129-135 Zharkynbekova Sholpan, Urazayeva Kuralai, Petkova Sylvia, Kozhamkulona Gulmira. Student-centered learning and effective learning environment ....................................................
135-146 Yerlanova Madina, Zhunusova Zhanyl. Word-forming potential of non-usual dictionary in
modern Russian language ..........................................................................................................
147-156 Beisenova
Nazerke, Issenova Fatima. The theme of «love» in the common human and ethnic
concepts of the poet Bachyt Kairbekov .....................................................................................
157-162 Karagulova Balgenzhe. New directions of neologisms research in modern linguistics ............
163-171 Kalibekuly Tolkyn. Ways of phrases formation and phrases classification in Chinese and Kazakh
172-184 Manapbayeva Zhannura, Seidenova Saule. Аdequacy of translating realia into other
languages (based on Smagul Yelubay’s novel ‘Ak boz uy’ and its translations in the Russian
and English languages) ...............................................................................................................
185-192 Otelbay Gulbaira. «Esep kuraly» («Math textbook») of Mirzhakup Dulatuly: the meaning and
status of forgotten terms ............................................................................................................
193-200 Smagulova Gulshat, Mukhametkalieva Gulnur, Murtaza Anipa, Baltabaeva Gauchar. Integration of Islamic terminology in Eastern culture: China .................................................