Қожа мұхтар баһадырұлы ортағасырлық Отырар: тарихи-археологиялық деректер негізінде

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Results of the research.
The following scientific results were taken in this dissertation work.

  • Local legends and written genealogy “Nasabnama” is valuable historical source in the history of Otrar, the new materials show that the first excavations of Otrar was in 1884 by N.I. Veselovsky, and the first map of monuments of the region was created by N.V. Rudnev. A.K. Margulan and M.O. Auezov stopped the destruction of Otrar by techniques in the 60th of the 20th century., having saved the monuments for the future study.

  • Fixed the borders of the region of Otrar-Farab, during the observing there were found 14 new archaeological monuments, studied the caravan routes and localized some settlements of the region which mentioned in sources.

  • Greatly increased the presentation about the religion, culture of early middle Aged Otrar. Found ceramics with inscriptions show spreading the writing system in the Middle Syrdarya on the first half of the 1st century.

  • In the middle of the 8th century Arabs conquered Otrar, Turarband and its region, destroyed temples and implant Islam. Remains of desolation and fire are fixed in many settlements of Otrar oasis and the region of Syrdaria.

  • Found instruments of shoemaker, remains of loom and industry of glass in Otrar. Inscriptions on the pipe and on the bronze mortar show spreading literacy among citizens.

  • Archaeological materials correct narrative written sources about tragic participation of its inhabitants, about destruction of fortification by Mongols. According to the archaeological excavations local inhabitants returned and settled on the territory of shakhristan. On the 13th-15th centuries Otrar outlived the new bloom, built monumental buildings, in the archaeological layers found even import items. Raised the channel Akaryk which flips the water from one to another channel. Obtained the chess figure in Otrar.

  • The new raise of building activity from the beginning until the 1980th of the 17th century stopped by fire which connected with Zhungar invasion. Zhungars destroyed the irrigation system of Otrar. The dwellers of Otrar couldn’t restore it again. It was the reason of desolation of Otrar. And the lasted inhabitants of the city moved to Shilik, Turkestan, Shymken.

Structure of dissertation. Dissertation consists of introduction, six chapter and the lists of used sources

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