– капиталовложение,
инвестирование, помещение капитала
agricultural investment
в сельское хозяйство
blue chip investment –
вложения крупных компаний
business investment
капиталовложения предприятий
capital investment
community investment
капиталовложения в
инфраструктуру и сферу
consumer capital investments
капиталовложения потребителей
direct investment
direct foreign investment –
зарубежные инвестиции
domestic investment
equipment investment
капиталовложения в
equity investments
вложения в акции
– доход, заработок,
поступления, прибыль
after-tax income
– доход после
уплаты налогов, чистый доход
aggregate income
– совокупный
assessable income
– доход,
подлежащий обложению налогом
average annual income
среднегодовой доход
before-tax income
– доход до уплаты
gross national income
– валовой
национальный доход
net inerest income
– чистый
процентный доход
nonoperating income
– доход от
неосновной деятельности
operating income
производственная прибыль
original income
– первоначальный
personal income
– личный доход
pretax income
– доход до вычета
retained income
– нераспределенная
– товар, товары, изделия
capital goods
производственного назначения
competitive goods
consumable / consumer goods
потребительские товары
convenience goods
повседневного спроса
domestic goods
домашнего обихода
durable goods
товары длительного
essential goods
товары первой
– расход; расходование;
трата; потребление
budget expenditures
capital expenditures
consumption expenditures
потребительские расходы
current expenditures
federal expenditures
федерального бюджета
health expenditures
расходы на
медицинское обслуживание и
initial capital
расходы на техническое оснащение
investment expenditures
на рекламу
рост, развитие,
– ожидание
– ожидание
роста цен
market expectation
– ожидаемый
объем сбыта
profit expectation
– ожидаемые
sales expectations
– предполагаемый
объем сбыта
in expectation
– в ожидании
to exceed expectations
– превзойти
– доверие
– потребление, расход,
затрата, цена, стоимость,
активы; средства, капитал,
фонды, имущество, собственность
доля, часть, пай, акции
– производительность,
мощность; выпуск, продукция;
объем производства
Упражнение 1.
Найдите в тексте слова и фразы означающие:
a) the collection of financial securities such as shares and bonds held by
an investor,
b) an investment in plant, machinery, equipment and other durable capital
the part of a firm's assets that are held in the form of raw materials,
work-in-progress and finished goods;
a financial security issued by a joint-
stock company or by the government as a means of rising long term capital,
d) the satisfaction obtained by consumers from the use of goods and
e) the total money income received by households in return for supplying
factor inputs to business over a given period of time; it is equal to net national
product, and consists of the total money value of goods and services produced
over the given time period,
f) the rate of return (profits) expected on an extra pounds worth of
investment; it decreases as the amount of investment increases,
g) the planning and control of capital expenditure within a firm.
Упражнение 2.
Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим англий-
ским словам и словосочетаниям:
an appreciation in the capital value of the securities; the purchase of
physical assets; physical investment; an injection into the circular flow of
national income; social products; private sector investment spending; gross / net
investment; capital consumption; output; the marginal efficiency of capital /
investment; the volatility of business expectations; social capital; up-grading of
general living standards.
Упражнение 3.
Переведите на английский язык.
1. Портфельные инвестиции осуществляются частным лицом или ор-
ганизацией с целью получения дохода в форме процентов или дивидендов.
2. Финансовое инвестирование означает переход права собственно-
сти на уже существующие активы от одного лица или организации к дру-
гому или другой.
3. Реальные инвестиции подразумевают создание новых активов,
благодаря чему происходит наращивание производственной мощности той
или иной страны.
4. В долгосрочной перспективе значимость инвестиций определяется
их вкладом в экономическое процветание государства.
5. Инвестиционные решения компании, зависящие от прибыльности
определенного инвестиционного проекта, являются составной частью ком-
плекса процедур расчета.
Упражнение 4.
Переведите экономические термины.
Assets; portfolio investment; fixed investment; inventory investment;
aggregate demand; circular flow of national income; gross investment; net
investment; capital consumption; government expenditure; social products.
Упражнение 5.
Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What sort of investment is called financial?
2. What is the aim of portfolio investment?
3. What is the difference between fixed and inventory investment?
4. What is the difference between physical and financial investment?
5. What is investment expenditure?
6. What is the difference between gross and net investment?
7. What does the amount of fixed investment undertaken depend on?
8. What is the marginal efficiency of capital / investment dependent on?
9. What determines a firm's investment decisions?
10. How is the long-term significance of investment defined?
Упражнение 6.
Say, what types of investment the text deals with.
(для гуманитарных специальностей)
●Прочитайте и переведите текст.
There are many different views on family life. Some people could not do
without the support and love of their families. Others say it is the source of most
of our problems and anxieties. Whatever the truth is, the family is definitely a
powerful symbol. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you will see
advertisements featuring happy, balanced families. Politicians often try to win
votes by standing for «family values»: respect for parental authority, stability in
marriage, chastity and care for the elderly.
Sociologists divide families into two general types: the nuclear family and
the extended family, which may include three or more generations living
together. In industrialized countries, and increasingly in the large cities of
developing countries, the nuclear family is regarded as normal. Most people
think of it as consisting of two parents and two children. In fact, the number of
households containing a nuclear family is shrinking year by year.
There are people who say that the family unit in Britain is in crisis and
that traditional family life is a thing of the past. This is of great concern to those
who think a healthy society is dependent upon a stable family life. They see
many indications that the family is in decline, in such things as the acceptance of
sex before marriage, the increased number of one-parent families, the current
high divorce rate and what they see as a lack of discipline within the family.
Some politicians blame social problems, such as drug taking and juvenile crime,
on a disintegrating family life.
Concern that the family is in a state of crisis is not new in Britain. In the
nineteenth century, many legislators and reformers were saying the same. It was
also a concern between the two World Wars, and in the 1980s it became a
continuous political issue.
There is no definition of a «normal» family. Broadly speaking, the family
is a group of people related by blood or law, living together or associating with
one another for a common purpose. That purpose is usually to provide shelter
and food, and to bring up children. The nature of the family keeps changing:
there are a number of types of family that exist in a society at any one time.
The family is the most basic and ancient of all institutions, and it remains
the fundamental social unit in every society. Yet there are many people today
who predict the end of the family system as we know it. The family, it is
contended, is breaking down, the victim of moral decay, sexual permissiveness,
changing gender roles, or irresistible social forces.
Such predictions are heard in all industrialized societies, but the statistics
suggest that the family system of the world's leading postindustrial society, the
United States, is under the most pressure. The great majority of both American
men and women begin sexual activity before marriage. One in every five
American births is to an unmarried mother, usually a teenager. One in every four
pregnancies ends in abortion. The number of unmarried couples living together
has tripled in less than two decades. Americans are staying single longer than
ever and more than one adult in five now lives alone. About half of American
marriages are expected to end in divorce. New alternatives to traditional
marriage, such as the single-parent household, are becoming steadily more
What exactly is a family? Our ideas on the subject may tend to be
ethnocentric, for they are often based on the middle-class «ideal» family so
relentlessly portrayed in TV commercials, one that consists of a husband, a wife,
and their dependent children. This particular family pattern, however, is far from
typical. A more accurate conception of the family must take account of the many
different family forms that have existed or still exist both in America and in
other cultures.
What characteristics, then, are common to all family forms? First, the
family consists of a group of people who are in some way related to one another.
Second, its members live together for long periods. Third, the adults in the group
assume responsibility for any offspring. And forth, the members of the family
form an economic unit – often for producing goods and services (as when all
members share agricultural tasks) and always for consuming goods and services
(such as food or housing). We may say, then, that the family is a relatively
permanent group of people related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption, who live
together, form an economic unit, and take care of their young. If this definition
seems a little cumbersome, it is only because it has to include such a great
variety of family forms.
to predict
– предсказывать
to decline
– приходить в упадок,
ухудшаться, отклонять
to decay
– портиться, ухудшаться
to adopt
– усыновлять, удочерять
to involve
– вовлекать, впутывать
– домочадцы, семья
to match
– подходить, сочетать,
– дата, срок, период
– беспокойство, тревога,
саге for
– забота
to contend
– бороться, утверждать,
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