Современная наука: новые подходы и актуальные исследования

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тасболатова 249-256 страницы, 2022

According to the findings of Doldinova, the nature of speaking 
as an activity and its purpose, i.e. the formulation of thought, are 
determined by the subject of speaking that is thought about [3]. In 
this regard, context-specific essence is required for the development 
of adaptability and skill automation. The substantive content of 
phonetics classes aligns with the topics of lexical and grammatical 
foundations, oral speech practice and listening as evidenced by the 
newly designed undergraduate curriculum in phonetics and voice 
culture. When it comes to developing phonetic skills articulation is 
particularly important. The articulation plan for oral utterances 
entails the structuring of breathing, rhythmic and melodic, as well as 
imposing pauses, which are unique for each and every language.
Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati looked into the growth of 
English learners, particularly kindergarten children [4]. For young 
learners, particularly kindergarten kids, learning English can be 
challenging. The first issue that students face is pronunciation, as 

English is a foreign language to them, and they have trouble 
pronouncing English words. Sometimes their pronunciation and 
spelling mismatch, but they guess the words. For example, they will 
pronounce the word "ball" as /bal/ and can guess the word using 
logic. The author states in his study that there is a particular need to 
focus on teaching English pronunciation to kindergarten pupils, 
which entails training, exercising, and articulating some words, such 
as terms in colors, school appliances, careers, professions, and 
transportation. Teaching pronunciation in kindergarten necessitates 
the use of a variety of methodologies. One of the possibilities to 
improve pronunciation is to play games. 
In dealing with the mentioned issues, the researcher wishes to 
make improvements in order to tackle the issues through games. The 
teacher can increase their enthusiasm in participating in the session 
by using any type of game, particularly to improve their 
pronunciation abilities. Thomas and Clarke also support the use of 
games by teachers because students use all of their senses, including 
sight, sound, touch, and even taste and smell, and students learn in a 
variety of ways, including listening to what others say, watching 
what others do, copying what they do, experimenting, figuring things 
out for themselves, and most importantly, practicing various skills 
According to Domke, schoolchildren seem to like the relaxed 
mood, competitiveness, and motivation that games provide in the 
classroom [6]. Students are motivated to learn when they have the 
opportunity utilize their creative thinking in the classroom through 
activities such as games. 
The study of Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati looked at how Go 
Fish and Maze Games can help children improve their pronunciation 
skills; it also looked into what activities can help them gain 
confidence in pronouncing some fundamental words in a fun 
environment [4]. As a result of the actions, several changes occurred. 
The changes occurred either within the way the participants thought 
or in their conduct. The following were the reasons for the changes: 
The pupils got more motivated and engaged in learning English as 
the steps were implemented. They are working hard to improve their 
English pronunciation skills. The youngsters appeared to be having a 
good time and participating eagerly in the activities. Students' 

English pronunciation skills could be improved by playing go fish 
and maze games. After playing games, they improved their 
The automatic linguistic transference from native to non-
native language is clearly the cause of incorrect pronunciation during 
speech. The greatest techniques to overcome the problem of 
pronunciation and understanding the speech include contrast analysis 
of two interacting systems, ongoing training, simulation and many 
repeats of proper samples. The impact of contrastive linguistics was 
identified in the field of pronunciation training while solving 
problems affecting the contrastive analysis of phonetics and 
phonology of German and Kazakh languages. Further, phonological 
and phonetic properties of consonants and vowels in the German and 
Kazakh languages, as well as segment and combinatorial aspects, 
were discovered. 
Jenny Jenkins proposed a syllabus for learning English 
pronunciation for non-native English speakers, designated as English 
as the lingua franca (ELF) [7]. In this syllabus, she noted a number 
of factors that should be paid close attention to when studying the 
pronunciation of English, with the goal of quickly mastering 
comprehensible English for both the speaker and the listener. Runhan 
Zhang and Zhou-min Yuan reviewed progress in improving 
pronunciation through pronunciation instruction in 3 groups with 
different goals [8].
Therefore, study showed that working on the development of 
suprasegmental elements during pronunciation gives a significantly 
better effect than in comparison with segmental elements. This 
proved that during the training, emphasis was placed on the 
development of tones, intonations, syllables, stresses, rather than 
certain sounds.

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