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Used to do something” және “ be used to doing something”
Ағылшын тілінде“used to do something” конструкциясын бұрын дағдылы болған, бірақ қазіргі уақытта жасалынбайтын іс әрекетті білдіру үшін қолданылады.

  • We used to live in a small village, but now we live in Astana.

  • I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike.

Болымсыз сөйлемде көмекші етістік did немесе not бөлшегі қолданылады.

  • We didn`t use to have computers (=We never used to have computers.)

► “to be used to + V ing” осы шақа қатысты «дағдылану» мағынасынасәйкескеледі…

  • I wasn`t used to wearing glasses – it seemed very strange at first.

  • I am used to getting up early.

► „to be used to + V ing`конструкциясына „to get used to + V ing`синонимдес.

  • Zhanar is getting used to live in the city. (She is becoming accustomed to live in the city)

  • They will soon get used to cooking their own meals.

► „I`d like to do something`сөз орамы

Test №31
1. Find the right variant of negative sentence. We used to live in Taraz.

  1. We didn`t used to live in d) We had not live in Taraz.

  2. We not use to live in Taraz. e) We used not to lived Taraz.

  3. We didn`t use to live in Taraz.

2. Find the right variant of negative sentence. I used to eat a lot of chocolate.

  1. I use not to eat a lot of chocolate d) I didn`t use to eat a chocolate.

  2. I didn`t used to eat a lot of chocolate e) I used not to eat a lot chocolate.

  3. I not use to eat a lot of chocolate.

3. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some meat in the soup.

  1. are

  2. be d) wasn`t

c) „s e) aren`t
4.Choose the right form of the verb. There … a lot of peach trees in our garden.

  1. be d) are

  2. am e) being c) is

5. Choose the right form of the verb. There … many polar bears in Arctic.

  1. was d) am

  2. is e) are

  3. be

6. Find the right variant of negative sentence. My brother used to work as a shop assistant.

  1. My brother doesn`t used to work as a shop assistant.

  2. My brother used to didn`t work as a shop assistant.

  3. My brother didn`t used to work as a shop assistant.

  4. My brother not used to work as a shop assistant.

  5. My brother don`t used to work as a shop assistant.

7. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some boys in the café.

  1. is d) isn`t

  2. are e) are

  3. was

8. Choose the right form of the verb. … there any juice in the glass?

  1. be d) am

  2. have e) are

  3. is

9.Choose the right form of the verb. There … a lot of milk in the bottle. Give me a little!

  1. was d) were

  2. has e) been c) is

10. Choose the right form of the verb. There … some potatoes and carrots in the bag.

  1. is d) be

  2. are e) was

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