Сабақ тақырыбы The theme of the lesson: Hydrogen, methods of properation, properties and uses of dihydrogen
Дата | 11.01.2020 | өлшемі | 112,61 Kb. | | #55701 | түрі | Сабақ |
| Байланысты: hydrogen lеsson planБұл бет үшін навигация:
- Күні : / /201 9 y Date : Мұғалімнің аты-жөні: Nurtay Ernazar
- Қатысқандар
- Сабақ барысында мақсатқа жету (сабақ жоспарынан сілтеме) During the lesson, the goal to achieve
- Сабақтың мақсаты Lesson objectives
- Бағалау критерииі Еvaluation сriteria
- Диалог үшін пайдалы сөз тіркестер
- Сабақ барысы Сабақ барысы
- Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. O rganizational moment
- Оқушылардың зейінін сабаққа аудару. Топтарға бөлу: І-топ; ІІ-топ; ІІІ-топ; Алдыңғы білімді тексеру
- Instructions for produsing hydrogen gaz: After you have completed the first 3 steps of the scientific method
- Key words: Gas, first, H, H 2 , Oxygen, water, colourless ,sodium, Pop, released, small,metals, Earth, water, odourless, least, hot blue
- Record all your observations from the reaction and the test for hydrogen.
- Place a small piece of magnesium ribbon into the acid.
Күні : / /2019y
Мұғалімнің аты-жөні:Nurtay Ernazar
Teacher's Name:
сынып: 8
Сабақ тақырыбы
The theme of the lesson:
Hydrogen, methods of properation, properties and uses of dihydrogen
Сабақ барысында мақсатқа жету (сабақ жоспарынан сілтеме)
During the lesson, the goal to achieve
To introduce students to the element hydrogen in the world. To characterize the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen.
Consider the basic methods of producing and using hydrogen.isotops of hydrogen
Сабақтың мақсаты
Lesson objectives:
to study the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen, methods for producing hydrogen in industry and in the laboratory.
Бағалау критерииі
Еvaluation сriteria:
Evey correct answer 1 point
Тілдік мақсаттар
Language objectives:
Пәндік лексика и терминология:
жану сombustion
жану burning
отын fuel
жылу heat
күйдіру burning up
жағу burn
Жанатын заттар Combustible substans
Жанбайтын заттар Incombustible substans
Көмір coal
Энергия energy
Экзотермиялық exothermic
Эндотермиялық endoterymic
Диалог үшін пайдалы сөз тіркестер:
Equipment and materials
eye protection
hydrochloric acid
test tubes
Bunsen burner
test-tube rack
Тәрбиелік құндылықтар
Достық қарым –қатынас,
Өзге тілдің бәрін біл- өз тіліңді құрметте!
Пәнаралық байланыс
Interdisciplinary communication
Физика және ағылшын
Алдыңғы білім
Previous education
Химиялық формула, индекс, коэффициент, элементтер, реакция
Сабақ барысы
Сабақ барысы
Move of the lesson:
Сабаққа жоспарланған жаттығулар түрлері:
Tasks and exercises:
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі. Organizational moment
5 минут
Good afternoon dear children!
I’m very glad to see you! How are you today?
What date is it today? Who is absent today?
Оқушылардың зейінін сабаққа аудару.
Топтарға бөлу: І-топ; ІІ-топ;
Алдыңғы білімді тексеру:
Activating previous knowledge:
Distributing distribution cards for individual pupils of each type of reaction
Стикерге әр топ өз аттарын жазады
Each groups writes their names on the sticker
Негізгі бөлім
Main part
30 минут
watch this video and fill the blank
Hydrogen is a gas at room temperature, and is the first element in the periodic table. It has the chemical symbol H, but is usually found as a diatomic molecule of H2. It reacts with oxygen to form water. Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless gas that burns and can form an explosive mixture with air. It is the least dense gas known to man. A jet of hydrogen burns in air with a very hot blue flame. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It is found most abundantly on Earth in water, but can also be found in the atmosphere in very small amounts. When reactive metals like sodium come into contact with water Hydrogen gas is released. The test for hydrogen is that when a test tube containing hydrogen is placed near a flame it ignites with a “ squeaky Pop”. All metals above Hydrogen in the reactivity series react with acids to displace hydrogen. Hydrogen combines with nitrogen to form ammonia. Instructions for produsing hydrogen gaz:
After you have completed the first 3 steps of the scientific method, find a pair of goggles that fit snugly over your face. Wear them at all times until the instructor tells you otherwise.
Using the test tube holder, carefully lift a test tube and place it into a test tube rack and release.
Using the tongs, carefully select one piece of zinc metal (either the unprocessed zinc or processed zinc squares) and place it in your test tube.
Carry the test tube holder and tray with test tube back to your seat and place it on the table.
Return to lab supply area and VERY CAREFULLY pick up a small graduated cylinder with pipette inside. Pipette contains approximately 2 mL of 1 M hydrochloric acid. (Molarity is a measure of concentration of solutions and mixtures). Return to seat carefully.
Make and record observations of zinc metal and HCl acid individually. Only hold the test tube with test tube holder, never bare hands.
With test tube in the test tube rack, carefully lift the pipette containing the acid from the graduated cylinder and place the tip approximately 2 cm above the sample of zinc in the test tube. Gently squeeze until the majority of the HCl is in the test tube.
Place empty pipette back in graduated cylinder.
Using the test tube holder, lift the test tube up out of the rack. Be careful not to apply pressure to the holder, accidentally releasing the test tube.
Kneel down so you are at eye level while your partner holds the tube. Make and record observations. After your partner replaces the tube in the rack, trade places carefully. Continue to make detailed observations and trade places for several minutes. NEVER look directly down into a test tube.
After several minutes, make final observations about any new materials formed (if any) and place the test tube back in the rack. Take rack and test tube back to lab supply area. Transfer your test tube with test tube holder to designated “Used Supply” rack. In a separate trip, return pipette (inside of graduated cylinder) to lab supply area.
Wash your hands with soap and water and return to your seat.
Интерактивті тақта
Сабақты бекіту
Assigning a lesson
1. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
2. The main compound of hydrogen on our planet is water.
3. A large number of hydrogen atoms is included in the composition of substances that form living organisms.
4. The valence of hydrogen is 1.
5. Hydrogen gas has the lowest molecular weight among all substances.
6. Hydrogen gas is highly soluble in water.
7. Hydrogen mixed with oxygen is explosive.
8. To collect hydrogen, the tube must be kept with the hole up.
9. The chemical activity of hydrogen is low.
10. Hydrogen compounds with metals are called hydrides.
11. In the laboratory, hydrogen is produced by the action of chloric acid on zinc.
12. The main directions of industrial use of hydrogen - the synthesis of ammonia, hydrogen chloride.
Сабақты бекіту кезінде:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-MNKK20Z_g , watch this video and fill the blank
Key words: Gas, first, H, H2, Oxygen, water, colourless ,sodium, Pop, released, small,metals, Earth, water, odourless, least, hot blue
Hydrogen is a _________at room temperature, and is the ___________element in the periodic table. It has the chemical symbol_____, but is usually found as a diatomic molecule of ________.
It reacts with______ to form ______. Hydrogen is a,_________,__________ gas that burns and can form an explosive mixture with air. It is the _______ dense gas known to man. A jet of hydrogen burns in air with a very _______ flame.
Hydrogen is the most ________element in the universe. It is found most abundantly on________ in________, but can also be found in the atmosphere in very small amounts. When reactive metals like ________come into contact with water Hydrogen gas is_________.
The test for hydrogen is that when a test tube containing hydrogen is placed near a flame it ignites with a “ squeaky”________. All metals above Hydrogen in the reactivity series react with acids to displace hydrogen. Hydrogen combines with nitrogen to form ammonia. Please wirte chemical equation of this reaction:
N2 + _____ =________
Терминологиялық сөздік
Terminological Dictionary
Үй тапсырмасы
Hometask 1мин
Add the reaction equations, arrange the coefficients, name the reaction products
5 минут
What new things have you learned in class?
What was hard?
How do you value your team?
She writes her thoughts and writes to the teacher
Record all your observations from the reaction and the test for hydrogen.
Method Fill a third of a test tube with hydrochloric acid.
Remove the test tube and, with the test tube still upside down, hold a lit splint to the mouth of that test tube.
Place a small piece of magnesium ribbon into the acid.
Wait for one minute before collecting any gas produced.
Place an empty test tube upside down over the test tube containing the acid.
Endo or Exo
An ice cube melts after being left out on the table.
Cooking an egg in a frying pan.
Burning a match.
Making ice cubes.
A puddle of water evaporates.
Plants making sugar through photosynthesis
Nuclear fission
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