Мырза Хайдар Дулаттың «Тарих-и Рашидиі» әдеби жәдігер

Distinction of the given work

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Distinction of the given work is in the use of literary genres of the East, such as tasmin and talmih. Furthermore the work enables us to get acquainted with the stars of the East. Because the author of «Tarih-i Rashidi» uses works of representatives sufi literature such as Hodzha Ahmet Jassau, Nagmeddin Cobr, Nakshband, Turkic poets Atai, Sakkaki, Lutpi, Alisher Navoi and Persian poets Abdrakhman Djami, Firdousi, Sagdi, Anvari. For this reason, we consider «Tarih-i Rashidi» as a literary work, and deem it is a biographical literary work.

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