Обними меня крепче. 7 диалогов для любви на всю жизнь [litres]

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Диалог 5. Простить обиды

1. Herman, Judith. Trauma and Recovery. Basic Books,
2. Simpson, Jeffry, and William Rholes. Stress and secure
base relation ships in adulthood. In Attachment Processes in
Adulthood, Kim Bartholomew and Dan Perlman (editors),
Jessica Kingley Pub lisher, 1994, pp. 181–204.
Диалог 6. Любить и прикасаться, чтобы стать
1. Davis, Deborah, Phillip Shaver, and Michael Vernon.
Attachment style and subjective motivations for sex.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2004, vol. 30, pp.
2. Field, Tiffany. Touch. MIT Press, 2003.
3. Gillath, Omri, and Dory Schachner. How do sexuality
and attach ment interrelate? In Dynamics of Romantic Love:
Attachment, caregiving and sex, Mario Mikulincer and Gail
Goodman (editors), Guilford Press, 2006, pp. 337–355.
4. Harlow, Harry. Learning to Love. Jason Aronson, 1978.
5. Hazan, Cindy, D. Zeifman, and K. Middleton. Adult
romantic attachment, affection and sex. Paper presented at
the International Conference on Personal Relationships,
Groningen, Netherlands, 1994.
6. McCarthy, Barry, and Emily McCarthy. Rekindling
Desire. Brunner/Routledge, 2003.
7. Michael, Robert, John Gagnon, Edward Laumann, and
Gina Kolata. Sex in America: A definitive survey. Little,
Brown and Company, 1995.
8. Montagu, Ashley. Touching. Harper and Row, 1978.
9. Simpson, Jeffry, and S. Gangestad. Individual
differences in sociosexu ality: Evidence for convergent and
discriminant validity. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 1991, vol. 60, pp. 870–883.

10. Stern, Daniel. The Present Moment in Psychotherapy
and Everyday Life. Norton, 2004.
Диалог 7. Поддерживать огонь любви
1. Johnson, Susan, and Leslie Greenberg. The differential
effects of experiential and problem solving interventions in
resolving marital conflict. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 1985, vol. 53, pp. 175–184.
2. Main, Mary. Metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive
monitoring and singular (coherent) vs. multiple (incoherent)
models of attach ment. In Attachment Across the Life Cycle,
Colin Murray Parkes, Joan Stevenson-Hinde, and Peter Marris
(editors), Routledge, 1991, pp. 127–159.
3. Schor, Juliet. The Overworked American. Basic Books,

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