4. In a car, the task of making decisions is shared by a computer and an
operator. Many mechatronics devices, on the other hand, are not operated in
real-time by humans. Spacecraft often must use onboard computers to make
decisions in real-time because there is a communication delay between the
spacecraft and Earth. The Mars Exploration Rovers had a communication
delay of several minutes and, therefore, used a central computer to make
many quick navigational decisions. Without this capability, the rovers could
have fallen off a ledge or gotten stuck by an object by the time operators on
Earth noticed the threats.
2. Read the text again and find the appropriate heading for each para- graph. A. Mechatronics is important for developing robotics
B. The principles of mechanics, electronics, and computing to generate a
simpler, more economical and reliable system are used in mechatronics
C. A car is one of the complicated mechanical system examples operated in
real-time by a computer and human
D. Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of science that includes a com-
bination of mechanical engineering, electronics, computer engineering,
systems engineering and control engineering
3. Match the terms with their definitions. Device 1. A piece of equipment that reacts to physical
changes such as the amount of heat or light that
exists somewhere.
2. System that manages, commands, directs or regu-
lates the behavior of other devices or systems using
control loops.