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Зат есімнің классификациясы

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Зат есімнің классификациясы

  • Негізгі зат есім (Simple Nouns). Негізгі зат есімге ешқандай жұрнақ жалғанбайды.

  • Мысалы: a table, a room, a girl, a ship.

  • Туынды зат есім (Derivate Nouns) Зат есімге жұрнақ жалғану арқылы жасалған зат есім. Туынды зат есім жасайтын жұрнақтар:

    • er: teacher, writer

    • ment: development, government

    • ness: sadness, kindness

    • ion: restriction, connection

    • dom: freedom, wisdom

    • hood: childhood, neighbourhood

    • ship: leadership, friendship

    1. Күрделі зат есім (Compound nouns) Екі немесе бірнеше зат есімнен құралған зат есім. A class, a postman, an airport

    2. Зат есімдердің көпше түрінің жасалуы

      1. Ереже Rules

      1. Жекеше түрі

      2. Singular

      1. Көпше түрі Plural

      1. Есте сақтаңыз Remember

      1. Зат есімнің түрін жасау үшін түбірге

      2. -s жалғауы жалғанады.

      1. a table a dog a cat

      1. two tabls two dogs two cats

      1. Зат есімдер –ch, -s,

      2. -ss, sh, tch, -x әріптеріне

      3. аяқталса, - es жалғауы жалғанады.

      1. a dish

      2. a match a class a box

      1. two dishes

      2. two matches two classes two boxes

      1. Зат есім –у әрпіне аяқталып, оның

      2. алдында дауыссыз тұрса -es жалғауы

      3. жалғанады да, әрпі –i әрпіне айналады.

      1. a story

      2. a city

      1. two stories

      2. two cities

      1. Егер зат есім жекеше түрде –у әрпіне аяқталып, оның алдында

      2. дауысты әріп

      3. тұрса, онда –у әрпі

      4. өзгермейді, көпше түрде тек –s жалғауы жалғанады.

      1. a key a day

      1. two keys two days

      1. Зат есім жекеше түрде -f немесе -fe әріптеріне

      2. аяқталса әрпі v

      3. әрпіне өзгереді де, -es жалғауы жалғанады.

      1. a knife

      2. a shelf

      1. two knives two shelves

      1. Ереже бағынбайтын кейбір зат есімдер:

      2. a cuff-cuffs

      3. a handkerchief- handkerchiefs

      4. a roof - roofs

      5. a safe- safes ▪ a belief – beliefs

      6. a chief - chiefs

      7. a cliff – cliffs

      1. Жекеше түрде зат есім –о әрпіне

      2. аяқталса және –о әрпінің алдында дауыссыз әріп

      3. тұрса, онда зат есімге

      4. es жалғауы жалғанады.

      1. a tomato

      2. a hero zero

      3. volcano tornado mosquito

      1. two tomatoes two heroes

      2. zeroes / zeros

      3. volcanoes / volcanos

      4. tornadoes / tornados

      5. mosquitoes / mosquitos

      1. a kilo – kilos

      2. a photo - photos ▪ a piano – pianos

      3. radio - radios

      4. a video - videos

      5. a zoo - zoos

      6. a hippo - hippos

      7. tattoo – tattoos

      8. a rhino – rhinos

      1. Күрделі зат есімдерге көптік жалғау басты

      2. мағыналы сөзге жалғанады.

      1. customhouse

      2. hotel – keeper

      3. mother-inlaw manservant

      1. custom-houses

      2. hotel – keepers

      3. mother-in-laws man-servants

      1. Кейбір зат есімдердің көпше түрі ешқандай

      2. ережеге бағынбай,

      3. сөздегі дауыстыны өзгерту арқылы жасалады.

      1. a man

      2. a woman a foot

      3. a mouse a tooth a goose

      1. men

      2. women feet

      3. mice

      4. teeth geese

      1. Кейбір зат есімдердің жекеше түрі мен көпше түрі бірдей.

      1. a deer

      2. a species

      3. a sheep a fish

      1. deer

      2. species

      3. sheep fish

      1. Латын, грек және француз тілінен

      2. енген зат есімдер сол тілдердегі көпше түрінің формасын сақтайды.

      1. a formula a datum

      2. a bureau an index

      3. hypothesis thesis

      4. bacterium cactus

      1. formulae data

      2. bureaux indices

      3. hypotheses theses

      4. bacteria cacti

    1. Test №6/Тест № 6

    1. 1.His _____ was the smallest among the _______

    1. mice, mice

    2. mouse, mousse

    3. mouse, mice

    1. d) mouses, mouses

    2. e) mice, mouse

    3. 2. Find the plural form of “Fish”

    1. Fish

    1. b) Fishs

    2. c) Fishis

    3. d) Fishes

    4. e) Fishies

    5. 3. Find the plural form of “Mouse”

    1. mousies

    2. mousis

    3. mise

    1. d) mousse

    2. e) mice

    3. 4.Find the correct plural form.

    4. My friend has three_____

    5. a) childs

    6. b)child

    7. c)a child

    8. d)a children

    9. 5.Choose the right variant. My parents` parents are my _____

    1. grandmothers

    2. grandfathers

    3. grandparents

    1. d) grandchildren

    2. e) great-grandparents

    3. 6. Choose the right variant:

    4. “ A woman”

    1. woman

    2. womens

    3. women

    1. d) womans

    2. 7.Choose the right variant.

    3. Nick wants the money. Please give_____ to him

    4. a) them

    5. b) these

    6. c) those

    7. d) it

    8. e)they

    9. 8. Find the uncountable noun

    10. a) Meat.

    11. b) Address.

    12. c) Goose.

    13. d) Cap.

    14. e) Table.

    15. 9. Find the uncountable noun:

    16. a) apple

    17. b) dolla

    18. c) glass

    19. d) toy

    20. e) air

    21. 10. Find the noun using only in single form:

    22. a) knowledge

    23. b) cat.

    24. c) photo.

    25. d) pencil.

    26. e) picture.

    1. Leveled exercises № 6

    2. Деңгейлік тапсырма № 6

    3. I level / I деңгей

    4. Write the plural of the following nouns:

    5. Piano, shelf, army, potato, safe, wolf, cliff, wife, schoolboy, schoolchild, leaf, life, factory, knife, man, roof, photo, toy, tomato, class, room, copy, book, note, house, wife, news, paper, home, land, mother, country, student, typist, writer, pilot, doctor, officer, architect, actor, actress, painter, sailor, dentist, teacher, mechanic, locksmith, driver, composer, shop-assistant.

    6. II level / II деңгей

    7. Put the following nouns in the plural form:

    8. 1. What is that child`s name? 2. The cat has caught a mouse. 3. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 5. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? – He is a Frenchman. 6. Why don`t you eat this potato? 7. This strawberry is still green. 8. The withered leaf has fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see a bird in that tree? 10. Does your tooth still ache? 11. I held up my foot to the fire to warm it. 12. His child studies very well.

    9. III level / III деңгей

    10. Open the brackets put the nouns in the plural or in the singular forms:

    1. I met some interesting _________ at the meeting. (man)

    2. I need some ________ the light the fire. (match)

    3. The baby got two new _______ . (tooth)

    4. The farmer loaded his cart with _______ (box) of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart was pulled by two _______ (ox)

    5. Alex saw some _______ running across the floor. (mouse)

    6. The north side of the island has no ____. There are only ________ steep. No one can climb these steep walls of rock. (beach, cliff).

    7. If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower ________ turn yellow. (leaf)

    8. Before Marie signed the contract, she talked to two ______ (attorney)

    9. New scientific _ are made every day in __ throughout the world, (discovery, laboratory)

    10. I caught several ________ in the lake (fish)

    11. On our trip in the mountainous countryside, we saw some ________ , _________ , and wild _______ (wolf, fox, deer, sheep)

    12. When we spoke in the cave, we could hear _________ of our voices. (echo)

    1. Answers Test № 6

    2. Жауаптар Тест № 6

    3. 1С 2A 3E 4B 5C 6C 7A 8A 9E 10A

    4. Answers

    5. Leveled exercises № 6

    6. Жауаптар

    7. Деңгейлік тапсырмалар № 6

    8. I level

    9. I деңгей

    10. Pianos, shelves, armys, potatoes, safes, wolves, cliffs, wives, schoolboys, schoolchildren, leaves, lifes, factories, knives, men, roofs, photos, toys, tomatos, classes, rooms, copies, books, notes, houses, wives, news, papers, homes, lands, mothers, countries, students, typists, writers, pilots, doctors, officers, architects, actors, actress, painters, sailors, dentists, teachers, mechanics, locksmiths, drivers, composers, shop-assistants.

    11. II level

    12. II деңгей

    13. 1. What is those childrens` names? 2. The cats have caught a mouse. 3. There were ladies, agentlemen, boys and girls in the room. 4. In the farm-yard we could see oxen, sheep, cows and geese. 5. Are these workers Englishmen or Germen? – They are Frenchmen. 6. Why don`t you eat these potatoes? 7. These strawberries is still green. 8. The withered leaves have fallen to the ground. 9. Can you see birds in that tree? 10. Does your teeth still ache? 11. I held up my feet to the fire to warm it. 12. His children study very well.

    14. III level

    15. III деңгей

    1. men

    2. matches

    3. teeth

    4. boxes, oxen

    5. mice

    6. beaches, cliffs

    7. leaves

    8. attorneys

    9. discovery, laboratories

    10. fish

    11. wolves, foxes, deers, sheep

    12. echo

    1. Theme № 7 The Degrees of Comparison of Adjective / Сын есімнің шырайлары

    2. Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
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