В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы и переведите 
1. Why does the government regulate and control private 
2. What services are paid by the government (federal, state, 
3. In what services is regulation necessary?
4. Why is control exercised?
5. What branches of government attempt to control inflation 
and depression?
6. Whom does the government provide direct assistance?

Прочтите текст с целью общего понимания содержания.
Key words:
job-seeker – тот, кто ищет работу;
recruitment agency – агентство по набору работников;
cope with – справиться с (проблемой, задачей);
apply for a job – обращаться за работой;
satisfaction – удовлетворение;
be afraid of – бояться;
hard-working – трудолюбивый;
committed person – обязательный человек;
appear – оказываться;
jump from job to job – прыгать с места на место.
Applying for a Job
When people graduate from a higher school they meet a 
problem how to find a good job. First of all graduates should ask 
themselves some questions:
1. What is their educational background?
2. What do they expect from their job?
3. Can they cope with the work?
4. Are they hard-working, talented and committed persons?
5. What does success mean for them?
6. Can they work in a team?
7. What kind of skills do they need?
Having answered these questions a job-seeker can attend a 
recruitment agency or read advertisements in employment pub-
There is always an open competition for positions. First, a post is 
announced, the best resumes are selected, then there are language 
tests and at last an interview.

When attending an interview, try to feel confident but at the 
same time, do not overact. Show that you are interested in the or-
ganization and in the work you are applying for. Do not be afraid 
of asking questions.
What skills do specialists need? First of all, they need interper-
sonal skills. Anyone can learn how to work with a computer, but it 
is not easy to learn how to work with people.
Any company measures specialists’ success. The measure of 
success is profitability and customer satisfaction. For many compa-
nies success means improved customer services because company 
value is increased by achieving better results, offering more ser-
vices, attracting talented people.
Most companies don’t want to keep people who don’t have the 
right talent, because it is difficult to know whether a person will 
be committed to the work just from a resume or CV.
Sometimes people jump from job to job and have wonderful 
CVs and it appears that the person was pushed out everywhere. 
When a person doesn’t cope with the tasks the company usually 
tries to train or to replace the person.
But many people prefer to work in a team because when a 
problem appears one can always ask for help and advice. Together, 
people can solve any problems better than working alone.
Задание 1.
 Ответьте на вопросы.
1. What questions should graduates ask themselves before 
looking for a job?
2. What advice is given to a job-seeker attending an inter-
3. What skills of a specialist are needed?
4. How do the companies measure specialists’ success?
5. Why do many people prefer to work in a team?

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