П. М. Кольцов т.ғ. д., профессор, Қалмақ мемлекеттік д и. н., профессор, Калмыцкий

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Abstract. In the article historiographic and source-based overview of Russian researchers’ works of the 19th century that has highlighted the frontier trade of Russia with Kazakhs has been presented.
Key words: scientific institutions, scientific societies, frontier trade, Russian researchers.

By the Empress Anna Ioannovna’s Decree as of May 1 1734 to execute the projects of ober-secretary of the Governing Senate I.K. Kirillov regarding reclamation of the eastern peripheries of Russia an Orenburg expedition was convened (1734-1737yy.). which was located in the Ufa city. One of the critical assignments of the expedition was to establish commercial and diplomatic relationships with Central Asian khanates. According to A.V. Popov the fortresses which I.K. Kirillov started to build on the left bank of the Yaik river were assigned to be “the main trading place of almost whole Asia” [1, L. 2-3]. In the manuscript translation of the works of F.G.Myuller kept in A.V. Popov’s fund Orenburg city is called “the large gate for the Caravan Trade between Europe and Asia”. This function was carried out by Volga cities of Atelj and Bulgar in the earlier times. [2, L.48]. Actually, the functions of the Orenburg commission heads (since 1737) V.I. Tatishev, V.A. Urusov, N.I. Neplyuev included management and development of frontier trade with Kirgiz-Kaisaks. Due to the necessity in being close to Kazakh nomades’ nomadising areas and establishing relationships in particular commercial ones N.I. Neplyuev tranferred the Orenburg city below moving 70 versts along the Yaik river towards the Berdskaya fortress. [1, L.3].

The topic of commercial relationships of the Orenburg city with Kazakhs and Central Asian states was one of A.V. Popov’s scientific interests. The scholar studied and published pertinent works of his predecessors. Thus, in Popov’s Works of Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission the V.V. Grigorjev’s “Description of the Khiva Khanate and the Way to It from Saraishik Fortress” had been published [3, PP.183-193]. In the mentioned work the Chairman of Orenburg Scientific Archive Commission draws attention to description of the trade routes from Russia to Khiva. Two of them start from Orenburg through Kazakh steppes and Karakalpaks nomadising areas, the third way lies from the Mangishlak harbor of Sartash between the Caspian and Aral seas and the fourth way under the name of “the Old Nogai Road” starting from Saraichik passes beyond the Gurjev city [3, PP.183-185]. In works of local historians other works of V.V.Grigorjev where the scientist analyzes commercial relationships with the Junior Juz Kazakhs have been mentioned. They are “Orenburg Kirgizs: their honesty and trading skills” and “Historical news about Kirgiz-Kaisaks and relations of Russia with Central Asia since Abul-khair Khan’s death with the map made based on the survey of Orenburg archive documents”. The last work was published for the first time in “Orenburgskie gubernskie vedomosti” in 1853. [4, PP.12-13, 16-19].
According to the 19th century scholars, “the commercial significance of Orenburg as a place for commodities exchange with Kirgizs and as a transshipment point of Russian and Central Asian goods grew consistently until the end of the 19th century”. An increase of trade caravans from Bukhara, Khiva, Kokand and Tashkent visiting Orenburg can be an evidence to this fact. [1, L.4]. To receive the caravans there was an Exchange Yard built two versts from Orenburg. Merchants from the Kazakh steppe and the Central Asian countries used to stop at the Exchange Yard where there was an exchange trade the whole summer. In their articles many of Russian scholars underline commercial significance of the yard and note an unequal nature of the trade with Kazakhs. When transfer to a monetary trade had occurred there were no extensive changes in trading with Kazakhs: “The Exchange Yard was gradually transferring to a monetary exchange, however the exploitation of Kirgizs by Tatar merchants continues: part of commodities is paid off by a commodity of an inferior matter” [1, L.5]. The Exchange Yard was a stone square with gates and the Asian part of it was for Asians and the European one for city residents. In winter time the trade was carried out in the city in the bazaar. However, Asians were not allowed in without a special permission. Kazakhs who arrive in Orenburg were let into the city in small portions accompanied by a strong escort as well as were let out with an escort [2, L.48]. A feature about a case of distribution amongst a Kazakh community of a low quality brick tea is interesting in this relation, prepared based on an archive material [5, P.3].

In 1894 in “Izvestiya” of the Orenburg department of Imperial Russian Geographical Society F.Gelmgolts’ work was published which was devoted to history of Orenburg Exchange Yard [6, PP.35-53]. In the article there is information about founding the Exchange Yard and its role in trade with Kazakhs and Central Asian states. F.Gelmgolts deduces, based on the information provided by V.N. Vitevsky, that the Exchange Yard was founded simultaneously with the Orenburg city in 1743 and was being built for several years until 1758. These details are specified in the inventor book of the Orenburg municipal social management as the year of founding the Exchange Yard. According to F.Gelgolmts “the yard” is located 4 versts to the south of Orenburg occupying the area of 40 000 square sagenes. Orenburg Exchange Yard was the first frontier market where exchange of Asian goods for Russian ones took place. The fair for the Exchange Yard was established on March 25 1871 and operated from June to November. And there was a fair committee formed by representatives of all the trade participants in particular there was a Kazakh chairman assigned. In the articles goods which were allowed to be exchanged between Kazakhs and Russian merchants were listed. The author analyses the trade of main products such as wool, cattle, and writes about unequal exchange facts [6, PP. 35-53]. A. Dobromislov calls the article of F. Gelmgolts the first attempt to give complete accurate data about the trade on the Orenburg exchange yard, but points out the author’s failure to cover all the data on trade while using archive materials [7, PP. 67-71]. The scholars associate the further increase of commercial significance of Orenburg with the construction of the railway. Orenburg commercial and industrial significance increase facilitated the increase of the city population. According to calculations of P.N Stolpyansky and the census data, the population of Orenburg in 1797 was 5441 people, in 1847 18512 people, 1897 72425 people and for the 1916 period it grew up to 150000 [1, L. 5]. The construction of the Caspian Railway in 1885 facilitated an increase in commercial relationships with Central Asia whereas trade turnovers with Kazakhs had decreased. To a considerable extent F. Gelmgolts associates this process with the increase of the role of commercial fairs in Turgai and Uralsk oblasts such as Uilskaya and Temirskaya Fairs [6, PP.51, 53].

The information about the opening of another season of the exchange yard emerged in city newspapers. “Turgaiskaya gazeta” says that since June 1, 1896 “Orenburg Exchange Yard has been open for trade and a large number of Kirgizs have assembled and settled near it. And inside of it stores with all possible commodities have opened and started commodity exchange with Kirgizs [8, P.4]. Undoubtedly, the topic of trade relations of Orenburg with Kazakhs has been actual for Russian scientific societies’ members. The analysis of the material has been published in the form of articles, messages, reports, features in periodicals of scientific societies, newspapers and has been published in separate prints in the form of brochures and books.
The considered material enables to deduce that in Russian researchers’ works a comprehensive material on frontier trade of Kazakhs with Orenburg places of commerce has been given. Data on an exchange trade in steppes with Russian merchants, development of fairs, issues arisen in the course of developing commercial points have been carefully analyzed by members of Russian scientific societies and establishments of XIX – beginning of XX cc. based on the survey of archive materials.

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