Модальный глагол\Modal verb can \ could

Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences using "could" or "was/were able to"

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Lesson4 Grammar

Exercise 9. Complete the following sentences using "could" or "was/were able to".

  • 1. It was a fine day yesterday, so we ________ have a picnic, and we enjoyed it very much. 2. He suddenly felt ill, but he ________finish his speech, although at the end he could hardly stand. 3. He spoke very little French when he left school, but he __________ understand the language. 4. I got to the station at 9.50 a.m. and_________ catch the 9.55 a.m. train. I was very pleased I didn't have to wait for the next train. 5. He has always been good at Math. But even he_________solve this difficult problem. 6. The town was full of visitors, and we didn't know where we would spend the night, but at last we _________ find two vacant rooms in a small hotel. 7. Before his illness, he_________work fourteen hours a day if he had to. 8. He was very strong; he_________ski all day and dance all night. 9. I was a long way from the stage. I_________see all right but I_________not hear very well. 10. We_________borrow umbrellas, so we didn't get wet. 11. When the garage had repaired our car we_________ continue our journey. 12. When I arrived everyone was asleep. Fortunately I_________wake my sister and she let me in.
  • Thank you!

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