right courses in school, get in the right programs? Procrastinators just drift,
missing many opportunities.
Well then, how do you find a career? Jascha Heifetz was a concert
violinist at the age of thirteen. Shirley Temple was a movie star at the age of
five. Most of us are not so talented, or so lucky. Everyone has skills, but yours
may not be so obvious; may, in fact, go undetected. Your career search has to
look for everything. Be systematic. Analyze your problem. Determine what
information you have. Then go after the information you need.
First, start with yourself. Make a list of inventory of your interests, your
talents, and abilities. Most people have a lot of these, but at the beginning they
are undeveloped and may not seem outstanding. By concentrating on a few, or
on one, you may surprise yourself, and everyone else, at how good you can get.
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