том 6 №2 / 2019
Акушерство и гинекология / Obstetrics and gynecology
Corresponding author:
Kuznetsov Alexandr A.,
Maternity Clinic № 17,
Lesnozavodskaya str. 4/1, Saint Petersburg,
Russia, 193174.
E-mail: a.a.kuznetsov03@gmail.com
Received 25 February 2019; accepted
01 September 2019.
Single intrauterine fetal demise (sIUFD) in multiple pregnancy occurs with frequency from 3.7 up to 6.8 %
and is associated with an risk of premature birth, death of cotwin and high morbidity and mortality rates in new-
borns. The time of sIUFD and type of twin gestation would determine perinatal outcomes. The rate of prenatal
death of the co-twin is different and depend on the type of multiple pregnancy, accounting 4 % for dichorionic
and 12 % in monochorionic pregnancies. However, the correlation between the type of chorionicity, delivery
time and the frequency of preterm delivery is not clearly established. The risk of neurological complications
in newborns after sIUFD fluctuate significantly in case of the type of chorionicity and could achieve 18 % in
monochorionic twins and only 1 % in dichorionic twins. The paper was discussed the main reasons for sIUFD in
multiple pregnancy, rather pathophysiological aspects of perinatal morbidity and mortality for cotwin was also
discussed. The management of complications, methods of their correction, optimal methods and time of delivery
in case of sIUDF in multiple pregnancies was presented.
Key words:
single twin demise, intrauterine fetal death, multiple pregnancy.
For citation: Kuznetsov AA, Romanovsky AN, Shlykova AV
et al. Single fetal demise in multiple pregnancy.
Translyatsionnaya meditsina=Translational Medicine. 2019;6(5):31–38. (In Russ.)
дения возможных осложнений, способы их коррекции, оптимальные методы и время родоразрешения
при многоплодной беременности при СГОП.
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