Образдың объективті-танымдық және субъективті-шығармашылық аспектілері қарастырылады

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Түйін сөздер:
көркем образ, образдылық, эстетикалық категория, объективті-танымдық 
аспект, субъективті-шығармашылық тәсіл.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,
e-mail: sk.61@mail.ru
Poetics of the artistic image
The article deals with the main objects of study of literary criticism – the objective-cognitive and 
subjective-creative aspects of the artistic image. Since the artistic image is the result of the artist’s knowl-
edge of the truth and creative thinking, it has been proven that this is a literary category with aesthetic 
power, metaphorical meaning and multifaceted properties. On the basis of comparisons of world and 
domestic literature, define on the history of the formation and development of an artistic image, created 
by the author in various artistic approaches are formulated. The main purpose of the article is to show 
through contextual analysis that the mastery of imagination and artistic thinking of the writer is reflected 
in the ability to create an artistic image. 
The main results and conclusions of the study boil down to the fact that an image is a whole system 
with its own laws and individual characteristics. Since the image is a reflection of thoughts and mood, it 
has properties of a material and emotional nature. There are many ways to define and create an artistic 
image. To classify an artistic image, it is necessary to highlight several key features, such as genre, the-
matic, typical, archaic, semantic, structural and stylistic. The article also offers new judgments about the 
versatility of the artistic image, in its wide semantic range, generalized and individual characteristics. 
With the help of the above examples, it is confirmed that any phenomena and abstract concepts in ob-
jective reality are reflected in the form of an image presented in aesthetic consciousness. The main ideas 
presented in the study are important for a deeper understanding of the nature of the artistic image, the 
ability to classify the types of images according to their individuality.
Key words

Artistic image, imagery, aesthetic category, objective-cognitive aspects, subjective-cre-
ative approach.

Көркем образ поэтикасы
С.А. Калкабаева 
Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби, Казахстан, г. Алматы,
e-mail: sk.61@mail.ru

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