed by suffix “- ive”

Ex.: This way of treatment is very effective.

  1. Look at the table and give examples using negative verb forms.




are dancing

are not dancing

OR aren’t dancing


have seen

have not seen

OR haven’t seen

Modal verbs:

must say

must not stay

OR mustn’t stay

  1. Make your own sentences using negative forms.

  1. Look at the table and pay attention to use of negative forms.



Present Simple


do not work

OR don’t work


does not look

OR doesn’t look

Past Simple


did not enjoy

OR didn’t enjoy

2nd hour

No and not

We can use no before a noun or adjective + noun. The verb is positive

Ex.: No music is allowed after eleven.


Music is not allowed after afternoon.

We do not use no with a verb

NOT Music is no allowed


NOT The shops are no open

  1. Complete the conversation. Put in the negative forms of these words.

Can, did, do, does, has, have, is, was, were
Rita: Does anyone live in that house next door?

Melanie: Yes, he’s called Jake. He’s rather strange. He hasn’t got a job, but he (1)………….be short of money because he’s just bought a new car.

Rita: The house (2)………….look very smart.

Melanie: The people who lived there before Jake (3)………….look after it very well. And they (4)…………..very good at gardening. When Jake bought the house, it had been empty for a while. It (5)…………..very expensive. But he (6)………….interested in doing anything to it, as you can see.

Rita: Is he a friend?

Melanie: NO, we aren’t really friends. I (7)………….know him very well. I say hello when I see him, that’s all. I (8)……………….seen him for a while, actually.

  1. Form the adjective from the verbs by adding the suffix –ive.

Connect, protect, digest, act, collect, illustrate, contract

  1. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form:

cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show

    1. Many accidents (are caused) by dangerous driving.

    2. Cheese ___ from milk.

    3. The roof of the building ___ in a storm a few days ago.

    4. There is no need to leave a tip. Service ___ in the bill.

    5. You ___ to the wedding. Why did not you go?

    6. A cinema is a place where films ___.

    7. In the United State, elections for President ___ every four years.

    8. Originally the book ___ in Spanish and few years ago it ___ into English.

    9. We were driving along quite fast but we ___ by lots of other cars.

3rd hour

  1. Form the negative sentences and translate them.

1.) Every tooth consists of crown.

2.) The crown is the part of visible in the mouth.

3.) Dentine is a soft tissue, pulp is a hard one.

4.) Enamel is a soft substance in the body.

  1. Put the sentences in correct order.

1. The doctor / in the morning / to examine / wanted / the patient.

2. The surgeon / at 10 o’clock / begin / will not / to operate on this patient.

3. See / the doctor / the patient’s / didn’t / eyes.

4. Carry out / many scientific experiments / don’t / at our laboratories.

  1. Translate the following word combination in your native language.

The anterior (posterior) portion, mucous membrane, connective tissue, sensitive to the chemical nature of food, lymphatic tissue, permanent teeth, salivary (submaxillary, sublingual) glands.

13. Answer the questions.

1.) What does the gastrointestinal tract begin with?

2.) What is another name of oral cavity?

3.) What does oral cavity consist of?

4.) How many teeth are there in the adult?

5.) What does a tooth consist of?

6.) How many glands are there in salivary glands?

7.) What do salivary glands produce?

8.) What glands is saliva released from?
14. Situations

  1. You are a student of medical university. You have difficulties in learning periodontal disease. Ask your partner to help you to explain the theme.

  1. You are a dentist. Your patient comes to you with toothache and he worried about his teeth. Try to explain the periodontal disease.

  1. You are a teacher and you must explain new theme the periodontal disease.

  1. Write a letter to your friend about periodontal disease.

  1. You are a scientist who discovered periodontal disease. Answer the questions your students.

Work - out

Contact Hours (9)

Part II
Theme: The structure of the teeth

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The part of the negative sentences
Hours: 3

Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the structure of the teeth is very important for the development of students mental out work. In text about structure of the teeth new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: Negative sentences play a great role in English grammar. We use negative sentences in our speech every day. We often use a negative statement to correct a mistaken idea

Method of teaching: Including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico – grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables. That’s why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of negative sentences.

  1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

  2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002

Controls: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico – grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour
1. Work on words:
1.) Learn the following words.
buccal [bΛkəl] adj ротовая

palate [‘pælit] n небо

hard (soft) palate твердое (мягкое) небо

pharynx [‘færiŋks] n глотка

uvula [‘ju:vjuiə] n язычок

mastication [,mæsti’keiƒn] n жевание

deglutition [,di:glu:tiƒn] n глотание

papillae [pəpili:] n сосочек, бугорок

bicuspid [bai’kΛspid] adj двустворчатый (один из коренных зубов)

enzyme [‘enzaim] n энизм, фермент

mucous [‘mju:kəs] n слизистый

lymphocyte [lim’fəsait] n лимфоцит

incisor [in’saize] n резец, передний зуб

embed [‘imbed] v вставлять, врезать, вделывать

gland [gl’ænd] n железа, гланды

saliva [səla’ivə] n слюна

parotid [p’ərסtid] adj околоушный

parotid gland околоушная железа

maxillary [mæ’ksiləri] adj челюстной

lingual [‘liŋgwəl] adj язычный

  1. Match the following words logically.

buccal, mucous, palate, permanent, lymphatic, protective, blood, sensitive, to, glands, tissue,

salivary, layer, teeth, membrane, cavity, hard, vessels, food.

  1. Read and translate the text

Structure of the teeth

Every tooth consists of a crown, a neck and one or more roots. The crown is the part visible in the mouth and the root is the part hidden inside the jaw. The junction of crown and root is called the apex. Every tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp.


This is the outer covering of the crown and is the hardest substance in the body. It is insensitive to pain. Unlike most other body tissues it cannot undergo repair; thus any damage caused by decay or injury is permanent. The microscope shoes that it consists of long solid rods, called enamel prisms, cemented together by the interprismatic substance. The prism runs roughly at right angels to the surface.


This is the outer covering of the root and is similar in structure to bone. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the tooth.


This occupies the interior of the crown and root, and is very sensitive to pain. Dentine from elephants’ tusks is commonly known as ivory but is exactly the same dentine as that found in human teeth.


Unlike enamel, dentine and cementum, the pulp is purely soft tissue. It contains blood vessels and nerves, and occupies the center of the dentine. Vessels and nerves of the pulp enter the root apex through the apical foramen and pass up the root canal into the crown, where the space occupied by the pulp is called the pulp chamber. The nerves of the pulp are responsible for pain felt when dentine, is lined with the special cells which formed the dentine. Under the microscope fine prolongations of these cells can be seen passing through tubes in the dentine. They run throughout the full thickness of dentine and, by their origin from the pulp, are associated with its repair processes and sensitivity to pain.

Supporting Structures

Every tooth is inserted into the jaw by its root. The part of the jaw containing the teeth is known as the alveolar process and is covered with a soft tissue called gum. The jaw bones consist of a dense outer layer known as compact bone and a softer interior called spongy bone.

A tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by a soft fibrous tissue called the periodontal membrane. This acts as a shock absorber and is attached to the cementum of the root and the compact bone lining the socket. The periodontal membrane contains nerves and blood vessels, but consists mainly of bundles of fibrous which pass obliquely from cementum to bone.

2nd hour

  1. Finish the sentences.

1.) The gastrointestinal tract begins with … …

2.) The … … form the walls of the oral – shaped mouth cavity.

3.) … … are the irregular ridges in the … …

4.) There are … … teeth.

5.) A tooth consists of a …, a …, an …

  1. Make your own sentences using negative questions.

  1. Write questions using the Passive. Some are Present and some are Past.

1.) Ask about the telephone. (When/invent?)

When was the telephone invented?

2.) Ask about glass. (How/make?) How … …

3.) Ask about Australia? (When/discover?)

4.) Ask about silver? (What/use for?)

5.) Ask about television? (When/invent?)
3d hour

  1. Insert the missing words given below.

(mastication and deglutition, the invasion, the parotid, the pharynx, enzymes)

1.) The soft palate separates the mouth from … …

2.) It moves food around during … …

3.) They protect the body from … … of microorganism.

4.) Saliva contains important digestive … …

5.) Saliva is released from the … … glands.
8. Learn the following patterns and make up 5 sentences of your own.

1. In the first term medical student are taught basic theoretical subjects.

1. В первом семестре студентам – медикам преподаются основные теоретические предметы.

2. The name of A.Sechenov is known not in our country but all foreign countries.

2. Имя А.Сеченова известно не только в нашей стране, но и за рубежом.

3. About 130 scientific works were written by Prof. Lesgaft.

3.Около 130 научных работ написано проф. Лесгафтом.

4. Many of his works were translated into foreign languages.

4. Многие из его работ переведены на иностранные языки.

Work – out

Contact hours (9)

Part IІІ
Theme: The structure of the teeth

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The part of the negative sentences
1st hour

  1. Situations

  1. You are a student of medical university. You have difficulties in learning Structure of the teeth. Ask your partner to help you to explain the theme.

  1. You are a dentist. Your patient comes to you with toothache and he worried about his teeth. Try to explain the structure of the teeth.

  1. You are a teacher and you must explain new theme the structure of the teeth.

2nd hour

  1. Answer these questions.

    1. What does a tooth consist of?

    2. How is the injection of crown and root called?

    3. What is every tooth composed of?

    4. What do you know about enamel?

    5. What does it consist of?

    6. Where does cementum meet enamel?

    7. What is cementum?

    8. What does pulp contain?

    9. What is the pulp chamber?

    10. What supporting structures can you name?

3d hour

  1. Speak on the following topics.

  1. Structure of the teeth

  2. Enamel

  3. Cementum

  4. Dentine

  5. Pulp

  6. Supporting Structures

Work – out

Contact hours (9)

Part I


Lexics: Anatomy of individual Teeth

Grammar: Functions of the verb “to be” and “to have”
Hours: 3

Aim: To give more information to students about the anatomy of individual teeth. To develop students` speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar matrial.

Basic thematic issues.

Lexics: It is very important for dentists to know the anatomy of individual teeth, occlusion of the teeth in order to treat the teeth properly. This text helps students to enrich vocabulary and to improve their pronunciation.
Grammar: The verbs “to be” and “to have” plays a great role in English grammar. We use these verbs in our speech every day. That is why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of these verbs.
Methods of teaching: including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.

1) “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

2) “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

3) Maslova A.M “Essential English for Medical Students”. Moscow 2002

Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour

The sound [æ] is read in the closed stressed syllable:

flattened [`flætnd]

maxilla [`mæksilə]

mandible [`mændibl]
The suffix “-ly” forms adverbs from the stems of adjectives and nouns:

frequent- frequently

quick- quickly

day- daily

  1. Read the words paying attention to the pronunciation.

Extract, overlap, antrum, maxilla, mandible, flattened, palate, angle, alvioli, mastication, backwards, average.

  1. Read and translate.

Quickly, daily, frequently, rapidly, slowly, monthly, yearly, immeditly, easly, generally, usually, periodically.

  1. Make your own sentences using the adverbs above (in exercise 2)

Ex: Call in a doctor immediately!

  1. Look at the scheme and give examples using the verb “to be ” in Present, Past and Future Tenses.

To be

Ex: I am a dentist

I was a dentist

I will be a dentist
He is a surgeon

He was a surgeon

He will be a surgeon

2nd hour

  1. Look at the table and pay attention to the use of the verb “to be ”

in these sentences.

To be + noun with preposition

Ex: The surgeon is in the clinic

To be + noun

Without preposition

My friend is a surgeon

To be + ing

The surgeon is perfoming an operation

To be + V3

The patient is operated on

To be + infinitive

The surgeon is to operate on this patient

  1. Determine the functions of the verb “to be” in the following sentences.

My sister is a dentist. The dentist is examining the patient. The patient is treated in a clinic. The dentist is in his consulting room. The therapeutist is to examine this patient.

  1. Fill in the gap with the verb “to be”

  • I ______ a medical student now.

  • We _____doctors.

  • He _____at the theatre yesterday

  • My sister ____ ill. She _____ in the hospital now.

  • We ____ pupils last year.

  • They _____ teachers next year.

  • He _____ a future doctors

  • We _____happy when we got our diploma.

3rd hour
8 Make negative forms of these sentences above. (ex:7)

Eg: I am not a medical student now.

9. Make interrogative forms of these sentences above (ex:7)

Eg: am I a student now.

10. Make up five sentences of your own using the verb “to be” in different functions.
11. Answer the questions.
1) Are you a student?

2) Are you interested in sports?

3) Were you at home yesterday?

4) Where are you from?

5) Is your family big?

6) Will you be at home in the evenimg?

7) When were you born?

8) What is your hobby?

9) Is your brother a surgeon?

10) What is your dream?

Work – out

Contact hours (9)

Part II

Lexics: Anatomy of individual Teeth

Grammar: Functions of the verb “to be” and “to have”
Hours: 3
Aim: To give more information to students about the anatomy of individual teeth. To develop students` speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar matrial.
Basic thematic issues.
Lexics: It is very important for dentists to know the anatomy of individual teeth, occlusion of the teeth in order to treat the teeth properly. This text helps students to enrich vocabulary and to improve their pronunciation.
Grammar: The verbs “to be” and “to have” plays a great role in English grammar. We use these verbs in our speech every day. That is why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of these verbs.
Methods of teaching:

including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.

1) “English for students - stomatologists”. Biktasheva G.M. Almaty- 2006

2) “English grammar in use”. Raymond Murphy

3) Maslova A.M “Essential English for Medical Students”. Moscow 2002
Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes, tests.
1st Hour

1 Study the table with the verb “to have”

Affirmative form

Negative form

Interrogative form

Present Tense

I have a book

You have a book

He has a book

They have a book

She has a book

He has a book

It has coloured pictures

I have no book

You have no book

We have no book

They have no book

She has no book

He has no book

It has no coloured pictures

Have I a book?

Have you book?

Have we a book?

Have they a book?

Has she a book?

Has he a book?

Has it coloured pictures?

Past Tense

I had a book

You had a book

We had a book

They had a book

She had a book

He had a book

It had coloured pictures

I had no book

You had no book

We had no book

They had no book

She had no book

He had no book

It had coloured pictures

Had I a book?

Had you book?

Had we a book?

Had they a book?

Had she a book?

Had he a book?

Had it coloured pictures?

Future Tense

I will have a book

You will have a book

We will have a book

They will have a book

She will has a book

He will has a book

It will have coloured pictures

I will have no book

You will have no book

We will have no book

They will have no book

She will has no book

He will has no book

It will have no coloured pictures

Will I have a book?

Will you have a book?

Will we have a book?

Will they have a book?

Will she has a book?

Will he has a book?

Will it have coloured pictures?

2. Fill in the gaps with “have” or “has”

  1. Darren _____ ggot short hair

  2. She ____ got a girlfriend

  3. They ____ got a new neighour

  4. I _____ got an English book

  5. Sue _____ got a brother

  6. We _____ got a good teacher

  7. I _____ got a new telephon number

  8. Terry _____ got a date for Saturday

  9. Hartfield ____ got a leisure centre.

  10. You _____ got my pen

3. Make these sentences negative

1) Terry has got a sister


2) I have got twenty Bros records


3) Michel Jackson has got fair hair


4) Casey hass got a new neighbour


5) We have got a new car


6) Mikhail Garbachev has got long


7) Vice and Sue have got brown eyes.


8) I have got your bag


9) Kamala`s got a cat.


10) You have got a white T-shirt


4. Change these sentences above (ex 3) into Past and Future Tenses

2nd hour
5. Write three things that you have got
Eg: I have got a radio
1. ____________________________

2. ____________________________

3. ____________________________
6. Write three things that you haven`t got




  1. Write three things that your best friend has got




  1. Write three things that your best friend hasn`t got




  1. Answer the questions

  1. Have you got a car?

  2. Have you got a good job?

  3. Have you got a computer?

  4. Have you got a brother or sister?

  5. Have you got a favourite pop group?

3rd hour

  1. Look at the table and pay attention yo the use of the verb to have in the sentences.

To have + noun

My friend has an atlas

To have + V3

He has proved his conclusions

To have + Infinitive

We have to examin him

  1. Determine the function of the verb to have in the following sentences.

My sister has a book . Doctor has exmined the patient. The dentist has extracted a tooth. Students have to carry on scientific work.

  1. Make up five sentences of your own using the verb to have in different functions.

  1. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.

Extract - [ik`srækt]-удалять

Flattened - [flætnd]-плоский

Chisel-shaped -[`tſizəl`Ѕeipt]-долообразный

Dentition- [den`tiЅen]-зубной ряд

Remaining -[rimeiniŋ]-оставшийся

Ridge- [rid---]- край

Grinding -[`graindiŋ]-размалывание

Frequently -[`fri:kwæntli]-часто

Fuse- [`fju:z]продвигаь

Arch -[a:tS]кусать

Overlap- [`əuəlæp]-дуга

Bite -[bait]-перекрывать

Chewing- [`tSu:--- ŋ] жевание

Swallowing- [`sw---ləuiŋ] глотание

Work – out

Contact hours (9)

Part III

Lexics: Anatomy of individual Teeth

Grammar: Functions of the verb “to be” and “to have”
Hours: 3

Aim: To give more information to students about the anatomy of individual teeth. To develop students` speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar matrial.
Basic thematic issues.

Lexics: It is very important for dentists to know the anatomy of individual teeth, occlusion of the teeth in order to treat the teeth properly. This text helps students to enrich vocabulary and to improve their pronunciation.
Grammar: The verbs “to be” and “to have” plays a great role in English grammar. We use these verbs in our speech every day. That is why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of these verbs.
Methods of teaching: including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.

1) ) “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

2) “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

3) Maslova A.M “Essential English for Medical Students

Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour
1 Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

Extracted tooth

Good condition

Flattened chisel-shaped crown


Lateral incisor

Incisor crown

Upper canine

Lingual cusp

Buccal cusp

Cusp of carrabelli

Variable in size

Miniature permanent molar

Deciduous molar

2.Match the words A and B


a) in learning

b) fused

c) biting

d) conical

e) ligual


1) surface

2) crown


4) cusp

5) anatomy

Anatomy of Individual Teeth

A coilection of extracted teeth in good condition is a great help in learning anatomy. Incisors have one root and flattened chisel-shaped crowns. The upper crowns are much wider than their lower couterparts

Tne upper laleral incisor crown is smaller than the upper central; but the lower lateral crown is slightly larger than theiower central. These have large conical crowns and one long root The upper canine is larger than the lower and has the longest root oftbe whole dentition. The upper first premolar has two roots, one buccal and one palatal. The remaining premolars have one root. Each premolar has two cusps, one buccal and one paiatal or lingual. The cusps of upper premoiars are much bigger than lowers and are almost equal in size. The lingua,l cusp of lower premolars is much smaller than the buccal cusp. Upper molars have three roots, two buccal and one palatal. The buccal roots are mesial and distal. Lower molars have two roots, one mesial and one distal. Upper molars have four cusps, two buccal and two palatal. Their crowns are characterised by an oblique ridge which nms from the mesio­palatal cusp to the disto-buccal cusp. Upper first molars often have an extra cusp on their mesio-palatal surface. This is called the cusp of carabelli. Lower first molars have five cusps, three buccal and two lingual. Lower second molars have four cusps, two buccal and two lingual. First molars are the largest teeth of all. Third molars are very variable in size and number of roots and cusps. Usually they are the smallest molars and their roots are frequently fused together.

Deciduous molars are like miniahlre permanent molars. They have the same number of roots but tbeir crowns are much whiter and more bulbous than permanent ones. To provide space for the developing pn:imolars, the roots of deciduous molars are more divergent than those of permanent molars.

Occlusion of the Teeth

When the upper and lower teeth are closed together, they are said to be in occlusion. The arch of the upper teeth is larger than the lower; thus upper teeth overlap the lowers on the buccal side. Lower buccal cusps accordingly bite into the fissure between upper buccal and palatal cusps.

At the midline the mesial edges of upper and lovver

central incisors form one straight vertical line. As lower central incisors are much narrower than uppers, ail the remaining lower teeth occlude with two upper teeth -­their corresponding upper tooth and the one in front.

Function of the Teeth

Incisors and canines are for cutting up food into smaller pieces ready for chewing.

Premolars and molars are for chewing; their cusps grinding the food into a soft mass suitable for swallowing.
2nd Hour
4. Find in text English equivalents for the following words and word and combinations

оказывать большую помощь; намного шире; противолежащие; самый длинный корень во всем зубном ряду; почти равны по размеру; характеризуется скошенным режущим краем; разнообразный по размеру; часто соединены вместе; соединяться вместе; верхние зубы перекрывают нижние; удобный для глотания; намного уже;· для размягчения пищи.

5.Quote the sentences in which the following words ami word combinations are used in the text

in learning anatomy, conical crowns, the lingual cusp, buccal roots, oblique ridge, the lingual cusp, variable, fused together, in occlusion, narrower, bite, the mesial edges, counterparts.

6. Determine the Junctions of the verbs to be. to have· in the following sentences. Translate these sentences.

  1. A collection of extracted teeth in good condition is a great help in learning anatomy.

  1. Incisors have one root and flattened chisel- shaped crowns.

  2. The upper crowns are much wider than their lower counterparts.

  3. Each premolar has two cusps, one buccal and one palatal or lingual.

  4. Lower molars have two roots, one mesial and one distal.

7. Insert articles where necessary.

1. …...upper crowns are much wider than their lowcccounterparts.

2 ..….lower lateral crown is slightly longer than ..... lower central.

3 ....canines have large conical crowns.

4 ....remaining premolars have one root.

S ....cusps of upper premolars are almost equal in ….. size.

6 …buccal roots arc ….. mesial and distd .

3d Hour
8. Translate into English.

1. Резцы имеют долотообразную форму коронки.

  1. Коровка клыка конической формы.

3. Верхний первый премоляр имеет щечный и нёбный корни.

4. Бугры нижних премоляров меньше, чем верхних.

  1. Нижние моляры имеют два корня: один медиальный и один дистальный.

6. Зубы в окклюзии, когда верхние и нижние соединены вместе.
9. Make up 7 questions on the text. Work in pairs.

10. Situations

1) You are a student of medical university. Youhave difficulties in learning Anatomy of Individual Teeth. Ask your partner to help you to explain the theme.
2) You are a dentist. Your patient has an occlusion of the teeth. The patient is too much worried about it as he knows nothing about occlusion of the teeth and its causes. Try to explain it the patient and treat him.
3) Your friend has a tothache. Give him advice how to keep their teeth healthy and tell him about the functions of the teeth.
11 Answer these questions.

  1. What is a great help in learning Anatomy?

  2. What crowns have incisors?

3. Which canine is larger upper or lower?

4 . How many cusps has each premoiar?

  1. What roots have upper molars?

  2. How can you characterize the crown of the upper molars?

  3. What are the largest teeth of all?

  4. When are upper and lower teeth in occlusion?

9. Where does the mesial cusp of the upper first molar bite? 10. What are functions of the teeth?
12.Speak on the following topics.

  1. Anatomy of individual teeth.

  2. Occlusion of the teeth.

c)Functions of the teeth

Work – out

Contact Hours (9)

Part I
Theme: Oral cavity
Lexics: new words and word-combinations
Grammar: Continuous Tense in Passive Voice
Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the oral cavity is very important for the development of students mental out work. In text about oral cavity new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.
Grammar: Continuous Tense in Passive Voice
Method of teaching: Performing practical class, doing lexical exercises, working with book. Pay attention to correct spelling and pronunciation.

  1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

  2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002

Controls: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico – grammatical themes, tests.

Contact Hour (1)

1. Remember:

The letter combination eu, ew, ue are read [ju:], after letters r, l, j eu, ew, ue are read [u:]: new, true

The suffix – ive – makes adjectives from verbs: attract – attractive, effect – effective.

1.) Read the words and pay attention to the pronunciation.

few, new, tissue, newspaper, hue, dew, stew, blew, grew, true, clue, due

2.) Read the words and translate them.

attention, construction, collective, active, illustrative, relative, effective

2. Work on words:

1.) Learn the following words.

buccal [bΛkəl] adj ротовая

palate [‘pælit] n небо

hard (soft) palate твердое (мягкое) небо

pharynx [‘færiŋks] n глотка

uvula [‘ju:vjuiə] n язычок

mastication [,mæsti’keiƒn] n жевание

deglutition [,di:glu:tiƒn] n глотание

papillae [pəpili:] n сосочек, бугорок

bicuspid [bai’kΛspid] adj двустворчатый (один из коренных зубов)

enzyme [‘enzaim] n энизм, фермент

mucous [‘mju:kəs] n слизистый

lymphocyte [lim’fəsait] n лимфоцит

incisor [in’saize] n резец, передний зуб

embed [‘imbed] v вставлять, врезать, вделывать

gland [gl’ænd] n железа, гланды

saliva [səla’ivə] n слюна

parotid [p’ərסtid] adj околоушный

parotid gland околоушная железа

maxillary [mæ’ksiləri] adj челюстной

lingual [‘liŋgwəl] adj язычный

2.) Translate the following word combination in your native language.

The anterior (posterior) portion, mucous membrane, connective tissue, sensitive to the chemical nature of food, lymphatic tissue, permanent teeth, salivary (submaxillary, sublingual) glands.

Contact Hour (2)

1. Find in the right column the English equivalents of the following word combination in the left column.

blood vessels

лимфатическая ткань

lymphatic tissue

передняя часть

hard palate

твердое небо

soft palate


anterior portion


posterior portion

кровяносный сосуд


мягкое небо

задняя часть

2. Write down 3 forms of the irregular verbs and learn them by heart.

leave, be, begin, come, do, give, go, get, have, hear, know, make, meet, read,

see, take, teach,

tell, think, write, become, lose, feel, lie, hold, mean.

3. Form the adjective from the verbs by adding the suffix –ive.

Connect, protect, digest, act, collect, illustrate, contract

Contact Hours (3)

1. Change the sentence from active into passive.

1.) The doctor treated his patients successfully.

2.) Many scientists carry out a great research work.

3.) The students listen to a lecture on muscles.

4.) The surgeon examined the condition of the patient by X – ray.

2. Change the sentences from Present into Past in Passive Voice.

1.) The doctor said: “The oral cavity is called the buccal cavity.”

2.) The body is protected by mucous membranes from the invasion of microorganisms.

3.) The inner anatomy of a tooth is delivered by a doctor.

4.) The fluid is produced by the salivary glands.

5.) Salivary is released from the parotid glands.

3. Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form:

cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show

For example: Many accidents (are caused) by dangerous driving.

    1. Cheese ___ from milk.

    2. The roof of the building ___ in a storm a few days ago.

    3. There is no need to leave a tip. Service ___ in the bill.

    4. You ___ to the wedding. Why did not you go?

    5. A cinema is a place where films ___.

    6. In the United State, elections for President ___ every four years.

    7. Originally the book ___ in Spanish and few years ago it ___ into English.

    8. We were driving along quite fast but we ___ by lots of other cars.

4. Write questions using the Passive. Some are Present and some are Past.

1.) Ask about the telephone. (When/invent?)

When was the telephone invented?

2.) Ask about glass. (How/make?) How … …

3.) Ask about Australia? (When/discover?)

4.) Ask about silver? (What/use for?)

5.) Ask about television? (When/invent?)

Work – out

Contact Hours (9)

Part II

Contact Hour (1)
1 .Read and translate the text “Oral cavity “.
2 .Match the following words logically.

buccal, mucous, palate, permanent, lymphatic, protective, blood, sensitive, to, glands, tissue,

salivary, layer, teeth, membrane, cavity, hard, vessels, food.
3. Finish the sentences.

1.) The gastrointestinal tract begins with … …

2.) The … … form the walls of the oral – shaped mouth cavity.

3.) … … are the irregular ridges in the … …

4.) There are … … teeth.

5.) A tooth consists of a …, a …, an …

6.) … … surrounds the rot and holds the tooth in place.

7.) The salivary glands produce a fluid called … …

Contact Hour (2)
1. Do exercise 9, on page 111.

Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary.

2. Do exercise 10, on page 111.

Insert articles or possessive pronouns where necessary.

3. Insert the missing words given below.

(mastication and deglutition, the invasion, the parotid, the pharynx, enzymes)

1.) The soft palate separates the mouth from … …

2.) It moves food around during … …

3.) They protect the body from … … of microorganism.

4.) Saliva contains important digestive … …

5.) Saliva is released from the … … glands

Contact Hour (3)
1. Translate into English.

Do exercise 12, on page 112.

2. Retell the text “Soft Tissues”.
3. Retell the text “The Tongue”.
Part III

Contact Hour (7)
1. Translate these sentences.

Do exercise 13, on page 112.

2. Learn the following patterns and make up 5 sentences of your own.

1. In the first term medical student are taught basic theoretical subjects.

1. В первом семестре студентам – медикам преподаются основные теоретические предметы.

2. The name of A.Sechenov is known not in our country but all foreign countries.

2. Имя А.Сеченова известно не только в нашей стране, но и за рубежом.

3. About 130 scientific works were written by Prof. Lesgaft.

3.Около 130 научных работ написано проф. Лесгафтом.

4. Many of his works were translated into foreign languages.

4. Многие из его работ переведены на иностранные языки.

Work – out

Contact Hours (9)

Part III
Contact Hour (1)
1. Read the grammar material and answer the following question.

1.) What is the form of the Passive Voice?

2.) What is the form of the Passive Voice in the Past Indefinite Tense?

3.) How are negative and question sentences formed in the Past Indefinite Tense?

2. Answer the questions.

1.) What does the gastrointestinal tract begin with?

2.) What is another name of oral cavity?

3.) What does oral cavity consist of?

4.) How many teeth are there in the adult?

5.) What does a tooth consist of?

6.) How many glands are there in salivary glands?

7.) What do salivary glands produce?

8.) What glands is saliva released from?
Contact Hour (2)
1. Make up 10 questions on the text and answer them.
2. Speak on the following topics.

Oral Cavity

Soft Tissue

The Tongue

Contact Hour (3)

3. Retell the text. (according to the picture on page 110, Figure1 and Figure2)

Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part I
Theme: Teeth and Gums

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The adjective

Aim: Familiarization with sings, the teeth and gums to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material.
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the teeth and gums are very important for the development of students’ mental outwork. In text about teeth and gums new lexics and English for students-stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students-stomatologists terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: The adjective

Adjectives describe people, places and things: an old man, a small house, a cold day.

In English, adjectives have one form and they do not change to match plural nouns: a big box, big boxes

A black dog, black dogs

Comparatives and Superlatives use to compare two (groups of) people or things we use a comparative form of the adjective: taller, bigger, more attractive, less fashionable + than.

John is taller than Mark.

A warm coat is more useful than a jacket in winter.

A Fiat is less expensive than a Porsche.

To say that one person or thing in a group is unique we use the superlative form of the adjective: the tallest, the biggest, the most attractive, the least fashionable.

Peter is the tallest student in our class. (he is taller than all the other students).





One syllable





the cheapest

the oldest

One syllable ending in - e





the nicest

the whitest

One syllable with a short vowel + one consonant





the fattest

the saddest

two syllables ending in - y





the prettiest

the trendiest

Two or more syllables



more attractive

less comfortable

the most attractive

the least comfortable

Some adjectives are irregular:

Good-better-the best

Bad-worse-the worst

I’m going to try to get better marks next year. That was the worst day in my life.

Methods of teaching:

Contact Hour № 1
1. Remember:

The letter combination qu is read [kw]:quality, quarts, quantity.

Examples: soon [su׃n]; look [luk]; book [buk]; boot [bu׃t];

The suffix - ous forms the adjectives from nouns and verbs: fame- famous.

The suffix – ment forms the nouns from the verbs: to excite –excitement..

2. Pay attention to pronunciation and read the words:

quardrant, quarantine, quicken, quick-setting material, require, requirements, quite, quickly.

3. Read and translate the words.

Dangerous, serous, fibrous, numerous, continuous, venous, nervous, obvious.

4. Form and translate the new words using the suffix

- ment: impair, develop, move, establish, appoint, require.

5. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, and learn them.

deciduous teeth молочные зубы

incisor передний зуб, резец

canine клык

molar моляр

to grind размалывать

to emerge появляться

to erupt прорезываться

to resorb ресорбировать

osteoclast остеокласты

predecessors предшественник

to align выравнивать

alignment выравнивание

arrangement устройство, расположение

to enhance усиливать, повышать

collagenous fibers коллагеновые волокна

3. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

To allow for normal movement, periodontal ligaments, to erupt through the gums, for cutting, for tearing, for grinding, to be ready, to emerge, the appearance of permanent teeth, the lower grinding teeth, to enhance the grinding motion.

4. Translate the word combinations into English.

Молочные зубы, постоянные зубы, периодонтальная связка, соответствующий коренной зуб, два клыка, верхние и нижние зубы, быть готовым к прорезыванию, повышать движение, корень выпадающего зуба, верхние резцы.

Contact Hour № 2
1. Compose the sentences using the adjectives.

good –better – the best

bad-worse-the worst

little-less-the least

many-more-the most

much-more-the most

2. Translate the following word combinations.

Самое ценное средство, самое необходимое назначение, более глубокие знания, более ответственный, самая плохая оценка, самый лучший отдых, наименьший вред.

3. Translate the sentences with adjectives.

He decided to achieve better results in the second term. In addition to the lecture we read some interesting articles on this subject. Yesterday he finished his experiment earlier than usual. The young doctor fixed the date of the operation for this patient. Their son graduated from the institute and got an appointment to a village hospital. The book “The calling for” by Prof.V.V.Kovanov contains interesting information for medical students.

4. Translate the following word combinations.

Better knowledge of Biology, you must know this better, to carry out less experiment, the most responsible work, to know worst of all.

5. Make up words using the suffixes: -ous; -ment.

Contact Hour № 3

1. Read and translate the text “Teeth and Gums”
2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Прорезывать через десну, четыре резца, два клыка, молочные зубы, быть готовым к появлению, к тому времени. 32 постоянных зуба, верхние резцы, нервные окончания, верхние и нижние зубы.

3. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text.

Through the gums, each jaw, both sets of teeth, the root of the deciduous tooth, deciduous predecessors, follow a fairly consistent pattern, the caliginous fibers, the alveolar bone, the information to the brain centers.

Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part II

Contact Hour 1

1. Insert articles where necessary.

1. ______ normal child has twenty “baby” teeth.

2. ______ deciduous teeth are lost.

3. When _____ permanent teeth are ready to emerge.

4. _____ six permanent morals in each jaw have no deciduous predecessors.

5. _____ upper incisors are wider than ____ lower ones.

6. ______ teeth are held in their sockets.

7. By ___ time ____ permanent tooth is ready to erupt.

8. ____ appearance of permanent teeth follow a fairly consistent pattern.
2. Insert adjectives.

1. The ______ deciduous teeth erupt through the gums.

2. The root of the ____ tooth has been completely resorbed by osteoclasts.

3. ______ jaw holds ten teeth: four incisors, two canines and four molars.

4. The thirty-two ____teeth: sixteen in each jaw holds four incisors, two canines, six morals.

5. The ____ grinding teeth are usually aligned slightly in front of the _____ grinders.

6. This arrangement enhances the grinding motion between the ___ and ____ teeth.

3. Rearrange the mixed letters to make words:

For example: m,l,o,a,r molar

1. r, r, a, a, n, g, e, e, t, m, n ____________

2. p, r, l, o, I, o, d, a, n, t, e _____________

3. n, a, r, l, m, o __________

4. t, I, u, s, e, s _________

5. m, a, l, e, n, g, i, t, n __________

6. r, o, I, n, I, c, s __________

7. n, I, e, c, n, a ___________

4. Translate into English.

1. Как можно называть первые зубы?

2. Это молочные зубы или временные?

3. Сколько их у детей?

4. Двадцать. По пять с каждой стороны каждой челюсти.

5. Когда они прорезываются?

Contact Hour 2
1. Make up the sentences with the following word combinations.

- ligaments

- deciduous teeth

- permanent teeth

- molars

- each jaw holding

- the grinding motion

- the cement of the tooth

2. Put the special questions to the following sentences starting with the words given in brackets.

1. Every tooth is composed of dentine, enamel, cementum and pulp. (What …?)

2. The lower molars have two flattened roots. (How many roots ….?)

3. The apical foramen leads successfully into the root canal. (Where ….?)

4. All teeth, no matter what type, consist of the same parts: a root, a crown, a neck. (What parts ….?)

3. Insert the missing words given bellow:

1. The first ______ teeth erupt through the gums.

2. The deciduous teeth are lost when _______ teeth are ready to emerge.

3. Deciduous teeth start ________ before birth.

4. The tooth is _______ to pain.

(sensitive, developing, deciduous, permanent)

Contact Hour 3
1. Find in the text “Teeth and Gums” the sentences with the adjectives.

2. Complete the sentences according to the text.

The six permanent molars in each jaw have no …..

The first deciduous teeth erupt through …..

The permanent teeth are ready to ……

Both sets of teeth are usually present in the gums at …..

The appearance of permanent teeth follow …..

The upper incisors are wider than …..

The collagenous fibers of each ligament allow for some ….

3. Fill in the missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogue.

- How many deciduous teeth are there and what are they?

- ……..

- When do they start erupting?

- ……

- Are permanent teeth the second and final set?

- ……

- Is their number the same?

- ……

Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part III
Contact Hour 1

1. Match the words A and B.


a. an adult 1. structure

b. tooth 2. incisor

c. central 3. teeth

d. milk 4. molar

e. third 5. person

2. Learn the following synonyms.

1. the deciduous teeth – непостоянные зубы

2. the temporary teeth – временные зубы

3. the “milk teeth” – «молочные зубы»

4. the “baby teeth” – детские зубы

5. the first set of teeth – первый набор зубов

6. the primary teeth – первичные зубы

3. Insert the missing words given below.

1. The six permanent molars in each jaw have no _______ predecessors.

2. The thirty-two ______ teeth, two _______, and six _______.

3. This arrangement enhances the grinding motion between the _______ and ______ teeth.

4. A normal child will eventually have twenty “_______” teeth, each jaw holding ten teeth.

5. The deciduous teeth are lost when the permanent teeth are ready to _______.

6. The _____ grinding teeth are usually aligned slightly in front of the _______ grinders.
Contact Hour 2

1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The teeth are held in their sockets by bundles of connective tissue called periodontal ligaments.

2. This arrangement enhances the grinding motion between the upper and lower teeth.

3. The six permanent molars in each jaw have no deciduous predecessors.

4. The deciduous teeth are lost when the permanent teeth are ready to emerge.

2. Make up sentences using these words.

deciduous teeth, to grind, to erupt, to align, arrangement, canine, molar, osteoclast.

3. Put the sentences in correct order.

1. better/ He/in the/second term/results/to achieve/decided.

2. Yesterday/earlier than usual/his/experiment/finished/he.

3. for this patient/of the operation/the date/The young/fixed/doctor.

4. some interesting/In addition/articles/to the lecture/on this subject/we read.
Contact Hour 3

1. Make up dialogues based on these situations.

1. The Decidious Teeth.

2. The Permanent Teeth.

3. Eruption of the Teeth.

2. Make up 10 questions on the text and answer them. Work in pairs.

3. Give a summary of the text.
Work- out

Contact hours(6)

Part 1


Lexics: Toothbrushing

Grammar: Present, Past, Future Continuous tenses


Aim: To give more information to students about the tooth brushes. To develop students speaking,

listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues

Lexics: It is very important for dentists to know about tooth brushes. This text helps students to enrich

vocabulary and to improve their pronunciation.

Grammar: We use Present, Past and Future Continuous Tenses every day and in any sphere. That is

Why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning of Present, Past and Future Continuous tenses

and use them in their speech.

Methods of teaching: including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-

Grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


1. “English for student- stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty- 2006

2. “English grammar in use ” Raymond Murphy

3. Maslova A.M. “Essential English for medical students”. Moscow 2002

Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico- grammatical, tests.

1st hour


The sound [ ] is read the letter combination- sh and in the suffix – tion: Ex: motion[ ], tooth brush[ ], imitation[ ].

The suffix – tion forms nouns from verbs:

Ex: to mote- motion, to locate- location, to imitate- imitation, to translate- translation.

1.Remember the pronunciation of the following words and learn them

Accessible[ k’ ses bl] adj. доступный

Scrub[ skr b] n скраб

Massage[ ‘ m s : ] n массаж

Bristle[ ‘ brisl] n щетинка

Add[ d] v добавить

Stroke[ str k] n мазок

Dislodge[dis’ l ] v удалять

Rotary[ ‘ r u t ri] adj вращающийся

Properly[ ‘ pr p li] adj соответствующий

Motion[‘ m u n] v движение

Abrasion[ ‘ brei n] n абразия

Expel[ ik’spel] v удалять

Skill [ skil] n навык

Lack[ l k] отсутствие

Valuable[ ‘v ljubl] adj ценный

2. Put the words above(ex.1) into the right column.






to crook









3. Read and translate.

Ambition, section, action, motion, correction, deterioambition, determination, devotion, proportion, presentation.

4. Make your own sentences using th adverbs above ( in exercise 2)

5. Look at the scheme and give examples using present, past, future continuous tenses.


Present Cont. Past Cont. Future Cont.

( Is doing) ( was doing) ( will doing)

6. Write 7 your own sentences using Present, Past, Future Tences

7. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

Effective brushing; to remove plaque; tooth surface; food debris; gum margin; toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles; buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal surface; scrubbing action; gingival margins; to rinse with a warm water; correct toothbrushing; preventive measure; electric toothbrush; ordinary toothbrush.

8. Before reading the text do the tasks below

- Tell me more words that are connected with theme: Toothbrushing

2nd hour

9. Read the text.


Brushing after meals can only be effective if it removes plaque. The object is to clean every accessible tooth surface, thus removing food debris and plaque and massing the gum margin.

Toothbrushes with a small head and medium bristles are probably the most effective. The brush is rinsed and toothpaste added. Several strokes are used on each section of the mouth. Buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces are cleaned by a rotary motion from gum to tooth. Occlusal surfaces are cleaned by scrubbing action. Finally the gingival margins are cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion which must be done gently to avoid abrasion of the necks of the teeth.

Each jaw is done in turn and mouth is then thoroughly rinsed with warm water to expel food debris dislodged by the toothbrush. Brushes should be washed afterwards and allowed to dry.

Correct and effective toothbrushing in the way described requires time, knowledge and skill. Many people lack these requirements and brushing is ineffective as a preventive measure. The whole process can be made simpler for such people by using an electric toothbrush. Teeth are cleaned rapidly and effectively as most of the movements are done automatically. It is particularly valuable for children and physically handicapped. Although it is no better than properly used ordinary toothbrush, it is probably preferable as so few people use an ordinary one properly.
10. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Доступная поверхность зуба, край десны, нанести пасту, вращательные движение, соскребать, стирание, абразия, дать высохнуть, тщательно, весь процесс, инвалиды, правильно, предпочитаемый.

3d hour

11. Translate into English.

1. Зубные щетки применяются для удаления остатков пищи и зубного налета со всех поверхностей зубов и межзубных промежутков.

2. При болезнях пародонта следует применять щетку с более месяцев.

3. Срок использования одной зубной щетки не более шести месяцев.

4. Движение щетки при чистке зубов должно быть направлено от шейки зуба в сторону режущего края, т.е. по вертикали.

5. Зубные бляшки удаляются с поверхности зуба лишь через 30 секунд ее тщательной механической обработки.

6. Многие не знают как правильно и эффективно чистить зубы.

7. Продолжительность чистки, как правило, не менее трех минут.

12. Translate the tex

Work- out

Contact hours(6)

Part 2

Lexics: Toothbrushing

Grammar: Present, Past, Future Continuous tenses

Hour 3

Aim: To give more information to students about the tooth brushes. To develop students speaking,

listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues

Lexics: It is very important for dentists to know about tooth brushes. This text helps students to enrich

vocabulary and to improve their pronunciation.

Grammar: We use Present, Past and Future Continuous Tenses every day and in any sphere. That is

Why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning of Present, Past and Future Continuous tenses

and use them in their speech.

Methods of teaching: including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-

Grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


1. “English for student- stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty- 2006

2. “English grammar in use ” Raymond Murphy

3. Maslova A.M. “Essential English for medical students”. Moscow 2002

Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico- grammatical, test
1st hour

1.Read the words and explain the rules of reading the letter combination “sh”

Motion, translation, invitation, tooth brush, communication, collaboration, shape, shake, sharp, shelf, shine, shock.

2. Group the words above to their sound.

________ ________

________ ________

________ ________

3. Rearrange the mixed letters to make words.

1. blesirt

2. dad

3. bsurc

4. lilsk

5. kcal
4. Match the words A and B.


a. food 1. measure

b. preventive 2. surface

c. buccal 3. debris

d. electric 4. toothbrushing

e. correct 5. Toothbrush

2nd hour
5. Match the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

1. Brushing\ meals| can\ effective| if| it| after| only be| removes plaque.

2. afterwards| and\ washed\ allowed\ should\ be\ to dry Brushes.

3. Toothbrushes\ bristles\ and\ medium\ with\ are\ probably\ the\ a small head\ most effective.

6. Read the passage filling in the missing active words.

One of the most important functions of … lies in its ability to neutralize……. and maintain an alkaline environment in the mouth for much of the time. This is due to the presence of calcium and phosphate in the … secretion. This reservoir of calcium and phosphate also serves to reduce to some extent the demineralization of the … during acid attack and to remineralise them when the normal pH at the … surface is restored. This demineralization process is greatly facilitated by the presence of …ions.

7. Fill in the gaps by choosing the right variant of the given words.

1. _________with a small head and medium bristles are probably the most effective. The brush is rinsed and toothpaste added. Several strokes are used on each section of the2.______. Buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces are 3. _________ by a rotary motion from gum to tooth. Occlusal surfaces are cleaned by scrubbing4. ________. Finally the gingival margins are cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion which must be done gently to avoid abrasion of the necks of the5. ________.

1. a)caries b) toothbrushes c) gum

2. a) neck b) mouth c) cavity

3. a) cleaned b) washed c) take

4. a) section b) action c) surfase

5. a) teeth b) gum c) caries
8. From the predicates given in brackets pick out and insert the correct one.

1. Who … home now? Who usually .. home in the evening? ( returns, is returning)

2. Doctor P. …the operation from 10 till 12 a.m. yesterday.

(performed, was performing)

  1. I … a corpse at 2 p.m. tomorrow. I … a corpse tomorrow ( shall dissect, shall be dissecting).

3d hour
9. Decide if the sentence is true or false.

1. Brushing after meals can only be effective if it removes caries.

2. Correct and effective toothbrushing in the way described requires time, knowledge and skill.

3. Brushes should be washed afterwards and allowed to dry.

4. Many people lack these requirements and brushing is ineffective as a preventive measure.

5. The whole process can be made simpler for such people by using an electric toothbrush.

10. Answer the questions.

1. When can brushing be effective?

2. What is the object of toothbrushing?

3. What toothbrush is the most effective?

4. How is the brush used?

5. By what motion are bruccal, lingual, mesial and distal surfaces cleaned?

6. How are occlusal surface cleaned?

7. Why must the gingival margins be cleaned by a backwards and forwards motion?

8. Why should the mouth be thoroughly rinsed?

9. Do many people know how to brush the teeth correctly and effectively?

10. How can the process be made simpler?

11. Why are teeth cleaned rapidly by using an electric toothbrush?

12. It is better than a properly used ordinary toothbrush?
11. Retell the text.


Contact hours (9)

Part I


Lexics: Causes of the caries

Grammar: Complex Subject

Hours: 3

To give more information to students about the caries and causes of caries as it is very important for future dentists to know it. To develop students` speaking , listening , reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Students have an opportunity to get more information about the caries and causes of caries. This text helps students to know the English equivalents of medical terms and to improve their knowledge in medicine and master the English language.


It is necessary for medical students to know the differences between subject and Complex Subject. That is why students must know the usage and functions of complex subject.

Methods of teaching:

Including key themes of discipline, reading and translating the text, doing lexico –grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


  1. “English for students – stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty – 2006

  2. “English Grammar In Use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for medical students” Maslova A. M. Moscow 2002.


questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico -grammatical themes,tests.

1st hour.

The letter s is read as

[s] – at the beginning of the word before vowels and consonants:

Surface [ sə:feis ] – поверхность,

stay [ stei ] - оставаться;

[z] – in the middle of the word before voiceless consonants:

Spasm [ `spæzm ] спазм , судорога.

Metabolism [ me`təbəlizm ] обмен веществ

[z] – between two vowels:

Resident [`rezident] – житель

The letter combination ee is read [i:]:

teeth [ti:θ] - зубы

The letter combination our in stressed position is read [aυə]:

White flour [ flaυə] - крахмал

The suffix -less forms adjectives from nouns and indicates an absence of something:

Help – помощь,

Helpless – беспомощный
The suffix -ion form nouns from the roots of verbs:

To protect [prə `tekt] - предохранять – protection [prə `tekt∫n]

1. Read and translate the words paying attention to the pronunciation.

Space, surface, stagnation, caries, areas, classify , fluids.

Teeth, meet, feed, see, sleep, seem, need.

Our, sour, flour, ourselves.

2. Define parts of speech the following words are formed from and translate them.

Painless, restless, examination, production, needless, formation, stagnation, civilization, consumption, useless.


In English language there is a construction as complex subject. Complex subject consist of nouns or pronouns in nominative case and infinitive. There is usually a predicate between them. These following verbs are used as predicate.

  1. in Passive Voice: to say, to report, to expect, to know, to think, to consider, to show,

. to see, to find, to hear, to observe, to reveal, to estimate, to believe, to suppose.


He is said to live here Говорят, что он живет здесь

  1. in Active Voice: to seem, to appear, to prove, to turn out, to happen, to chance.


He appears to be ill. Кажется, что он болен.

While translating the sentence with complex subject it is necessary to start from predicate.


He is said to live here Говорят, что он живет здесь . He is said to have lived here Говорят, что он жил здесь.

He is thought to be discharged from the hospital Думают, что его выпишут из больницы

3. Read the following sentences and compare them with translation.
He is said to live here Говорят, что он живет здесь

They seem to study Anatomy Кажется, они изучают Анатомию

The patient is thought to suffer from ulcer Думают, что больной страдает язвой.
4. Read the grammar material and answer the questions.

a) What does the complex subject consist of ?

b) Where is the predicate in sentences with the complex subject ?

c) What verbs are used in sentences with complex subject ?

d) What verbs in Active voice are used in sentences with the complex subject ?

e) How do we translate sentences with the complex subject ?

f) How is the Infinitive translated?

j) What verbs in Passive voice are used in sentences with the complex subject ?

2nd hour
5. Read the sentence with complex subject and answer the questions paying attention to the predicate.

The patient’s condition proved to be bad. Оказалось, что состояние больного было плохое.

-what voice is the predicate in the sentence?

-does the form of Infinitive influence the translation?

-where is complex subject in the sentence?
6. Change the following sentences into the sentence with complex subject and translate them.

It is known that he is a good dentist.

It was considered that this stomatological clinic was the best in the city.

It happened that there was a doctor there at that time.

7. Find the complex subject and translate the sentence.

Pressure seems to cause intence pain.

The affected teeth are known to become loose and very tender to the slightest pressure.

The gum proved to be read and swollen.

Pulpit is known to be acute or chronic.

He is supposed to have discharged the patient from the clinic.

The tooth was considered to be far done.

They are likely to come back next month.

8. Give three forms of these following verbs and translate.

to say

to report

to expect

to know

to think

to consider

to show

. to see

to find

to hear

to observe

to reveal

to estimate

to believe
9. Translate into English.

Говорят, что он работает в стоматологической клинике.

Говорят, что он работал в больнице.

Вероятно, они возвратятся на следующий год.

Кажется, что он болел.

Оказалось, что боль была сильной.

10. Make your own sentences with Complex subject using the verbs above (ex.8).

1. ( to know )

2. ( to think )

3. ( to consider )

4. ( to show )

. 5. ( to see)

6. ( to find )

7. ( to hear)

8. ( to observe )

9. ( to reveal)

10. ( to estimate)

3rd hour
11. Remember the pronunciation and lean the following words by heart.

Cavity полость

Resident житель

Harm вред

Refined выделенный

Sugar сахар

White flour крахмал

Fluid жидкость

Sticky липкий

Adherent клейкий

Consume потреблять

Excessive чрезмерный

Snack закуска, прием пищи

Denture протез

Stagnation застой

Acid кислота

Carbohydrate углевод

Fat жир

Protein белок

Bacteria бактерия

Caries кариес
12. Put the words above into the right column.



















13. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

Tooth cavity, tea with sugar, certain bacteria, to produce a cavity, to be harmless, normal resident, refined carbohydrate, acid production, sticky carbohydrate, to have a snack, excessive consumption, stagnation areas, adherent nature.
14. Find the roots of the following words and define the parts of speech of the derivatives

Stagnation, excessive, consumption, denture, sticky, refined, resident.

15. Match the two parts of the phrases.

Acid flour

Sticky consumption

White areas

Excessive formation

Adherent carbohydrate

Stagnation nature

16. Choose the definition of these words.

Stagnation , denture, cavity, bacteria, snack.

  1. a hole in a solid mass;

  2. an amount of food , smaller than a meal; sometimes eaten informally between meals;

  3. very small living things, some of which cause disease;

  4. a stop of moving or developing;

  5. a set of teeth made of plastic or metal and worm in the month of a person who has lost natural teeth.


Contact hours (9)

Part II


Lexics: Causes of the caries

Grammar: Complex Subject

Hours: 3

To give more information to students about the caries and causes of caries as it is very important for future dentists to know it. To develop students` speaking , listening , reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Students have an opportunity to get more information about the caries and causes of caries. This text helps students to know the English equivalents of medical terms and to improve their knowledge in medicine and master the English language.


It is necessary for medical students to know the differences between subject and Complex Subject. That is why students must know the usage and functions of complex subject.

Methods of teaching:

Including key themes of discipline, reading and translating the text, doing lexico –grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


1). “English for students – stomatologists”. Biktasheva G.M. Almaty – 2006

2). “English Grammar In Use”. Raymond Murphy

3). “Essential English for medical students” Maslova A. M. Moscow 2002.


questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes, tests.

1st hour.
1. Read and translate the text.

Causes of the caries.

Tooth decay or caries is known to be probably the commonest disease of civilization. It is due to acid formation on the tooth surface, dissolving away the enamel and dentine to produce a cavity. Acid is produced by the action of certain bacteria on food remaining on the teeth after meals. These bacteria appear to be normal residents of the mouth and are otherwise quite harmless.

All types of food are classified into three distinct groups - protein, fat and carbohydrate. Of these, only refined carbohydrate is reported to cause caries as it is the only food which can be turned into acid by the bacteria concerned. Refined carbohydrates are sugar and white flour, so anything containing these can give rise to caries. Such foods are cake, biscuits, bread, jam and sweets.

The longer the carbohydrate stays on the teeth, the longer the duration of acid production. Thus sweet fluids, such as tea with sugar, which are washed off the teeth immediately by saliva, are not a significant cause of caries. Sticky carbohydrate is the major cause. Because of its adherent nature it clings to the teeth for long time, during which it is being transformed into the acid responsible for dissolving enamel and dentine. Coffee and other sweets, cakes, biscuits, white bread, and jam are foremost amongst these sticky carbohydrates which are the cause of caries.

Our modern diet is known to be of such a nature that refined carbohydrate is consumed nearly every time something is eaten; and the teeth are attacked by acid on each of these occasions. If snacks containing sticky carbohydrates are frequently taken between meals there will be a corresponding increase in the number of acid attacks on the teeth. Thus it is evident that excessive consumption of snacks or sweets between meals is one of the most important causes of caries.
2. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations in the text.

Самое распространенное заболевание

Кислотное образование

Зубная поверхность

Образовать полость

Определенный вид бактерий

Выделенные углеводы

Положить начало кариесу

Таким образом

Причина кариеса

Сладкие жидкости

Главная причина

Потреблять между приемами пищи

Кислотное воздействие

Одна из наиболее важных причин

3. Form words from these mixed letters













4. Complete the sentences using the words above.

The longer the __________ stays on the teeth, the longer the duration of _____ production. Thus _________ fluids, such as tea with _______, which are washed off the teeth immediately by saliva, are not a significant ________ of caries. ________ carbohydrate is the _______ cause. Because of its _________ nature it ________ to the teeth for long time, during which it is being __________ into the acid responsible for dissolving __________ and dentine. Coffee and other sweets, ___________, biscuits, white bread, and jam are foremost amongst these sticky carbohydrates which are the cause of ________ .

2nd hour
5. Quote sentences containing the following words in the text.

Caries, acid, cavity, bacteria, carbohydrate, sweet, cause, snack decay, adherent nature.

6. Choose the sentences with complex subject from the text.

7. Complete the sentence with facts from the text.

  • Caries is known to be ……

  • All types of food are classified into three distinct groups ……

  • Refined carbohydrates are …….

  • Our modern diet is known to be …….

  • Excessive consumption of snacks or sweets between meals is ……

8. Express the essence of every paragraph in one sentence and entitle each paragraph.
9. Find in the text words that mean:

- Кариес, полость, производить, сохранять;

- Отчетливый, белок, жир, беспокоить, содержать;

- Оставаться, жидкость, слюна, важный, ответственный;

- Потреблять, случай, соответствовать, очевидность;

10. Decide if the statement is true or false.
1. All types of food are classified into four distinct groups

2. Tooth decay is known to be the commonest disease of civilization

3. Refined carbohydrates are sugar and milk

4. Sweet fluids are not a significant cause of caries

5. Sticky carbohydrate is not a major cause of caries

6. Acid is produced by the action of bacteria on food remaining on the teeth after meals.

7. Only refined carbohydrate is reported to cause caries
3rd hour

11. Situation.

What would you do if your children love sweets so much and don’t eat anything without sweets? You are worried that it may cause tooth decay but you don’t know how to make them avoid sweets. Ask you partner some advice.

12. Answer the questions.

- What disease is known to be the commonest disease of the civilization?

- What is it due to?

- By what is the acid produced?

- What food contains refined carbohydrate?

- How can you characterize our modern diet?

13. Make up a plan of the text.
14. Retell the text.
15. Make up dialogues using the text information and the expressions below.

- What do you know…?

- How / when does it happen…?

- Really? What should we …?

- How can we avoid…?

- Try not to….

Work - out

Contact Hours (9)

Part I
Theme: Periodontal disease

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: Prepositions
Hours: 3

Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the periodontal disease is very important for the development of students mental out work. In the text about periodontal disease new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.
Grammar: Prepositions play a great role in English grammar. We use prepositions in our speech every day. Prepositions can express either position (where something is) or movement (where it is going). That’s why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of prepositions.
Method of teaching: Including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico – grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.

  1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

  2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002

Controls: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico – grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour

Before e, i and y we usually pronounce c as [s]: circle, face

Before a, o and u we usually pronounce c as [k]: cought, can, cut, cold

We usually pronounce ch as [ts]: chair

In some words we pronounce ch as [k]: stomach, chemist

The suffix – “ure” forms nouns: pressure

Press – pressure

Please – pleasure

  1. Read and find the words where ch is read as [ts], [k] and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Backache, mechanism, chemist, characterize, chemistry, mechanism, school, chest, headache, watch

  1. Read and translate.

Pleasure, mixture, pressure, lecture, leisure, treasure, temperature, nature, picture

  1. Make your own sentences using nouns above. (in exercise 2)

Ex: Doctor measures the patient’s blood pressure and temperature.

  • Prepositions can express either position (where something is) or movement (where it is going).

In, on, at, inside, into, out of, outside,

on top of, onto, off, by, beside, next to,

near, to, from, towards, away from,

over, under, above, below.

  1. Put in the prepositions.

    1. The bird is ___ the cage.

    2. Sarah is diving ___ the water.

    3. The jug is ___ the table.

    4. Rachel is ___ the bus stop.

    5. There’s a bridge ___ the river.

2nd hour

  1. Read these rules and give your own sentences.

Position: The coin was under the sofa.

Movement: The coin rolled under the sofa.

  • Now look at these examples with in and on expressing position.

The manager was in the office. The papers were on the floor.

  • To express movement, we use into and onto, but we can also use in and on, especially in formal English.

The manager came in/into the office. The papers fell on/onto the floor.

  • At expresses position, and to expresses movement.

Position: Vicky was at the doctor’s.

Movement: Vicky went to the doctor’s.

  1. Put in the prepositions.

    1. The letter is ___ Chicago.

    2. Tom is ___ the car.

    3. The plane is ___ the clouds.

    4. Vicky is running ___ ___the fire.

    5. The temperature is ___ zero.

  1. Put in the suitable prepositions.

    1. The village is ………… Sheffield. It’s only six miles away.

a) along b) by c) near d) next
2. You can see the details …………….. the computer screen.

a) at b) by c) in d) on

3. I’ve got a meeting ……………. Thursday afternoon.

a) at b) in c)on d) to

4. We’ve lived ………….. this flat for five years.

a) in b) on c) at d) about

3rd hour

  1. Explain the use of prepositions.

    1. We attend lectures in Biology on Mondays.

    2. The third – year students had practiced at the therapeutic department in March.

    3. The winter session lasts from the beginning till the end of January.

    4. I shall go to my parents during my summer holidays.

  1. Make interrogative forms of these sentences above. ( Ex 8)

Ex.: We don’t attend lectures in Biology on Mondays.

  1. Make up five sentences of your own using prepositions of place.

  1. Insert prepositions where necessary.

Removal … visible ‘tartar’ … the crowns of teeth is usually a painless procedure, but removal … subgingival calculus can be rather uncomfortable. To avoid pain a surface anaesthetic is often applied, whilst a local anaesthetic injection may be necessary … subgingival scaling … deep pockets. After scaling, many operators apply tincture …iodine to the gum margin for its antiseptic and astringent (hardening) action … inflamed gum. In some cases zinc oxide and eugenol cement packs, as used … gingivectomy, are applied … scaling to exert pressure on the gum and reduce inflammatory swelling.

Work - out

Contact Hours (9)

Part II
Theme: Periodontal disease

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: Prepositions
Hours: 3

Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the periodontal disease is very important for the development of students mental out work. In the text about periodontal disease new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.
Grammar: Prepositions play a great role in English grammar. We use prepositions in our speech every day. Prepositions can express either position (where something is) or movement (where it is going). That’s why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of prepositions.
Method of teaching: Including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico – grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.

  1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

  2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002

Controls: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico – grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour




In the phone box

In the kitchen

Work in the garden

Swim in the pool

Sit on the floor

Walk on the pavement

A number on the door

Egg on your shirt

Sit at my desk

Wait at the bus stop

At the crossroads

Wait at the traffic lights

In a street:

in Shirley Road

On a road or river:

a village on this road

Paris on the Seine

At a house / an address

at Mike’s house

at 65 Shirley Road

In a town / country

Kate lives in York

Atlanta is in America

On a floor (1st, 2nd, etc.)

On the first floor

At a place on a journey

Does this train stop at York?

At an event

At the party

  1. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of prepositions in them. Answer the questions.

He is at the window.

He is at the cinema.

He is at the lecture.

Go to the table.

Go to the Institute.

Go to the lecture.
I came back from my friends at 7 o’clock.

I come home from the Institute at 4 o’clock.

He came from the lectures late.

  1. What questions do the nouns with preposition answer?

  2. What do they mean and how are they translated?

  3. What meanings do the prepositions at, on, in have?

  4. What kind of prepositions do you know in the English language?

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian.
1.) Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art.

2.) The nurse must feed the infant.

3.) The patient must clean the teeth every day.

4.) The medicines must be kept in a drug cabinet.

5.) The dentist can remove the teeth.

6.) Sergey may do it now.

7.) May I come in?

8.) He could help him.

9.) You must go to dentist now.

2nd hour
3. Explain the use of prepositions:
1. We attend lectures in Biology on Mondays.

2. The third – year students had practice at the therapeutic department in March.

3. The winter session lasts from the beginning till the end of January.

4. I shall go to my parents during my summer holidays.

4. Insert the prepositions where necessary.
1. The majority of doctors registered in Great Britain work … the NHS.

2. The dentist today can’t practice his profession until his name has been entered … the Dentists’ Register.

3. The registered dentist has a wide choice of opportunities … his profession.

4. A patient doesn’t register … a particular dentist.

5. Write these sentences in a different way using May or Might
1.) Perhaps Margaret is in her office. -- She might be in her office.

2.) Perhaps Margaret is busy. -- ... … …

3.) Perhaps she is working. -- … … …

4.) Perhaps she wants to be alone. -- … … …

5.) Perhaps she was ill yesterday. -- … … …

6.) Perhaps she went home early. -- … … …

7.) Perhaps she had to go home early. -- … … …

8.) Perhaps she was working yesterday. -- …… …

3rd hour
5. Complete the sentences using might + one of these verbs.
bite break need rain slip wake

  1. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It (might rain) later.

  2. Don’t make too much noise. You … … the baby.

  3. Be careful with that dog. It … … you.

  4. I don’t think we should throw that letter away. We … … it later.

  5. Be careful. The footpath is very ice. You … …

  6. I don’t want the children to play in this room. They … … something.

6. Complete the following sentences with modal verbs (can, may or must).
1.) Students ___ remember all Latin anatomical terms.

2.) Lena has traveled a lot. She ___ speak four languages.

3.) The correct use of dental services __ aid in the control and treatment of the disease.

4.) Congratulations on passing your exam. You ___ be very pleased.

5.) The application o specific preventive measures ___ help for you.

6.) We ___ stay at home.

7. Write interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences
1.) Can you cure a disease?

2.) You may take your exercise-book.

3.) I must use fluoride toothpaste.

4.) Ann must apply measures to interrupt the progress of disease.

5.) I may carry out this experiment.
8. Answer the following question and give short answer.
1.) Can you speak English well?

2.) Can you understand objective of preventive dentistry?

3.) May I take your text-book?

4.) Must we speak Russian now?

5.) May we go to the dental surgery?

6.) What must we do when we have acute disease of the gum?

Work - out

Contact Hours (9)

Part Ш
Theme: Periodontal disease

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: Prepositions
Hours: 3

Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the periodontal disease is very important for the development of students mental out work. In the text about periodontal disease new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.
Grammar: Prepositions play a great role in English grammar. We use prepositions in our speech every day. Prepositions can express either position (where something is) or movement (where it is going). That’s why, it is necessary for students to know the meaning and functions of prepositions.
Method of teaching: Including key theme of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico – grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.

  1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

  2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002

Controls: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico – grammatical themes, tests.
1st hour

1. Learn and remember the pronunciation of the following words


Инородные вещества или остатки пищи или органических веществ


Бляшка, налет

Gum margin

Края десен


Зубной налет


n. Конкремент, твердые назубные отложения




adj. Застывшие, затьержие


adj. Щечный

Gingival crevice

n. Десновая борозда

Pulp debris

Пульпарный распад


adj. Рваный (рана)


adj. Воспаленный, припухший


adj. Крепкий, прочный


v. Образовать яму


v. Просачиваться


v. Вовлекать


v. Распространяться


v. Разрушать


adj. Огромный


adj. Неправильный


n. Размер


n. Проток


adj. Слабый


v. Ухудшать, усиливать


n. Ценность


n. Половая зрелость


adj. Твердый


n. Гной

  1. Read and translate the text.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease affects the supporting structures of the teeth. There are gums, periodontal membrane and alveolar bone. The earliest stage of the disease is chronic gingivitis which is a chronic inflammation involving the gums alone. If allowed to continue, however, it spreads to the underlying periodontal membrane and alveolar bone. These are gradually destroyed and the teeth become very loose as their supporting tissues are lost. The name given to this late stage of the disease is chronic periodontitis, or pyorrhea. Periodontal disease is caused by accumulation of food debris at the gum margin. This stagnating food debris forms a tenacious film, called plaque, which attracts vast numbers of bacteria and gives rise to inflammation of the gum margin. At the same time, tartar formation occurs below the gum margin. Tartar or calculus is the hard rock – like deposit commonly seen on the lingual surface of lower incisors. Three factors are necessary for its formation – food debris, bacteria and saliva. The bacteria which live on the stagnating food debris act on saliva to produce a deposition of calculus, which may therefore be described as solidified stagnation. It is most often seen opposite the orifices of salivary gland ducts – on the lingual surface of lower incisors and buccal surface of upper molars. However, it may occur below the gum margin on all teeth, and in this situation is known as subgingival calculus. Subgingival calculus occurs in a tiny crevice which is normally present between the gum margin and neck of the tooth.

The combined effect of the plaque and subgingival calculus in this gingival crevice is to irritate the gum and produce a chronic gingivitis. In this condition the gum becomes swollen, thus greatly enlarging the gingival crevice. A vicious circle is now established: the enlarged crevice forms a pocket round the tooth, in which much more food debris can accumulate; further deposits of plague and calculus are thereby formed; and these irritants keep up the inflammation. Jagged scales of calculus, and bacterial poisons from the plaque, ulcerate the gum and bleeding occurs on the slightest pressure. The poisons soak through the ulcers to commence destruction of the periodontal membrane and alveolar bone; and whilst this is progressing, the gingival pocket deepens, thus further aggravating the condition. This stage of the disease is called chronic periodontitis. If no treatment is provided, so much bone is lost that the teeth eventually become too loose to be of any functional value.

This description of periodontal disease follows a course of several years, but during that time pus and the bacteria in the pockets may affect the general health. Once the periodontal disease is actually established it can be made worse by certain other factors, which do not in themselves cause the disease. Some of these aggravating factors are open lips, unbalanced masticatory stress, puberty and pregnancy.

2nd hour

  1. Choose from the left column the English equivalents of the following word combinations.

involving gums

профилактическая стоматология

become very loose

поражающее только десны

hard rock – like

прием пищи

thus greatly enlarging

становиться очень подвижными

preventive dentistry

ранняя диагностика


твердое, подобное камню

acute disease

гигиена полости рта

use fluoride toothpaste

за счет этого увеличивая

mouth hygiene

использовать пасту содержащую фтор

early diagnosis

Чтобы иметь какую – то функциональную ценность

the disease itself

сама болезнь

to be of any functional value

острое заболевание

4. Learn by heart the active vocabulary.

5. Quote the sentences containing the words in the text.
Rehabilitation, contribute, effective, prosthetic, application, acute, restorative, fluoride
6. Match the following words logically.

  1. fluoride, dental, preventive, insist, acute, chronic, severe

  2. stage, disease, dentistry, on fluoridation, services toothpaste, manifestation of disease

7. Make up sentences using the active words and word combinations given below.

  1. should, dental health massage, to include pieces of advice, simple, four, at least

  2. steps, to improve, various., the health of the month, include, treatment, and, early diagnosis, other measures

8. Fill in the blanks with the proper words from those given below.
(large, sugar, manifestation, gums, dentistry)

  1. Clean the teeth and ___ thoroughly everyday.

  2. The objectives of preventive ___ are to prevent.

  3. Preventive dentistry is a ___ component of dental public health service.

  4. The ___ of the disease were evident.

  5. Restrict food and drink containing ___ to mealtimes.

3rd hour
9. Complete the sentences using the text information.
1.) The tasks of preventive dentistry are … …

2.) Various steps of prevention are … …

3.) Dental health education are … …

4.) Dental services can help in … …

5.) One should follow at least four … …

10. Change these sentences into negative and interrogative.
1.) She can define chronic stage of disease.

2.) The health of the month can be improved by taking the correct steps.

3.) The patient must use fluoride toothpaste.

4.) Food and drink containing sugar to mealtimes can not be used by the people.

11. Give your own sentences with modal verbs.

12. Answer the question.
1.) What does periodontal disease affect?

2.) What periodontal disease do you know?

3.) What can the correct use of the dental service aid in?

4.) What steps should preventive dentistry include?

5.) Why is the health education important?

6.) When will it be effective?

7.) What should dental health massage include?

Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part I

Theme: Fillings

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The Adverb

Aim: Familiarization with sings, the fillings to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material.
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the fillings is very important for the development of students’ mental outwork. In text about fillings new lexics and English for students-stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students-stomatologists terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: The Adverb

Наречия образуют степени сравнения так же, как и прилагательные. Союзы asas, not soas, than при образовании степеней сравнения прилагательных.

При сравнении двух предметов, одинаковых по качеству или по количеству, прилагательное в положительной степени ставится между словами asas.

При сравнении предметов, неодинаковых по качеству или количеству, употребляются слова not soas.

I have as many books as you have.

I have not so many books as you have.

Примечание. При сравнении двух предметов употребляется союз than чем.

I am older than you are.

Я старше, чем ты.

Methods of teaching:

Contact Hour 1

1. Remember:

The letter combination euq is read [ju:dз]:eugenol, eugenic, eugenasic.

The prefix sub – corresponds to the Russian prefix under, below: subdivide, subordinate, subtropical.

The prefix inter – is translated as between, among, together: interdental, interfere.

2. Read these words paying attention to pronunciation and translate them:

Interspace, intermediate, interdepended, international, subconscious, subclass, submucous.

3. Form the words with the help of the prefix inter –

costal, muscular, vertebral, ventricular, vascular, maxillary, globular.

4. Make up your own examples with the help of the prefixes sub-, inter-.

5. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, and learn them.

intact интактный

first-aid первая помощь

safe безопасный

adhesive адгезивный

prefer предпочитать

stain окраска, пятно

shrinkage оседание, усадка

resin смола, пластмасса

bind связывать

band связка

mix смесь

harden затвердевать

withstand выдерживать

decompose гнить

allow сплав

capsule капсула

insulate изолировать

3. Read and translate the following words and word combinations.

the temporary fillings, for long periods, temporary restoration, may cause, burning sensation, to overcome disadvantages, cold drinks, deepest cavities.

4. Match the two parts of the phrases.





for long



the cavity



to avoid




to complete


Contact Hour 2

1. Read and translate the following adverbs:

deeply, early, easy, well, responsibly, happily, clearly, lowly.

2. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the adverbs.

a) I don’t often listen to the radio.

b) I always read the newspaper in the morning.

c) He really likes her.

d) We often go shopping on Sunday.

e) You never watch football on TV.

3. Translate the following sentences into English.

a) Обычно после занятий мы занимаемся в читальном зале.

b) Он всегда делает зарядку утром.

c) Студенты часто посещают диско клубы.

d) Студенты редко опаздывают на занятия.

e) Мы часто выезжаем с родителями за город.

5. Make up 5 sentences of your own using the adverbs .
Contact Hour 3

1. Read and translate the text “Fillings”

2. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

наиболее часто используемые, слишком мягкий, преодолеть, достаточно быстро, избежать, содержать, в виде порошка, утратить хороший внешний вид, недостаточное краевое прилегание, есть несколько видов.

3. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text.

Remain intact, insert a permanent filling, to harden rapidly, the most widely used, the shallowest cavities, to match perfectly, shrinkage, to be available.

4. Choose the sentences with the adverbs from the text and translate them.
Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part II

Theme: Fillings

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The Adverb

Contact Hour 1

1. Complete the sentences using the text.

The temporary filling materials most commonly used are ….

Preparations containing eugenol may cause a burning sensation if …

Amalgam is prepared by mixing ….

Acrylic is used as a permanent filling for …

The inorganic strengthener may resemble silicate cement or consist of …

This is incorporated into ….

2. Make up sentences using the words and word combinations from the text.

Most commonly used, first aid measure, in the very deepest cavities, foundation for a permanent filling, it would show, perfect appearance, resin binder.

3. Translate into English.

1. Временные пломбы ставятся в том случае, если необходимо снять боль.

2. Вещества с эвгенолом могут вызвать ощущение жжения при попадании на губы.

3. Сплав содержит серебро, олово, медь и цинк. Акриловая пластмасса используется как пломбировочный материал для пломбирования передних зубов.

Contact Hour 2

1. Insert the missing words given bellow.

1. temporary fillings ….. used when there is insufficient time … the cavity.

2. temporary restoration is necessary …. Visits.

3. preparations containing eugenol … cause a burning sensation.

4. as amalgam is a …. Filling and a good conductor, cavities are undercut for retention and lined to insulate ….

(may, the pulp, are, to complete, plastic, between)

2. Change the sentences into interrogative..

1. At the hospital life begins early in the morning.

2. The doctor usually asks the patient what he complains of.

3. We don’t often go to the cinema.

4. We have never seen this film.

5. He usually listens to the radio in the car.

6. They seldom visit their grandparents.

3. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. There are various types, made of various materials. Like inlays they require at least two visits: one … the preparation and impression; the other … cementing into place.

… the first visit the tooth is prepared, using diamond disks and wheels, tapered fissure and end-cutting burs. The indirect method is always used … crowns as it is too difficult and time consuming to take a direct wax pattern. Temporary crowns … front teeth are usually made … acrylic or silicate in a plastic crown from.

… back teeth a metal crown form is often used.

Contact Hour 3

1. Find in the text “Fillings” the sentences with the adverbs.

2. Complete the sentences according to the text.

As a first-aid measure to relieve ……

When there is insufficient time to complete the cavity and ….. a permanent ….. in one visit.

Amalgam is the most widely used permanent filling in dentistry and prepared by mixing the …. with …..

…. Is used as a permanent filling for front teeth as it matches them perfectly and equals silicate in this respect.

3. Answer the questions.

1. What temporary filling materials do you know?

2. Why aren’t they used as permanent fillings?

3. When are temporary fillings used?

4. Can zinc oxide and eugenol cement be used as a foundation for a permanent filling?

5. What is amalgam?

6. What form is it supplied in?

7. Why are cavities undercut for retention with amalgam?

8. Why are cavities undercut for retention with amalgam?

9. What disadvantages have silicate cement and acrylic?

Work out

Contact Hours (9)

Part III

Theme: Fillings

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: The Adverb

Contact Hour 1

1. Make up 10 questions on the text and answer them. Work in pairs.

2. Give a summary of the text according to the plan:

1. The temporary filling materials.

2. Aims of temporary fillings.

3. Eugenol, amalgam, alloy.

4. Acrylic as permanent fillings.

5. The composite fillings.

Contact Hour 2

1. Insert articles where necessary.

Gold is used in … form of cast inlays and crowns for permanent restoration of back teeth. The cavity is prepared and … wax pattern of the inlay is made. In … laboratory a gold casting is made from … wax pattern. The cast gold inlay is then cemented into … cavity with … thin mix of zink phosphate cement. Thus a minimum of two visits is required for … gold inlay; … first to prepare the cavity for a wax pattern; … second to cement the cast gold inlay.

… gutta-percha temporary filling is convenient between visits as it can be removed in one piece without drilling.

2. Speak on the following topics using the plan:

1. Uses of temporary fillings.

a) Relief of pain.

b) Inability to complete permanent fillings in one visit.

c) Between visits for inlays or crowns.

2. Amalgam alloy.

a) Contains silver, copper, zinc.

b) Mixed with mercury in proportion of 5:8 by weight.

3. Composite Fillings.

a) Strongest permanent filling for front teeth.

b) Expensive materials.

Contact Hour 3

1. Speak about the filling materials (advantages and disadvantages). Work in pairs.

2. Read the grammar material and answer the questions.

What is the adverb?

What questions do we use with adverbs?

What suffix is used with adverbs?

How are the comparative and superlative degrees of the adverbs formed?

How are the sentences with adverbs translated?


Contact hours (9)

Part I


Lexics: Orthodontics

Grammar: Infinitive


Aim: To give more information to students about the symptoms, the treatment ,the aims of orthodontic treatment. To develop students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with correction of irregularities of teeth. The aims of orthodontic treatment are to reposition the teeth so that appearance is improved a good functional occlusion obtained.

Grammar: In English language we have infinitives. We use them every day in our speech. That is why it is necessary for students to know the meaning of infinitives.

Methods of teaching: including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


  1. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical Students. Moscow 2002.

  2. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory. Exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

  3. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy.

Control: Questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical themes, texts.


The letter combination Th is read

[]- the between vowels and at the beginning of articles, conjunctions, pronouns and aderbs;

Ex: the, weather, thing, health, death
Contact hour 1

1. Read these new words paying attention to the pronunciation and learn them by heart.

orthodontics [ : dontik] ортодонтический

correction [ k ‘ rek n] коррекция

permanent[ ‘ p : m n nt] длительный, постоянный

irregularity[ iregu;l riti] неровность

crook[ kruk] развернуть

gap[ g p] промежуток

drift[ drift] смещение

posture[ p st ] выступать

chin[t in] подбородок

inheritance[ in’h rit ns] наследственность

crowding[‘kraudi ] скученность

eliminate[ ilimimi’neit] устронять

obtain[ b’tein] достигать, получать

treatment[tri:tm nt] лечение

erupt[ I’r pt] прорезываться

malocclusion[ m l ‘klu: n] аномалия прикуса
2. Put the words above(ex.1) into the right column.






to crook









3. Translate these sentences and underline infinitives.

1.Many children have to attend for orthodontic treatment because their upper front teeth protrude between their lips.

2. Te condition is known as a malocclusion and treatment is ought to improve the child appearance.

3. I hope to see you again soon.

4. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

5. They invited her to have lunch.

4. Read and translate the sentences with the infinitive.

1) Our duty is to help our patients

2) To treat patients is a great responsibility

3) The doctor must work much

4) The patient hopes to get a prescription

5) It is never too late to learn


We use the infinitive:

  1. After certain verbs, for example:

















Ex. The clients threatened to go to a different agency, I hope to find a just in the marketing.

  1. After modals, either with or without to

Verb+ infinitive without to

have to ought to used to

Verb+ infinitive without to

Can might shall

Could must will

may should would

Ex: They ought to treat they staff better. You might have problems with mail today.

  1. There are some verbs that sometimes take an object+ the infinitive, and sometimes do

Ex. I want to go home.

I want you to go home.

I’d like to help you.

I’d like you to make up your own mind.

Here are some verbs like this

ask beg

expect would love + to go

help would prefer someone to do something

need would hate

7. Write 5 your own sentences using infinitives.

8. Read and translate the following words and word combinations

1.types of malocclusion

2. periodontal disease

3. orthodontic treatment

4. early extraction

5. inheritance of a jons

6.branch of dentistry

7. permanent teeth

9. Before reading the text do the tasks below

- Tell me more words that are connected with theme:

Contact hour 2


10. Read the text


Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with correction of irregularities of the teeth. When the permanent teeth erupt, parents may notice that the front teeth are crooked or protruding. The condition is known as a malocclusion and treatment is sought to improve the child’s appearance.

The aims of orthodontic treatment are to reposition the teeth so that appearance is improved and a good functional occlusion obtained. By correcting badly positioned teeth it may also eliminate some stagnation areas and help prevent caries and periodontal disease developing.

The basic types of malocclusion are crowding, protruding upper incisors and a prominent lower jaw.

Crowding is due to insufficient room for all the teeth. It is usually arises from inheritance of jaw which are too small to accomadate thirty-two permanent teeth. The teeth become crooked and overlapping, whilst those which normally erupt late cannot take up their proper position as there is insufficient room left.

Thus the canines are usually displaced bucally, second premolars lingually and the lower third molars are impacted.

Early extraction of carious deciduous molars may also contribute to the crowding in these cases. The gap left by the extraction soon closes, as the back tooth drifts forward and takes up the space required for the permanent successor.

Many children attend for orthodontic treatment because their upper front teeth protrude between their lips. This condition usually arises from inheriting a jaw relationship in which the upper teeth are too far forward relative to the lowers. It is commonly associated with an open lip posture.

Prominent lower jaw is the condition, in which the chin is unduly prominent, is due to inheritance of a jaw relationship in which the lower teeth are too far forward relative to the uppers. It usually results in the lower incisors biting in front of uppers, instead of behind them.
Contact hour 3

9. Find the English equivalents of the following word combinations in the text

1. ортодонтия

2. лечение ортопедии

3. неправильный прикус

4. открытый прикус

5. выступающие

10. Translate the text.


Contact hours



Lexics: Orthodontics

Grammar: Infinitive
Hours: 1

Aim: To give more information to students about the symptoms, the treatment, the aims of orthodontic treatment. To develop student’s speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with correction of irregularities of teeth. The aims of orthodontic treatment are to reposition the teeth so that appearance is improved a good functional occlusion obtained.

Grammar: In English language we have infinitives. We use them every day in our speech. That is why it is necessary for students to know the meaning of infinitives.

Methods of teaching: including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


  1. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical Students. Moscow 2002.

  2. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory. Exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

  3. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy.

Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical, texts

Hours: 2

Read the words and explain the rules of reading the letter combination” th”.


2. teeth

3. that

4. thirty-two

5. third

2. Group the words above to their sound.

________ ________

________ ________

________ ________

3. Rearrange the mixed letters to make words.

1. peyt

2. teeth

3. soortntcohi

4. wja

5. nalmsioccou

4. Fill in the gap appropriate words with infinitives.

1. The condition is known as a malocclusion, and treatment is sought to improve the child’s


2. The aims of orthodontic treatment are to reposition the teeth so that appearance is


3. Early extraction of carious deciduous molars may also contribute to crowing in the cases.

(to crowing, to improve, to reposition).

5. Match the suitable word to make a phrase.

permanent room

lower posture

orthodontic teeth

insufficient treatment

lip jaw

6. Put these words in the correct order to make a sentence.

1. crowding/ of/ types/ are/ the/ basic/ malocclusion.

2. Canines/ bucally/ usually/ displaces/ are.

3. The gap/ the/ closes/ extraction/ left by/ soon.

4. It is/ with/ lip/ an open/ commonly/ posture/ associated.

5. It/ in the/ usually/ biting/ incisors/ results/ of uppers/ lower.

Hours: 3

7. Dialogue

Mother: Good morning, doctor

Doctor: Good morning. Sit down here, please. What can I do for you?

Mother: You see doctor, when these permanent teeth have erupted I notice that the front teeth

are protruding. I’ like to have your advice how to improve the child’s appearance.

Doctor: It is nice of you to come in time. It is possible not only to improve the appearance but to

obtain a good functional occlusion as well. We’ll correct these badly positioned teeth

with the help of a removable appliance.

Mother: Will it be very difficult for the child doctor?

Doctor: Oh, no, but it may produce discomfort at first. It contains springs made of stainless steel

wire. The springs press against the teeth to be moved and guide them in the required


Mother: Will it take long?

Doctor: Not very because it isn’t for again and in some time you will forget about your fears.

8. Complete the sentences using the text information.

1. Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry ___________ .

2. The aims of orthodontics treatment __________ .

3. The basic types of malocclusion _________ .

4. Crowding is due to __________ .

5. Many children attend for ________.

9. Fill in the gaps by choosing the right variant of the given words.

Crowding is due to insufficient room for all the _________. It is usually arises from inheritance of

_______ which are too small to accommodate thirty two ________ teeth. The teeth become

_______ and overlapping, whilst those which normally ________ late cannot take up their

proper position as there is insufficient _______ left.

1. a) brain b) teeth c) lips

2. a) lips b) teeth c) lungs

3. a)occlusion b) contribute c) permanent

4. a) helix b) crooked c) rounded

5. a) cut b) exacerbation c) erupt

6. a) shops b) room c) house

Work out

Contact hours (9)

Part – III


Lexics: Orthodontics

Grammar: Infinitive


Aim: To give more information to students about the symptoms, the treatment ,the aims of orthodontic treatment. To develop students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by working with the text and grammar material.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry concerned with correction of irregularities of teeth. The aims of orthodontic treatment are to reposition the teeth so that appearance is improved a good functional occlusion obtained.

Grammar: In English language we have infinitives. We use them every day in our speech. That is why it is necessary for students to know the meaning of infinitives.

Methods of teaching: including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and grammar tables.


  1. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical Students. Moscow 2002.

  2. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory. Exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

  3. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy.

Control: questions, rendering the text, tasks on basic lexico-grammatical, texts

1. Choose the words with sound and write them into 2 columns.

Orthodontics, therapeutists, the, thus, teeth, with, mouth, there, toothpaste, thoroughly, although, therefore, earth, bath


2. Puzzle:





































































































Correction, obtain, crook, drift, posture, chin, gap

3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Ортодонтия, исправление аномалий зубов, выступающие, неправильный прикус, устранить аномалий зубов, смешанная нижняя челюсть, чтобы дать место 32 зубам, раннее удаление

4. Translate into English

1. Вредные привычки в детстве являются важным фактором аномалии прикуса.

2.Существуют различные аномалии положения зубов.

3. Очень часто нарушение прикуса связано с наследственной передачей болезни.

4.К патологическим относятся прикусы, отличающиеся нарушением функции.

5. Вредные привычки в детстве являются важным фактором аномалии прикуса.

5. Answer the questions:

1. What is the orthodontics concerned with?

2. What condition is known as malocclusion?

3. What are the aims of orthodontic treatment?

4. When does crowding arise?

5. What does prominent lower jaw result in?

6. Retell the text.

Work - out

Contact Hours (6)

Part I

Theme: Dentistry in the system of Dental Services

Lexics: new words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verbs

Aim: Familiarization with new lexics, the theme to be essential for students – stomatologists in order that they may perfect their knowledge in stomatology and master the English language as concerned with the given active vocabulary of the theme and grammar material.
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The duty of a doctor is not only to treat people, when they are ill but to help them to keep their health and prevent their getting ill. Studying of the dentistry in the system of dental services is very important for the development of students mental out work. In text about dentistry in the system of dental services new lexics and English for students – stomatologists terminology are widely used. Studying of English for students – stomatologists terminology help the students to read and translate more complicated stomatological text and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: Modal verbs (can, could, shall, may, might)

Method of teaching: Performing practical class, doing lexical exercises, working with book

Pay attention to correct spelling and pronunciation.

Contact Hour (1)
1. Remember:

Before e, i and y we usually pronounce c as [s]: circle, face

Before a, o and u we usually pronounce c as [k]: cought, can, cut, cold

We usually pronounce ch as [ts]: chair

In some words we pronounce ch as [k]: stomach, chemist

The suffix – ure from nouns: measure, pressure

2. Read and find the words where ch is read as [ts], [k] and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Backache, mechanism, chemist, characterize, chemistry, mechanism, school, chest, headache, watch

3. Read and explain the rules of reading of the suffix – ure.

Pleasure, mixture, pressure, lecture, leisure, treasure

4. Work on words:
1.) Learn and remember the pronunciation of the following words

objective [əb’ddзektiv] n. задача

predispose [pri:di’spəuz] v. предрасполагать

to evoke [i’vəuk] v. вызывать

manifestation [mænife’steiƒn] n. проявление

maintain [mein’tein] v. поддерживать

complication [kסmpli’keiƒn] n. осложнение

interfere [intə’fiə] v. вмешивать

promote [prə’məut] v. содействовать

interrupt [intə’rΛpt] v. прерывать

rehabilitation [ri:əbili’teiƒn] n. реабилитация

2.) Translate the following derivatives and define word building suffixes.

- to prevent – prevention – preventive

- to use – useful – useless

- to predispose – predisposition

- application – applicable – applicant

- to treat – treated – treatment

- to complicate – complicated – complication
3.) Choose from the left column the English equivalents of the following word combinations.

preventive dentistry острое заболевание

mealtimes сама болезнь

acute disease использовать пасту содержащую фтор

use fluoride toothpaste гигиена полости рта

mouth hygiene ранняя диагностика

early diagnosis прием пищи

the disease itself профилактическая стоматология

5. Learn by heart the active vocabulary.
Contact Hour (2)
1. Write plural forms to the following words.

disease, manifestation, education, complication, objective, diagnose, procedure

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian and pay attention to the modal verbs.

1.) Medical students must remember that to treat patients is a great art.

2.) The nurse must feed the infant.

3.) The patient must clean the teeth every day.

4.) The medicines must be kept in a drug cabinet.

5.) The dentist can remove the teeth.

6.) Sergey may do it now.

7.) May I come in?

8.) He could help him.

9.) You must go to dentist now.

3. Complete the sentences with can/can’t/couldn’t +one of these verbs:

come eat hear run sleep wait

1.) I’m afraid I (can’t come) to you party next week.

2.) When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He ___ 100 meters in 11 seconds.

3.) “Are you in a hurry?” “No, I’ve got plenty of time. I ____.”

4.) I was feeling sick yesterday. I ___ anything.

5.) Can you speak up a bit? I ____ you very well,

6.) “You look tired!” “Yes, I ____ last night.”

4. Answer the question with a suggestion. Use could.

1.Where shall we go for our holidays?

(to Scotland) We could go to Scotland.

2. What shall we have for dinner tonight?

(fish) We……

3. What shall I give Ann for her birthday?

(a book) You……

4. When shall I phone Angela?

(now) ……

5. When shall I go and see Tom?

(on Friday) ……

6. Where shall we hang this picture?

(in the kitchen) ……

5. Put in (must) or (can’t)

1.) You’ve been traveling all day. You (must) be very tired.

2.) That restaurant ___ be very good. It’s always full of people.

3.) That restaurant ___ be very good. It’s always empty.

4.) You’re going on holiday next week. You ___ be looking forward to it.

5.) It rained every day during their holiday, so they ___ have had a very nice time.

6.) Congratulations on passing your exam. You ___ be very pleased.

7.) You got here very quickly. You ___ have walked very fast.

8.) Bill and Sue go away on holiday very often, so they ___ be short of money.
Contact Hour (3)
1. Write these sentences in a different way using May or Might

1.) Perhaps Margaret is in her office. -- She might be in her office.

2.) Perhaps Margaret is busy. -- ... … …

3.) Perhaps she is working. -- … … …

4.) Perhaps she wants to be alone. -- … … …

5.) Perhaps she was ill yesterday. -- … … …

6.) Perhaps she went home early. -- … … …

7.) Perhaps she had to go home early. -- … … …

8.) Perhaps she was working yesterday. -- …… …
2. Complete the sentences using might + one of these verbs.

bite break need rain slip wake

  1. Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It (might rain) later.

  2. Don’t make too much noise. You … … the baby.

  3. Be careful with that dog. It … … you.

  4. I don’t think we should throw that letter away. We … … it later.

  5. Be careful. The footpath is very ice. You … …

  6. I don’t want the children to play in this room. They … … something.

3. Complete the following sentences with modal verbs (can, may or must).

1.) Students ___ remember all Latin anatomical terms.

2.) Lena has traveled a lot. She ___ speak four languages.

3.) The correct use of dental services __ aid in the control and treatment of the disease.

4.) Congratulations on passing your exam. You ___ be very pleased.

5.) The application o specific preventive measures ___ help for you.

6.) We ___ stay at home.
4. Write interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences

1.) Can you cure a disease?

2.) You may take your exercise-book.

3.) I must use fluoride toothpaste.

4.) Ann must apply measures to interrupt the progress of disease.

5.) I may carry out this experiment.

5. Answer the following question and give short answer.

1.) Can you speak English well?

2.) Can you understand objective of preventive dentistry?

3.) May I take your text-book?

4.) Must we speak Russian now?

5.) May we go to the dental surgery?

6.) What must we do when we have acute disease of the gum?

Work - out

Contact Hours (6)

Part II
Contact Hour (1)

  1. Read and translate the text.

  1. Do exercise V, on page 229.

  2. Quote the sentences containing the words in the text.

Rehabilitation, contribute, effective, prosthetic, application, acute, restorative, fluoride

  1. Match the following words logically.

  1. fluoride, dental, preventive, insist, acute, chronic, severe

  2. stage, disease, dentistry, on fluoridation, services toothpaste, manifestation of disease

  1. Make up sentences using the active words and word combinations given below.

  1. should, dental health massage, to include pieces of advice, simple, four, at least

  2. steps, to improve, various., the health of the month, include, treatment, and, early diagnosis, other measures

Contact Hour (2)
1. Fill in the blanks with the proper words from those given below.

(large, sugar, manifestation, gums, dentistry)

  1. Clean the teeth and ___ thoroughly everyday.

  2. The objectives of preventive ___ are to prevent.

  3. Preventive dentistry is a ___ component of dental public health service.

  4. The ___ of the disease were evident.

  5. Restrict food and drink containing ___ to mealtimes.

2. Complete the sentences using the text information.

1.) The tasks of preventive dentistry are … …

2.) Various steps of prevention are … …

3.) Dental health education are … …

4.) Dental services can help in … …

5.) One should follow at least four … …

3. Do exercise 11, on page 230.
4. Find in the text the sentences containing modal verbs.
5. Change these sentences into negative and interrogative.

1.) She can define chronic stage of disease.

2.) The health of the month can be improved by taking the correct steps.

3.) The patient must use fluoride toothpaste.

4.) Food and drink containing sugar to mealtimes can not be used by the people.
6. Give your own sentences with modal verbs.
Contact Hour (3)
1. Answer the question.

1.) Is preventive dentistry a large component of dental public health service?

2.) What objectives of preventive dentistry do you know?

3.) What can the correct use of the dental service aid in?

4.) What steps should preventive dentistry include?

5.) Why is the health education important?

6.) When will it be effective?

7.) What should dental health massage include?

2. Make up statements on the following topics.

1.) The objectives of Preventive Dentistry

2.) Steps of Preventive

3.) Dental Health Education

3. Read the grammar material and answer the question.

1.) What modal verbs do you know?

2.) How do the model verbs form?

3.) What modal verbs dose the Past form have?

4.) How are modal verbs changed in the Past and Future Tense?

Өзіндік жұмысқа арналған

әдістемелік ұсыныстар

Пән атауы: Ағылшын тілі IYa 1103

Мамандық: 051302 «Стоматология»
Кафедра: шет тілдер

Құрастырушылар: Сайнова М.Б.

Жұбанышева А.

Қыдырбай Г.

Арғынбаева А.Қ.

Алматы, 2008

Work – out

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: Structure of the teeth

Aim: 1. To get and study new information about structure of the teeth.

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with the theme.

Tasks on the theme.

In your essay you should describe your chosen structure of the teeth in the following way.

Plan of compiling

a.) Enamel

b.) Cementum

c.) Dentine

d.) Pulp

e.) Supporting Structures

Form of conducting.

  1. To prepare an essay on the theme:

“Structure of the teeth”

  1. To prepare a table on the grammar theme: “Negative Sentences”

Criteria of fulfilling.

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages. (Supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay)

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 4-5 different sources.

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observances on summary’s culture

  • Text of the essay must contain references of the used literature

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly

Structure of the essay must contain:

Title page



The main part



Terms of passing:

According to time – table

Criteria of marks

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

3. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002


1. To prepare a short summary of the essay for practical lesson in the oral form.

2. To prepare a lexico – grammatical tests for students on the theme of the essay (about 25 tests with keys)


for self-studying of students (out of classes).

Theme: Anatomy of Individual Teeth.

1) To get and study new information about the anatomy of individual teeth.

2) To consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with the theme.

Hours: 10.
Tasks on the theme:

To write an essay. In your essay you should describe the anatomy of individual teeth in the following way.

Plan of compiling.

- About the teeth.

- Structure of the individual teeth.

- Anatomy of the teeth.

- Functions of the teeth.

- Your attitude towards the theme.

Form of conducting.

To prepare an essay on the theme: “Anatomy of Individual teeth”

To prepare 25 test questions on the theme.

To prepare a crossword.

To prepare a table on the grammar theme: “The functions of To be and To have.”
Criteria of fulfilling.

Requirements to design and fulfilling of on essay:

• the volume of on essay must be 3-4 printing pages

( supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay)

• by preparing of an essay it is recommended to use different sources

• the essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture

• text of the essay must contain references on the used literature .

• bibliography must be compiled correctly.

Structure of the essay must contain:

Title page



The main part



Terms of passing :

According to time-table.

Criteria of marks.

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1)”English for students-stomatologists”. Biktasheva G.M.

2) Maslova A.M. “Essential English for Medical Students” Moscow 2002.

3)”English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy.

4)”Essential vocabulary for medical students” Moscow 2002


1) To prepare a short summary of the essay for practical lesson in the oral form

2) To prepare a lexica-grammatical tests for students on the theme of the essay.

(about 25 tests with keys)

3) To prepare a crossword.

Work – out

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: Periodontal disease

Aim: 1. To get and study new information about periodontal disease.

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with the theme.

Tasks on the theme.

In your essay you should describe your chosen periodontal disease in the following way.

Plan of compiling

  1. Etiology of disease

  2. Location of the disease

  3. Pathogenesis

  4. Symptoms

Form of conducting.

  1. To prepare an essay on the theme:

“Periodontal disease”

  1. To prepare a table on the grammar theme: “Prepositions”

Criteria of fulfilling.

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages. (Supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay)

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 4-5 different sources.

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observances on summary’s culture

  • Text of the essay must contain references of the used literature

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly

Structure of the essay must contain:

Title page



The main part


Terms of passing:

According to time – table

Criteria of marks

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  1. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002


  1. To prepare a short summary of the essay for practical lesson in the oral form.

  2. To prepare a lexico – grammatical tests for students on the theme of the essay (about 25 tests with keys).

Work – out

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)
Theme: Preventive Dentistry in the system of Dental Services

Aim: 1. To get and study new information about Preventive Dentistry in

the system of Dental Services

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected

with the theme.

Tasks on the theme.

In your essay you should describe your chosen Preventive Dentistry in the system of Dental Services in the following way.

Plan of compiling:

a. The objectives of Preventive Dentistry are prevent;

b. Various steps of prevention;

c. Health education.

Form of conducting.

  1. To prepare an essay on the theme: “Preventive Dentistry in the system of Dental Services”

2.To prepare a table on the grammar theme: “Modal verbs”.
Criteria of fulfilling.

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages. (Supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay)

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 4-5 different sources.

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observances on summary’s culture

  • Text of the essay must contain references of the used literature

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly

Structure of the essay must contain:

Title page



The main part


Terms of passing:

According to the time – table

Criteria of marks

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. “English for students - stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty 2006

2. “English grammar in use” Raymond Murphy

  1. “Essential English for Medical Students” Maslova A.M. Moscow 2002


  1. To prepare a short summary of the essay for practical lesson in the oral form.

  2. To prepare a lexico – grammatical tests for students on the

theme of the essay (about 25 tests with keys).


For self-studying of students/ out of classes

Theme: Orthodontics

Aim: 1. To get and study new information about the orthodontics.

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with the theme.

Tasks on the theme:

In your essay you should describe about orthodontics

Plan for complaining:

1. About orthodontics

2. Symptoms of orthodontics

3. The treatment of orthodontics

Form of conducting

1. To prepare an essay on the theme:” Orthodontics of Almaty”.

2. To prepare a table on the grammar theme” Infinitives”.

Criteria of fulfilling

Requirements of design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages/ supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 4-5 different sources.

  • The essay must be fulfilled literally, with observance on summary’s culture

  • The text of the essay must contain references on the used literature

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly

Structure of the essay must contain:

- Title page

- Contents

- Introduction

-The main part

- Conclusion


Terms of passing: According to the time-table

Criteria of marks: Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. “English for student- stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty- 2006

2. “English grammar in use ” Raymond Murphy

3. Maslova A.M. “Essential English for medical students”. Moscow 2002


1. To prepare a short summary of the essay for practical lesson in the oral form

2. To prepare a lexico-grammatical tests for syudents on the theme of the essay (about 25 tests with key)


For self-studying of students/ out of classes

Theme: Toothbrushing

Aim: 1. To get and study new information about the toothbrushes.

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with the theme.

Tasks on the theme:

In your essay you should describe about orthodontics

Plan for complaining:

1. About Toothbrushing

2. Usage of toothbrush

3. The history of toothbrush

Form of conducting

1. To prepare an essay on the theme:”Toothbrush ”.

2. To prepare a table on the grammar theme” Present, Past, Future Continuous Tenses”.

Criteria of fulfilling

Requirements of design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages/ supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 4-5 different sources.

  • The essay must be fulfilled literally, with observance on summary’s culture

  • The text of the essay must contain references on the used literature

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly

Structure of the essay must contain:

- Title page



- The main part



Terms of passing: According to the time-table

Criteria of marks: Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. “English for student- stomatologists” Biktasheva G.M. Almaty- 2006

2. “English grammar in use ” Raymond Murphy

3. Maslova A.M. “Essential English for medical students”. Moscow 2002


1. To prepare a short summary of the essay for practical lesson in the oral form

2. To prepare a lexico-grammatical tests for syudents on the theme of the essay (about 25 tests with key)


Емтихан сұрақтары
Қорытынды бақылау тестілеу + ауызша емтиханнан тұрады:

Емтихандық билеттің құрылымы:

  1. Сөздікпен оқу және жазбаша аударма, мамандық негізі бойынша оқылған текстің мазмұны. Текстің көлемі – 2000 – 2500 баспа белгі.

  2. Жалпы профессионалдық мазмұнды тексті (сөздіксіз) оқу, оқылған текстің негізгі мазмұнын шет тілінде немесе ана тілінде беру. Текстің көлемі – 800- 1000 баспа белгі.

  3. Оқылған тақырыптың бірін мазмұндау.

Емтихан тақырыптарының тізімі:

  1. Менің өмірбаяным.

  2. Менің жанұям.

  3. Менің пәтерім.

  4. Қазақстан – менің Отаным.

  5. Менің сүйікті қалам.

  6. Оқытылатын тілдің елі.

  7. Лондан – Ұлыбритания астанасы.

  8. Ұлыбританиядағы білім беру.

  9. Қазақстандағы білім беру.

10.Ұлыбританияның атақты ғалымдары.

11.Қазақстанның атақты ғалымдары.

12.Тістердің құрылымы.

13.Тістердің жеке анатомиясы

14. Ауыз қуысы.

15. Тістер және қызыл иектер.

16. Тістерді күтудің қазіргі медициналық құралдары.

Текстке дайындауға грамматикалық тақырыптар тізімі:

  1. Зат есім

  2. Артикль

  3. Есімдік

  4. Сын есім

  5. Предлогтар

  6. Етістік

  7. Белгісіз осы шақ

  8. Белгісіз өткен шақ

  9. Белгісіз келер шақ

10. Indefinite шақ топтары (Present, Past, Future), болымды түрі

11. Indefinite Шақ топтары (Present, Past, Future), болымcыз түрі

12. Indefinite Шақ топтары (Present, Past, Future), сұраулы түрі

13. “To be” етістіктердің жіктелуі

14. Indefinite Tenses шақ топтары Present, Past (Passive Voice)

15. Сын есімдер.

16. сould, might модальды етістіктердің қолданылуы.

Ситуациялық тапсырмалар.

    1. Тақырып : Тістердің құрылысы

Жағдайят: Екі студент тістің құрылысы атты сабаққа дайындалуда. Бір-біріне сұрақ қойып, тіс құрылысының схемасын сал.

    1. Тақырып: Кариес

Мұғалім - группа

Жағдайят: Сіз- стоматологсіз. Сіздің науқасыңызда тіс жегісі бар. Сіздің рекомендацияларыңыз және тіс жегісін емдеудің 5 маңызды ережелерін беріңіз.

    1. Тақырып: Кариестің себептері

Жағдайят: Сіз- стоматологсіз. Сіздің досыңыз кофені ұнатады және оны денсаулыққа пайдалы деп ойлайды. Кофе ішудің жақсы және жаман жақтары туралы айтып беріңіз.

    1. Тақырып: Ауыз қуысы

Мұғалім - группа

Жағдайят : Сіз- стоматологсіз. Ауыз қуысын тексерудегі сіздің іс-әрекетіңіз.

    1. Тақырып: Периодонтальді тіс аурулары

Жағдайят: Сіз- стоматологсіз. Сіздің досыңыз периодонтальді тіс ауруларының симптомдарын және оның салдарын жазып беруді өтінді. Периодонтальді тіс ауруларының даму барысын жазба түрінде дайындаңыз.

    1. Тақырып: Тісті пломбылау

Мұғалім - группа

Жағдайят: Тісті пломбылау тәжірибесі. Пломбылау материалдарының түрлерін және олардың қолдануын атаңыз.

    1. Тақырып: Тісті пломбылау

Жағдайят: Сіз- стоматологсіз. Тісті пломбылау ережесін және оған керекті инструменттерді атаңыз.

    1. Тақырып: Ортодонтия

Жағдайят: Дәрігерг стоматологқа баласы анасымен келді. Балада тұрақты тістер шыққаннан кейін проблема пайда полды. Жоғарғы тістері алдыға қарай шығыңқы. Оларды түзеуге болады ма? Сіздің іс-әрекетіңіз.

    1. Тақырып: Ауыз қуысының гигиенасы

Жағдайят: Сіз– топ – модельсіз. Сіздің тістеріңіз ақ және әдемі.

Әдемі тістеріңіздің сырымен бөлісіңіз.

10. Тақырып: Тіске арналған жаңа медициналық құралдар.

Жағдайят: Сіз тіске арналған жаңа медициналық құралдар туралы жарнама беріңіз.


  1. Compile a word with following letters: u,l,f,w,a

a. ulawf

b. fulow

c. awful

d. fawul

e. uflaw

  1. The antonym of the word “Set” is:

a. recite

b. rise

c. show

d. ring

e. get up

  1. Choose the correct word: His … names are Jean and Chris.

a. of cousins

b. cousins’s

c. cousins

d. cousins’

e. cousen’s

  1. Compile the sentence: The First of September … a great holiday in the life of all pupils.

a. am

b. were

c. been

d are

e. is

  1. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalent: Nick was going to call me tomorrow.

a. Ник собирался позвонить мне завтра.

b. Ник зашел в кино за мной завтра.

c. Ник позвонил мне вчера.

d. Ник собирался играть в футбол сегодня.

e. Ник вчера заходил ко мне.

  1. Choose a word in which the picked out letter differing from others:

a. Garden

b. Gate

c. Gentle

d. Geese

e. Gaze

  1. Choose the correct variant of preposition: The children stood … when the teacher came in.

a. of

b. under

c. over

d. up

e. down
8. Choose the correct variant of date reading: “27/04”

a. The twenty- seventh of April.

b. The twenty and seventh of April.

c. The twentieth and seven of April.

d. The twentieth seventh of April.

e. The twentieth seven of April.

9. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Sasha is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. young

d. youngest

e. youngster

10. Choose the correct variant of pronouns: Are there … toys in the box?

a. nothing

b. none

c. something

d. anything

e. any
11. Choose the countable noun:

a. bottle

b. time

c. butter

d. sugar

e. health
12. Find the correct variant of predicate: The holidays … last week.

a. begin

b. was begin

c. begins

d. began

e. will begin

13. Choose the correct Russian equivalent to the sentence: He said he would phone back.

a. Он сказал, что он звонит еще раз.

b. Он сказал, что он перезвонил опять.

c. Он сказал, что перезвонил домой.

d. Он сказал, что позвонит назад.

e. Он сказал, что перезвонит.

14. Choose the unnecessary word in the given group of words:

a. bread

b. ham

c. aunt

d. juice

e. chicken

15. Compile the proverb: Every country has its … .

a. flower

b. customs

c. queen

d. king

e. keys
16. Find the adverb:

a. twenty

b. changeable

c. heavily

d. agree

e. traditional
17. Complete the sentence: You remembered everything, …?

a. didn’t you

b. don’t you

c. doesn’t you

d. do you

e. aren’t you

18. Translate into English: Он всегда рад помочь своим друзьям.

a. He was always glad to helped his friends.

b. He is always glad to being help his friends.

c. He was always glad to help his friends.

d. He is always glad to helping his friends.

e. He is always glad to help his friends.

19. Choose the correct answer: What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

a. Astana

b. Aktobe

c. Almaty

d. Aktau

e. Atyrau

20. Choose the correct variant: Look! … my house over there and those are my cows/

a. this are

b. there are

c. that is

d. this is

e. these are

21. Choose the correct variant: She asked her friend … her that afternoon.

a. why she didn’t phoned

b. why didn’t she phone

c. why she hadn’t phone

d. why she hadn’t phoned

e. why hadn’t she phoned

22. Find the correct form of verb: I went to see how she was and found her … .

a. were crying

b. has been crying

c. crying

d. cries

e. cried
23. The letter “w” is read in the word:

a. whose

b. who

c. two

d. write

e. why
24. The synonym of the word “slight” is

a. brave

b. dark

c. strong

d. weak

e. heavy
25. Choose the correct word: … dog is too big.

a. -

b. the

c. these

d. an

e. those
26. Put in the verb in the correct tense form: Look! The girl … the floor.

a. were sweeping

b. are sweeping

c. is sweeping

d. was sweeping

e. am sweeping
27. Choose the appropriate English equivalent: На телевидении слишком много рекламы.

a. On television too much advertising is there

b. There too much advertising is on the television

c. Too much advertising is there on television

d. There is on the television too much advertising

e. There is too much advertising on television.

28. Choose the word in which picked out letter differing from others:

a. sock

b. dog

c. mother

d. rock

e. top

29. Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “possible”:

a. repossible

b. impossible

c. ilpossible

d. inpossible

e. unpossible
30. Choose the correct pronoun: Be careful! They are looking at … .

a. ours

b. us

c. I

d. our

e. we
31. Choose the question pronoun for the picked out word: We usually have dinner at five.

a. why

b. where

c. with whom

d. what time

e. what
32. Choose the correct form of verb in the Passive Voice: This newspaper (to sell) everywhere.

a. is sold

b. sold

c. were selled

d. are sold

e. were sold

33. Choose the correct modal verb: You … stop writing at the end of the exam. Your time is limited.

a. need

b. can’t

c. must

d. don’t have to

e. might have

34. Choose the correct variant: The sky is dark … ten o’clock already.

a. this

b. its

c. there is

d. it is

e. this is

35. Choose the correct Participle: The … day.

a. followned

b. followning

c. followeding

d. followeded

e. following

36. Choose the appropriate word: England is the most … part of Great Britain.

a. kingdom

b. populated

c. little

d. valley

e. wet
37. Give the definition to the word “neighbour”:

a. A person who lives near you

b. A person who is interested in sport

c. A person who is fond of reading

d. A person whom you like

e. A person who studies at the institute
38. Put the necessary preposition in the sentence: I am interested … most sports.

a. at

b. for

c. with

d. in

e. on
39. Choose the correct variant of translation, paying attention to the suffix: “Счастливо”

a. happiest

b. happily

c. happier

d. happiness

e. happiiul
40. Choose the correct variant of the degree of comparison of adjectives: My … sister doesn’t live with us.

a. elder

b. more old

c. old

d. more older

e. eld
41. Choose the correct variant of plural form of the noun: Our … are … .

a. childs/ brothers

b. children/ brother

c. child/brothers

d. childrens/brothers

e. children/brothers
42. Choose the correct variant of the possessive form of noun: … mothers were talking.

a. The babie’s

b. The baby

c. The babies’

d. The babys’

e. The babies

43. Put the sentence into negative form: The boys are playing in the yard.

a. The boys are not playing in the yard

b. The boys don’t playing in the yard

c. The boys isn’t playing in the yard

d. The boys not playing in the yard

e. The boys didn’t playing in the yard

44. Choose the correct variant of negative to the given sentence: He used to live in Astana.

a. He didn’t used to live to Astana

b. He used not live in Astana

c. He didn’t use to live to Astana

d. He used not to lived in Astana

e. He not to use to live in Astana

45. Compile the sentence: His only … in life is making money.

a. bag

b. way

c. issue

d. uniform

e. aim
46. Read the numerals: 150, 235

a. One hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and thirty five

b. One hundred and fifty thousands two hundreds and thirty five

c. One hundreds and fifty thousands two hundred and thirty five

d. One hundred and fifty thousand and two hundreds and thirty five

e. One hundred fifty thousand two hundred thirty five
47. Choose the correct variant: I don’t know what … if you …this information.

a. happens/forget

b. happen/forget

c. will happen/ will forget

d. happens/will forget

e. will happen/forget

48. … working at the hardware store, Vincent was never happy.

a. He was

b. When was he

c. When he was

d. Was he

e. Was he when

49. Complete the sentences with the verb: I’ll wait for you until the taxi ….

a. will come

b. has been come

c. come

d. comes

e. came

50. Circle the best answer: A, B, C, D, E: You would have a great time if you … .

a. went

b. go

c. have been

d. would go

e. going

51. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: He went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

a. by

b. off

c. in

d. up

e. on
52. Circle the best answer: A, B, C, D, E: You are late. What …?

a. was happened

b. has happened

c. is happened

d. was happening

e. is happening
53. Circle the correct answer: If you don’t take a map, you’ll … .

a. have lost

b. get lose

c. get lost

d. lost

e. lose
54. Complete the sentences with the verb: Oh no, it’s broken! Don’t worry. I … you a new one.

a. am going to buy

b. am buying

c. will buy

d. will be buying

e. are buying
55. Valerie decided … a garden this year.

a. to grow

b. for growing

c. grow

d. grown

e. growing

56. Choose the correct form of the Passive voice: Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

a. had been sent

b. was sending

c. none of the above

d. have sent

e. was sent

57. Complete the sentences with the adverb: Jack says he … to move out into the country this year.

a. want

b. is wanting

c. have wanted

d. have been wanting

e. wants

58. Circle the correct answer: … that picture. Isn’t it lovely!

a. watch

b. look at

c. see

d. look

e. do
59. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: The TV series was based … her autobiography.

a. near

b. over

c. on

d. of

e. by
60. Circle the correct answer: Everybody …mistakes sometimes.

a. does

b. makes

c. has

d. gets

e. knows
61. … working at the hardware store, Vincent was never happy.

a. He was

b. Was he when

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. When he was
62. Bob wants money. Please give … to him.

a. they

b. those

c. them

d. it

e. its
63. Your flat is bigger than … . … walls are too high.

a. hers/Its.

b. our/Her

c. her/ its

d. my/her

e. us/his
64. She is busy with … daughter.

a. yours

b. mine

c. hers

d. her

e. ours
65. I think we have met her … .

a. somebody

b. somewhere

c. something

d. anywhere

e. sometimes
66. There aren’t … fruit-trees in the orchard.

a. any

b. some

c. no

d. anything

e. nothing

67. There are a lot of … in this place.

a. mices

b. mouse

c. mice

d. a mouse

e. a mice

68. You look happy. What’s the news? … good?

a. Are they

b. Is there

c. Are there

d. Is it

e. There are

69. Cuba is … sugar-growing areas in the world.

a. one of the larger

b. one of the largest

c. the largest

d. largest

e. one of the largest

70. Choose the right article if it is necessary: Can you play … piano?

a. an

b. a

c. the

d. -

e. cood

71. What is …matter with … baby?

a. an/the

b. -/the

c. a/the

d. the/the

e. the/an

72. … America is … far away country.

a. The/a

b. -/-

c. The/the

d. An/-

e. -/a
73. Choose the word of phrase, which completes the sentence best: I’ll be on vacation … next week.

a. -

b. on

c. at

d. the

e. in
74. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: What are you laughing …?

a. on

b. over

c. at

d. above

e. up
75. Antarctica is the side of … elevations on the earth.

a. than the highest

b. the highest are

c. and the highest

d. higher

e. the highest
76. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”. Common forms of drugs (to be) of three categories.

a. am

b. is

c. was

d. are

e. shall be

77. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”: A leaf (to be) an expanded organ of a plant.

a. are

b. is

c. am

d. were

e. aren’t

78. Put the verb “to study” in the brackets in a proper tense: The science (to study) the arrangement and classification of plants

a. studies

b. study

c. is studying

d. studys

e. is studied

79. Put the verb “to take” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: The pharmaceutist (to take) the prescription.

a. take

b. took

c. to take

d. takes

e. will take

80. Put the verb “to grow” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Roots and rhizomes usually (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. grown

c. is grow

d. will grow

e. grow
81. Put the verb “to try” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Since ancient times people (to try) to find medicinal plants.

a. try

b. trying

c. tried

d. was tried

e. is tried
82. Put the verb “to administer” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Physician (to administer) me capsules and pills.

+a. administered

b. to administer

c. administer

d. administers

e. will administer

83. Put the verb “to be” in the brackets in Future Indefinite: An ointment (to be) useful for the skin.

a. am

b. were

c. will be

d. are

e. to be

84. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to be”: There … four important groups of plants.

a. am

b. was

c. been

d. is

e. are
85. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to have”: Most plants … no true roots or stems.

a. has

b. has got

c. has not

d. have

e. having
86. Put the verb in the brackets in a proper tense: Usually the fruit (to contain) the seed.

a. will contain

b. are contained

c. contains

d. is contained

e. was contained

87. Put the verb in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Botany is the science which (to deal) with living and extinct plants.

a. dealt

b. deals

c. deal

d. dealing

e. is dealt

88. Put the verb in the brackets in Past Indefinite: Roots and rhizomes (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. will grow

c. is grow

d. grown

e. did grow

89. Put the verb in the brackets in Future Indefinite: A patient with a chronic peptic ulcer (to tolerate) pills.

a. to tolerate

b. tolerate

c. will tolerate

d. tolerates

e. is tolerate

90. Choose the correct variant: … roots usually absorb water and minerals?

a. Does

b. Did

c. Has

d. Do

e. Are
91. Choose the correct variant: … the shape and positions of leaves vary?

a. Am

b. Are

c. Is

d. Does

e. Do
92. Choose the correct variant: … the fruit contain the seed?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Has

d. Is

e. Am
93. Choose the correct variant: … there four important groups of plants?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Is

d. Have

e. Has
94. Give the negative form of the verb: Plant morphology (to study) the life processes and functions of the plant.

a. not study

b. do not study

c. was not studied

d. does not study

e. study not

95. Give the negative form of the verb: All semisolids (to have) fat material.

a. do not have

b. has not

c. are not have

d. is not have

e. are not having

96. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: All medicines (to keep) in drug cabinets.

a. kept

b. to keep

c. to be kept

d. is kept

e. are kept

97. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: Usually composite fruits (to form) from many flowers.

a. was formed

b. is formed

c. will be formed

d. are formed

e. should form

98. The antonym of the word “Rise” is:

a. recite

b. set

c. show

d. ring

e. get up

99. Choose the correct word: His … names are Jack and Nick.

a. cousins’

b. of cousins

c. cousins

d. cousins’es

e. cousen’s

100. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Julia is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. young

c. youngest

d. younger

e. youngster

101. Choose the right variant.

There are many… in the garden.

a) flower

b) flowers

c) fower’s

d) flowers’

e) a flower
102. Complete the sentence.

I … a student now.

a) will

b) am

c) was

d) will be

e) have
103. Complete the sentence

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

a) had

b) has

c) am having

d) have had

e) have

104. Add the sentence.

Peter is a pupil. … studies in the 10th form.

a) She

b) He

c) I

d) We

e) You
105. Complete the sentence.

This concert is … spoken about.

a) many

b) more

c) few

d) much

e) big
106. Choose the right variant.

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .

a) yourself

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

107. Choose the right sentence.

a) My parents were in much countries.

b) Do it as any as possible.

c) Did you take some photos?

d) My wive speaks few.

e) You watch TV too much.

108. Choose the right variant.

February is the … month of the year.

a) one

b) first

c) second

d) third

e) one of
109. Indicate the antonym.


  1. a) superior

  2. b) inferior

  3. c) backwards

  4. d) anterior

  5. e) low

110. Complete the sentence.

We keep our clothes in the ….

a) sofa

b) cupboard

c) wardrobe

d) TV-set

e) refrigerator

111. Complete the sentence.

These shoes are made of … leather.

a) the

b) any

c) an

d) -

e) an
112. Complete the sentence.

Tom is in his room. He … the piano.

  1. a) was playing

  2. b) plays

  3. c) played

  4. d) has playing

  5. e) is playing

113. Complete the sentence.

Books … to the students in the library.

  1. a) was given

  2. b) are given

  3. c) gave

  4. d) gives

  5. e) gaves

114. Choose the right variant.

… I come in?

  1. a) can

  2. b) had to

  3. c) have to

  4. d) can to

  5. e) may

115. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like this pen. Give me … one.

a) that

b) these

c) this

d) those

e) its
116. Choose the right variant.

I met my … friend yesterday.

a) goodest

b) better

c) the best

d) best

e) well
117. Complete the sentence.

If we study … we’ll pass our exams successfully.

  1. a) worst

b) well

  1. c) good

  2. d) best

  3. e) bad

118. Complete the sentence.

The capital of Russia is … .

  1. a) Moscow

  2. b) Leningrad

  3. c) Volgograd

  4. d) Almaty

  5. e) Kiyev

119. Choose the right variant.

Doctor-neurologist treats the patients with … .

  1. a) pneumonia

  2. b) cardiovascular diseases

  3. c) urological diseases

  4. d) gynecological diseases

  5. e) diseases of the nervous system

120. Choose the right variant.

The system is … into some groups.

  1. a) taken

  2. b) divided

  3. c) given

  4. d) belonged

  5. e) refered

121. Complete the sentence.

I … this work already.

a) did

b) done

c) have done

d) had done

e) didn’t

122. Choose the right variant.

I saw a girl … out of the window.

a) looks

b) have looked

c) is looking

d) look

e) looking

123. Choose the right variant.

Children go … kindergarden at the age of 3.

  1. a) To

  2. b) on

  3. c) from

  4. e) in

  5. f) at

124. Choose the right variant.

No news … good news.

  1. a) are

  2. b) am

  3. c) is

  4. d) will

  5. e) have

125. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the students … late.

  1. a) don’t be

  2. b) not being

  3. c) not to be

  4. d) not be

  5. e) doesn’t be

126. Choose the right variant.

There is … on the table.

  1. a) books

  2. b) book’s

  3. c) a book

  4. d) books’

  5. e) book

127. Complete the sentence.

He … born in 1975.

  1. a) is

  2. b) were

  3. c) had

  4. d) was

  5. e) am.

128. Complete the sentence.

Last year the students … lessons on Physics.

  1. a) have

  2. b) have had

  3. c) was having

  4. d) don’t have

  5. e) had

129. Complete the sentence.

Jane works at a hospital. … is a doctor.

  1. a) She

  2. b) They

  3. c) I

  4. d) We

  5. e) You

130. Complete the sentence.

There are … books in the library.

  1. a) little

  2. b) much

  3. c) few

  4. d) many

  5. e) any

131. Complete the sentence.

Let her do it by ….

  1. a) Herself

  2. b) himself

  3. c) ourselves

  4. d) itself

  5. e) themselves

132. Choose the right sentence

a) Thank you very much.

b) Much students passed this examination.

c) There is many money in my pocket

d) I enjoyed the party very little.

e) There were not some people in the street.
133. Choose the right variant.

He is…of the best student.

  1. a) second

  2. b) third

  3. c) one’s

  4. d) one

  5. e) ones

134. Indicate the antonym to ‘’seldom’’.

a) usually

b) sometimes

c) never

d) frequently

e) often

135. Complete the sentence.

All the drugs are kept in the ….

  1. a) cupboard

  2. b) sofa

  3. c) table

  4. d) drug cabinet

  5. e) bag

136. Complete the sentence.

This dress is made of … cotton.

  1. a) any

  2. b) an

  3. c) –

  4. d) the

  5. e) a

137. Complete the sentence.

Where are our children? They … pictures.

  1. a) are drawing

  2. b) was drawing

  3. c) were drawing

  4. d) is drawing

  5. e) have drawing

138. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday we … to the party by our friend.

  1. a) was invited

  2. b) were invited

  3. c) are invited

  4. d) is invited

  5. e) will invited

139. Choose the right variant.

He … to do this work.

  1. a) can

  2. b) may

  3. c) must

  4. d) has

e) have
140. Choose the right variant.

I need only … book.

a) these

b) those

c) it

d) its

e) this
141. Choose the right variant.

Mary is … in her family.

  1. a) younger

  2. b) the youngest

  3. c) youngest

  4. d) young

  5. e) the youngerst

142. Complete the sentence.

If he sees him he will ask some … .

  1. a) story

  2. b) questions

  3. c) answer

  4. d) paper

  5. e) advice

143. Complete the sentence.

The head of our state is the … .

  1. a) prime minister

  2. b) president

  3. c) chairman

  4. d) akim

  5. e) senator

144. Complete the sentence.

Butcher’s is a shop where we buy … .

  1. a) sweets

  2. b) bread

  3. c) meat

  4. d) drugs

  5. e) vegetables

145. Choose the right variant.

The heart … of two chambers.

  1. a) contains

  2. b) consists

  3. c) gives

  4. d) composes

  5. e) divides

146. Complete the sentence.

He … out just now.

  1. a) has gone

  2. b) went

  3. c) have gone

  4. d) goes

  5. e) gone

147. Complete the sentence.

The teacher … the students in room 4.

  1. a) examine

b) is examining

  1. c) examining

  2. d) will examine

  3. e) have examined

148. Choose the right variant.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

  1. a) on

  2. b) in

  3. c) of

  4. d) from

  5. e) to

149. Choose the right variant.

East or West home … best.

  1. a) are

  2. b) will

  3. c) am

  4. d) have

  5. e) is

150. Choose the right variant.

Mike hoped that his friend … him with his car.

  1. a) helped

  2. b) would help

  3. c) have helped

  4. d) will help

  5. e) is helping

151. Choose the right variant.

There are some … in the room.

  1. a) chair

  2. b) chair’s

  3. c) chairs’

  4. d) chairs

  5. e) chaires

152. Choose the right variant.

Moscow … the capital of Russia.

  1. a) Is

  2. b) were

  3. c) am

  4. d) are

  5. e) have

153. Choose the right variant.

Margie and her sister …wonderful voices.

a) do

b) has

c) is having

d) are having

e) have
154. Complete the sentence.

Saule and Gulnar are students. … study at the university.

a) He

b) I

c) She

d) They

e) We
155. Complete the sentence.

He has … money.

a) many

b) small

c) much

d) big

e) any
156. Choose the right variant.

They did this work ….

a) himself

b) itself

c) herself

d) themselves

e) ourselves

157. Choose the right sentence.

a) He doesn’t have some time.

b) There are much buildings in this region.

c) Little childrens go to the school.

d) Any students of this group know it.

e) Many people live here

158. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

a) first

b) third

c) tenth

d) fourth

e) fifth
159. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ever’’.

a) always

b) usually

c) never

d) often

e) sometimes

160. Choose the right variant.

We buy drugs at a … .

a) chemist’s

b) butcer’s

c) grocery

d) shop

e) market
161. Choose the right variant.

The table is made of … wood.

a) –

b) some

c) an

d) a

e) the
162. Complete the sentence.

I … for my key . I can’t open the door.

a) is looking

b) are looking

c) am looking

d) were looking

e) have looking
163. Complete the sentence.

This film … on this channel very often.

a) showed

b) show

c) is shown

d) shown

e) were shown
164. Choose the right variant.

… you speak English?

a) have to

b) should

c) may

d) would

e) can
165. Choose the right variant.

Don’t touch … things. They are mine.

a) these

b) this

c) that

d) it

e) its
166. Choose the right variant.

This book is the … … one.

a) more interesting

b) as interesting as

c) interesting more

d) most interesting

e) interesting most
167. Complete the sentence.

If he wants to study English he will need … .

a) Russian teacher

b) English teacher

c) Spanish teacher

d) French teacher

e) Kazakh reacher
168. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Independence of RK is … .

a) the 30 th of August

b) The 25 th of October

c) the 31 st of May

d) the 23 d of February

e) the 16 th of December
169. Choose the right variant.

Medical student … .

a) don’t like reading books

b) don’t know anything

c) are very strange

d) know everything

e) is a well educated person
170. Choose the right variant.

Jane … swimming.

a) go

b) looks

c) gets

d) likes

e) gives
171. Complete the sentence.

I … never...to London.

a) had/been

b) have/been

c) was/been

d) were/been

e) don’t/been
172. Choose the right variant.

I saw him … the road.

a) crossed

b) cross

c) crosses

d) crossing

e) having cross
173. Choose the right variant.

Alice is fond … ballet.

a) of

b) on

c) in

d) at

e) to
174. Choose the right variant.

Money … not everything.

a) are

b) an

c) is

d) will

e) have
175. Choose the right variant.

A doctor asked the patients … her.

a) not to disturb

b) no to disturb

c) don’t disturb

d) doesn’t disturb

e) aren’t disturb

176. Choose the right variant.

There are no … among them.

a) boy

b) boy’s

c) a boy

d) boys’

e) boys
177. Complete the sentence.

What … your sister’s name?

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) were

e) have
178. Complete the sentence.

Pete … anatomy lessons every day.

a) have

b) has

c) is having

d) had

e) have had

179. Add the sentence.

I see this picture every day….is beautiful!

a) I

b) It

c) He

d) They

e) We
180. We enjoyed the film very … .

a) much

b) few

c) more

d) a few

e) best
181. Choose the right variant.

Let me introduce … .

a) himself

b) herself

c) itself

d) ourselves

e) myself

182. Choose the right sentence.

a) My friend didn’t make some mistakes.

b) There isn’t many milk in the bottle.

c) She has much friends.

d) He spends much money on his clothes.

e) I have many time.

183. Choose the right variant.

The… month of the year is April.

a) fourth

b) third

c) sixth

d) first

e) eleventh
184. Indicate the antonym to ‘’rare’’.

a) never

b) seldom

c) sometimes

d) usually

e) frequently

185. Complete the sentence.

We lay on the … .

a) wardrobe

b) refrigerator

c) table

d) chair

e) sofa
186. Complete the sentence.

It is made … steel.

a) for

b) to

c) off

d) on

e) of
187. Complete the sentence.

Listen! Somebody … … a lovely song.

a) was singing

b) are singing

c) is singing

d) were singing

e) has singing

188. Complete the sentence.

The Olympic games … once in 4 years.

a) hold

b) were hold

c) are hold

d) was held

e) holds
189. Choose the right variant.

You … attend all lectures.

a) could

b) must

c) has to

d) would

e) have
190. Choose the right variant.

Look at … flowers, they are beautiful.

a) this

b) that

c) these

d) it

e) them
191. Choose the right variant.

Henry is … than his brother Bob.

a) strong

b) strongest

c) the stronger

d) so strong

e) stronger

192. Choose the right variant.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will have a picnic.

a) bad

b) best

c) fine

d) worse

e) baddest
193. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Constitution in Kazakhstan is … .

a) the 30 th of August

b) the 9 th of February

c) the 25 th of October

d) the 16th of December

e) the 1st of May
194. Choose the right variant.

A polyclinic is an institution where ………….

a) we dance

b) we go to see a doctor

c) we study mathematics

d) we cook meals

e) we have breakfast
195. Choose the right variant.

He always … to this music.

a) hates

b) sings

c) hears

d) listens

e) likes
196. Choose the right variant.

We … this letter already.

a) wrote

b) write

c) has written

d) writes

e) have written
197. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like … TV .

a) have watched

b) watching

c) watched

d) watch

e) is watched
198. Choose the right variant.

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

a) in

b) at

c) for

d) on

e) of
199. Choose the right variant.

Knowledge … power .

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) have

e) having

200. Choose the right variant.

The dean asked the students … .. … lessons .

a) missing

b) not to miss

c) doesn’t miss

d) don’t miss

e) be missed

201. Complete the sentence.

… is a teacher.

a) Aiguls sisters

b) Aiguls sisters

c) Aiguls sister

d) Sisters of Aigul

e) Aigul sisters
202. Complete the sentence.

Here is … notebook you need.

a) an

b) the

c) a

d) this

e) some
203. Complete the sentence.

She … be in the village next week.

a) am


c) will

d) are

e) were
204. Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

I must go to the English lesson.

… begins at 5 o, clock.

  1. а) she

b) they

c) him

d) it

e) he
205. Choose the right variant.

Give … this book, please.

a) his

b) she

c) it

d) your

  1. e) me

206. Complete the sentence.

She is speaking … her sister.

a) on

b) to

c) of

d) for

e) from
207. Choose the right variant.

Now they … an English article.

a) is translating

b) translate

c) translates

d) are translating

e) have translated

208. Complete the sentence.

The Parliament of Kazakhstan is located in:

a) Almaty

b) Atyrau

c) Astana

d) Taraz

e) Aktau
209. Complete the sentence.

He … for his father at that time yesterday.

a) was / waited

  1. b) was / waiting

c) waiting

d) were / waiting

e) ware / waited
210. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the training course he … swim well.

  1. a) have to

  2. b) am allowed to

c) could

d) am able to

e) can to
211. Choose the right variant.

The home task … by me yesterday.

a) done

b) is done

c) do

d) are done

e) was done

212. Complete the sentence.

This book belongs to …

a) ours

  1. b) me



e) we
213. Choose the right variant.

How … friends do you have?

a) many

  1. b) much

c) few

d) any

e) little
214. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

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