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Төл сөзді төлеу сөзге өзгерткенде шақтардың қиысу ережесін есте сақтау керек, яғни өткен шақтағы түрлері ғана болады.

Төл сөзді төлеу сөзге айналдыру жолдары

Direct Speech

Indirect “Reported” Speech


Present Simple

Past Simple

“She works hard,” he said. He said (that) she worked.

Present Continuous

Past Continuous

“She has worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she was working hard.

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

“She has worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.


Past Perfect Continuous

“She “She has been working hard,” he said. He said (that) she had been working hard.

Past Simple

Past Perfect

“She worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.

Past Continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

“She was working hard,” he said.
He said (that) she had been working hard.

Past Perfect

Past Perfect (no change)

“She had worked hard,” he said. He said (that) she had worked hard.

Am/is/are going to

Was / were / going to

“She is going to work hard,” he said. He said (that) she was going to work hard.



“She will work hard,” he said. He said (that) she would work hard.



“She can work hard,” he said. He said (that) she could work hard.


Had to

“She must work hard,” he said. He said (that) she had to work hard. “”



“She may work hard,” he said. He said (that) she might work hard.

Test № 30

1. Choose the right variant. The teacher promised _______ .

  1. that we can learn three English songs.

  2. if we learn three English songs

  3. we would learn three English songs

  4. whether we would learn three English songs

  5. who will learn three English songs.

2. Choose the right variant.
Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” Bill asked Nancy ___.

  1. if he will see an interesting film

  2. if he saw an interesting comedy lately

  3. what comedy Nancy saw lately

  4. if she had seen any interesting comedy lately

  5. if she would see an interesting comedy

3. Choose the right variant.
Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” Nick wonders _____ in the tree.

  1. if I saw a bird d) whether I see a bird.

  2. that I saw a bird e) if I have seen a bird

  3. if I had seen a bird

4. Choose the right variant.
“Will Tom help me?” she said. She asked __________

  1. will Tom help her e) that Tom would be

  2. if Tom would help her helping her

  3. whether he will help her

  4. whether would he help her

5. Choose the right variant.
Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?” Peter asked Alice __________ .

  1. she was busy d) if she wasn`t busy

  2. if she was busy then then

  3. she would be busy e) if she is busy

6. Choose the right variant.
My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”. My sister said that ___________ on an excursion to the lake.

  1. she hopes we will go d) she hoped we were

  2. she didn`t hope that we shall going

go e) she hoped we can go

  1. she hoped they would go

7. Choose the right variant.
Teacher: “Tom, read the story, please`. Teacher asked Tom _________ .

  1. to read the story d) whether he reads the

  2. read the story story

  3. that he reads it e) it he read the story

8. Choose the right variant.
“Whose birthday is it?” said Jane.
Jane asked whose birthday _______ .

  1. it is d) is it

  2. it e) it had been

  3. it was

Leveled exercises № 30
Деңгейлік тапсырма № 30

I level/I деңгей
Change commands, requests, recommenda­tions into indirect speech.
Example: "Close the doqr," she asked me. — She asked me to close the door.
1. "Open the safe!" the raiders ordered the bank clerk. 2. "Please do as I say," he begged me. 3. "Help your mother, Peter," Mr. Pitt said. 4. "Don't make too much noise, children," he said. 5. "Do whatever you like," she said to us. 6. "Don't miss your train," she warned them. 7. "Read the document before you sign it," the lawyer said to his client.
II level/II деңгей
Change the following into indirect speech

  1. "I have something to tell you," I said to her.

  2. "I met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning last spring," he said.

  3. "I am going to call again tomorrow, mother," she said.

  4. ."I've been to Turkey twice, but so far I haven't had time to visit Istanbul," said Robert.

  5. "It will be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, doctor," I replied.

  6. "The president is to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow," said the BBC announcer.

  7. "We have a lift but very often it doesn't work," they said. 8. "We have bought a new flat. But we don't like it so much as our last one," said my cousin.

Answers Test № 30
Жауаптар Тест № 30
1.b 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.c 6. c 7. c 8. a 9. b 10.c

Leveled exercises № 30
Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 30

I level/I деңгей
1. The raiders ordered the bank clerk to open the safe.
2. He begged me to do as he said. 3. Mr. Pitt told Peter to help his mother. 4. He told the children not to make too much noise. 5. She told us to do whatever we liked. 6. She warned them not to miss their train. 7. The lawyer told his client to read the document before he signed it.

II level/II деңгей
1.1 told her that I had something to tell her. 2. He said that he had met her for the first time on a warm sunny morning the spring before. 3. She told her mother that she was going to call again next day. 4. Robert said he had been to Turkey twice, but so far he hadn't had time to visit Istanbul. 5.1 replied to the doctor that it would be very difficult to persuade her to take care of herself, 6. The BBC announcer said that the president was to come to Madrid the day after tomorrow. 7. They said they had a lift but very often it didn't work. 8. My cousin said they had bought a new flat. But they didn't like it so much as their last one.

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