Мұсаева әлия алтай-қызы көркем жобалау жүйесіндегі костюмнің пішін құру принциптерін зерттеу

Objective and tasks of the research

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Көркем жобалау жүйесіндегі костюмнің пішін құру

Objective and tasks of the research. To develop modern costume on the base of the research on costume form development and composition analysis. In order to achieve objective the basis of developing Kazakh national garments were analyzed and as the result following tasks have been done:

  • Analysis of the process of form development in costumes;

  • Analysis of form developing principles of inter structural segregation of costumes;

  • Analysis of decorative designing of the Kazakh national garments;

  • Classification of decorative elements of national costume;

  • Analysis of structural form development of the Kazakh national costume;

  • On the base of the research to develop model of modern costume.

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