the formation of the planets and the subsequent emission of external gases. Then the
composition gas shell evolves under the action of various factors.
The Earth's atmosphere is largely a product of living organisms in it.
Approximate composition of the Earth's atmosphere: 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95%
oxygen, varying amounts of water vapor (an average of about 1%), 0.93% argon,
0.038% carbon dioxide and
a small amount of hydrogen, helium, other noble gases
and pollutants.
Question 1.
Determine the time of day on the picture 24.
Question 2.
Besides the Sun what is the other source of heat input to the Earth?
Question 3.
Explain why June, 22 in the northern hemisphere is the longest daylight hours?
Answer: ______________ __________________________________________.
Question 4.
List the main
sources of air pollution
Answer: ______________.
Question 5.
Tell us how is measured:
A temperature on the thermometer;
B. atmospheric pressure on the barometer;
C. wind speed and direction by weather vane.
Question 6.
Explain why the lowest temperature during the day is observed after sunrise?
Answer: ______________.