in these development are called liberal arts. This branches includes the hu-
mathematics, and the biological, physical, and social sciences.
4. Answer these multiple-choice questions about science and technology.
What stages is formal education in the USA divided into?
A general
and special education
B elementary, special, adult education
C elementary, secondary,
higher education
What stages is formal education in the UK divided into?
A primary, secondary, and further education
B secondary
and vocational education
C state and private schools
At what age do pupils take GCSE examination in the UK?
A between the ages of 5 and 16
B at the age of 15 or 16
C at the age of 11
At what age do pupils take GCE examination in the UK?
A beyond the age of 16
B between the ages of 14 and 15
C beyond the age of 10
What kinds of schools provide secondary education in the USA?
A higher schools
B junior
and senior schools
C different kinds of colleges