Issn 2072-0297 Молодой учёный

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«Молодой учёный»  
  № 8 (112)  
Апрель, 2016  г.
They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle 
Sam»s imperialist policies… (G. Green. The Power and 
The Glory. Chapter VII, p-16)
He was most famous man in Madison Square. (Dreiser. 
Ernestine. p-104)
In these examples proper nouns as «
Coventry, Uncle 
Sam, Madison Square
» are used in figurative sense so ex-
press other stylistic-pragmatic meanings. In their turn «
sent to Coventry
» must be translated as «
yuz o»girmoq
Uncle Sam
» as «
AQSH hukumati
» and «
Madison Square
as «
reklama olami
». The same phenomena are also peculiar 
even to Uzbek. Proper nouns can also refer to other mean-
ings. For instance: «
Onasini Uchqo»rg»onda ko»rmoq, Ali 
akani itiday sakkillamoq
» and so on.
Besides that in fiction we have such compound proper nouns 
that are created by authors» in purpose to clarify characters 
some features. Although these kinds of nouns can hardly be 
occur in every day usage, they are frequently used as common 
nouns in transformed pragmatic or stylistic meaning. For in-
stance Dickens»s most known character «
» was 
composed of two independent words «
 — the best part, 
selected» and «
 — town, native place», so pragmatically 
means «
sample or model of nation
». In the content of the 
book the name completely coincides it in character. Such kind 
of usage of proper nouns causes another difficulty in translating 
the proper nouns that cover all their additional meanings. Usu-
ally proper nouns are translated by transliteration or transcrip-
tion, but these methods may cause their additional meanings. 
That»s why we must either change the noun to relevant form in 
translating language or describe them by addition.
These kinds of stylistic and pragmatic meanings can not 
find in Uzbek literature, but pragmatic or figurative expres-
sion can be found. For example «
Aldarko»sa, Nasriddin 
afandi, Shum bola
» etc. These kind of pragmatic meanings 
can not be given by equalents in other language. Even un-
derstanding and rendering such proper nouns can cause dif-
ficulties. Because direct transcription or transliteration may 
cause lose of emotional or pragmatic meanings.
1.  Anderson, John M. (2003): «On the Structure of Names». Folia Linguistica 37: 347-398.
2.  Anderson, John M. (2007). The Grammar of Proper Names. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3.  Carroll, John M. (1983): «Toward a Functional Theory of Names and Naming». Linguistics 21: 341-71.
4.  Sloat, Clarence (1969): «Proper Nouns in English». Language 45: 26-30.

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