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Некрасова Нина Андреевна, д-р филос. наук проф., зав. кафедрой, sinekrasov@mail.ru , Россия, Москва, Российский университет транспорта (МИИТ), Некрасов Сергей Иванович, д-р филос. наук, проф., проф., sinekrasov@mail.ru , Рос- сия, Москва, Московский государственный технический университет гражданской авиации LABOR AS A FORM OF HUMAN SELF-REALIZATION N.A. Nekrasova, S.I. Nekrasov The article proves that labor has become a form of subjective activity of people to ensure the conditions of production of the person himself and the conditions of his existence, which histori- cally changes, the mechanism of labor activity is analyzed through a chain of categories need- interest-goal-motive-physical stress The burning result. The category “work” is introduced as a form of alienated labor. Particular attention is paid to the place of work in updating the creative potential of a person based on the analysis of the ratio of reproductive and productive forms of ac- tivity. The ratio of routine, reproductive and innovative productive elements, in connection with which the degree of coverage of the creative potential of a person increases. Keywords: labor, work, alienated labor, need, interest, goal, motive, human creativity, human activity, scientific creativity. Nekrasova Nina Andreevna, d-r of philosophical sciences, professor, head of department, sinekrasov@mail.ru , Russia, Moscow, Russian University of Transport, Nekrasov Sergey Ivanovich, d-r of philosophical sciences, professor, professor, sinekra- sov@mail.ru , Russia, Moscow, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.