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УДК – 81
Баубекова А.Б. 
С.Бәйішев атындағы Ақтөбе университеті 
Сленг – күнделікті өмірде белігілі бір заттың атауы үшін қолданылатын, 
қалыпты тілден ауытқыған, мысқылды, мәнерлі сөздер. сленг әртүрлі әлеуметтік топтардың 
ерекше қолданыстағы сөздері . 
Slang is a collection of special words or new meanings of already existing words 
used in different groups of people. 
Тірек сөздер:
сленг, сөздер, қарым-қатынас, қолданушылар, лексика, эмоцияналды 
slang, words, communication, users, vocabulary, emotional words. 
Slang – how long does it take for substances used in everyday life for the name, deviation 
from normal language, masilda, words expressive. a special word slang of different social groups in 
the existing ones. 
Some researchers consider gargandi kingpin binding. So much vocabulary, the slang, the 
common interests of the people, the relations arising from the relationship indicates that the words. 
Length they can be used for a variety of reasons:
-to impress
-the results sense of self-confidence
− new, not to be
-somebody else for not understanding 
- as humor
− membership of a particular social group, to provide
− for enrichment of the language of stock 
"American slang" dictionary Stewart, one of the authors. Flexner, gives the following 
information. According to him, each Fund has around 10000-20000 americanity dictionary. His 
word slang refers to the number of 2000. General vocabulary slang of the Fund, that is 10-20 
percent. But Stewart B. According to Flexner, every American knows that the Foundation 
vocabulary in speech, in daily practice are not applied fully. Scientists estimate that in the United 

States, the Fund slang dictionary of the English language of 10,000 words, and other types of word 
35000 PE 
Slang is updated constantly renewed calls for his nature. A relatively long time to live if they are 
in a language tratarse words and slang, the slang of the number of expired leksyutina of speech in 
General falls out of circulation. Eric partridge known Slang in English English specialist "born" 
within the meaning of the actions give a number: blood (1550-1660); macaroni (1760); buck (1720-
1840); dandy (1820-1870); swell (1811); toff (1851), and in system more modern date is a spiv 
teddy-boy-add % [1,11].
Obsolete words and numbers inside the parentheses the first time it is worth noting that 
from.Hence the slang of the 16th century lives on in conclusion, what we produce. 
As you know, America-the birthplace of computer technology. However, in what area, how 
they were made? USA on the West coast, near the southern San Franciscan 30 km in Palo Alto, 
mountain view, Los Altos and in small towns such as Stanford. And in the South-East of 
Sunnyvale, Cupertino, San Josa, Santa Clara, in the big cities. The junction of these cities in the 
American "silicon valley" name. It is here that the bulk of our research centers. Here all the most of 
new technologies over the last decade. 
This place is the world's largest manufacturer of the chip. There are a lot of different 
projects, performed in cooperation with companies and firms. There are more than thousands of 
scientists. However, we can talk about where Stanford University. Part of the budget of the 
University research work of students is spent on funding. Any product ready for the new technology 
research center silicon valley, its name(name). New things appear, new terms come up that is in 
progress. This society is forced to use the terms. The term shall be enforced AlSAT its shape, are 
formed in speech. The result is a virtual computer Museum.
Lengte the appearance of new words, too fast with the rapid development of computer 
technology. If we see on the pages of the magazine also to think of new technologies. The 
implications of this technology in each new technological revolution needs to name. Only in 
America in English the names of these products. So people are forced to apply it in real terms. The 
lack of specific computer terms in the Kazakh language appearance length trends in this area. 
Many words in everyday professional inconvenient to use, since a lot of words, 
inappropriate words, abbreviations, simplification read more. For example, commonly used 
"motherboard" in the Russian language the term "motherboard", and lengte "mommy", "dolls", 
transmitted words. Or another example, "cd-rom drive" Russian language "cumulative laser disc", 
as translated from SingTel equivalents "CD", "sidushki". Abbreviated can slenderman the following 
filing trends. Example: computers are of two types – BIMS and Maki (personal computers come in 
two types, ibm-compatible and macintosh). 
Recently enhanced Teens Hobbies games in the computer. It is also a source of computer 
length. for example, the game "the main enemy" concept", "action", "arcade", "boss" slinger. 
However, the game doom alausyne "Samer" and "quake" alausyne game of "croak" in this issue. 
Yet it is worth noting that ignorance of the English language by most computer users. 
during slinger not read correctly the words appear in English. For example, to read the messages no 
carrier during lengte right "but the quarry" word. 
Various ways of emergence and ways of committing computer length. Four is made by:
1) tracing (device device, message – Messag)
2) partial tracing (applicanion – ., disk drive – diskett)
3) the transfer (in windows – the Windows, virus – animals, streamer – moron)
4) phonetic mimicry (laser printer – Lazarus, break point – breakpoint)
[84, 94]. 
Unlike other computer length slagteren:
Owners of certain professions (programmers, or just people) in the language of the word. Therefore, 
they are used as technical terms in English a synonym of emotional tone. 
People do not understand. So the three finger salute (salute three fingers) the concept not everyone 
understands, CTR+alt +del, click shut down the computer via clavister.

Thanks to this mysterious Computershare yourself as a member of the society to the touch 
Some of them are as vulgarism words: Gangbang under Windows (windows for workcroup), anus 
(janus Protocol), Blaster (sound biaster). However, this phenomenon does not require the 
consideration of words as individual asisine batebi length three exceptions computer. That is, in 
computer slang, the term requires definition. Computer slang in direct contact with the computer in 
everyday life, professional vocabulary in speech, language, and sometimes harsh words in the 
language of the people using the switch on a dark background. So you need to pay attention to the 
following issues: 1) the Kazakh language and the emergence of terms; 2) the emergence of terms 
computer slang. 
Only representatives of various groups of the population, and slang is used not only in speech, 
especially among young people, as well as fiction, in the pages of periodicals, Newspapers and 
magazines, in advertising are used, and even scenes. English linguisticsand different concepts of 
"slang", it is an attempt to combine the term [2,13]. The drawback of the term in the English 
linguists recognize it themselves. Slang extension of the meaning of the term, the word used in 
physical ambiguity. Slang slang is words and no more than Yeruda between them creates 
difficulties," – said the famous American linguist H Frieze [3,20]. Depending on the application and 
not Length it is well known it is well known that there are two groups used less. General slang is a 
set of various groups in the General social or vocational Kingsmen first acquisition. General 
vocabulary literary degree does not mean that their actions should be understood by such Kingsmen 
passage or. General part length characteristic properties that can not enter the literary language. 
According to the researcher, not well known, considering the slang in certain professional or social 
groups associated with the use of significantly less used in a limited area. Therefore, it is length 
group "Zarganar" (jargon, cant), "professional jargon" (professional slang), "Argo" (argot).b. is 
defined in terms of. I. V. Arnold [3,15] slength divided into two groups: 
Common slang, that is beyond the literary English language that are related to emotional 
colouring, stylistic synonyms in spoken and artistic side of literary expression, clear and is 
permanent and phrases that are the most common words. For example: bed-sitter (bed-sitting 
room), a bob (shilling), booze (a drink, to drink liquor), straight to dry (to straighten up), hide 
(human skin), knock-out drops, dope (narcotic drops), a sparkler, a glamour girl (a social 
success), to work off the steam (excessive to rid oneself of energy) [4, 33]. 
Special slang, i.e. words and phrases that are included in specifically defined occupational or 
lexica: sailor, soldier, athlete, actor, lawyer, student, etc Sleng.b. Slang social groups. 
Example: Cockney, that is, ordinary people of London dialects, intellectuals jargons used 
words in English for children, schools and aristokraten clamshell, thieves and other jargons. 
Slang, jargon and the argons from each other, we need to understand, to distinguish. Length 
jargon qualification reflects the major airmaria user ergodan age and professional groups. Today, 
young people, people with higher education, professionals with diploma, the most prestigious 
universities in students studying in the agent, each other wrote congratulations well-being of 
pupils when studying consists of a vertical. Example sdema from afar, Liny enrolled in the 
school, a student in the eyes of the agent sufficient yzny yyyy to think. Such "dialogdata" letter, 
comma, dot can't do that. See: 
– SLM (hi) 
– Privat. cases of CC (Hey! How are you?) 
– GG-(happy New year!) 
– SPS (Thank you!) 
– nectivity 
– curvatrim movie 
– Celsis ("Celsis in applications) 
– Koshish (shepherd) terintegrasi... yesterday (yesterday, celebrated a quite-because sidar) 
– irtas 
– x-factor baywater 

– Raha 
– Kai tubaligation channel 
So. This is after six months, receiving a diploma in hand, will live two employees with a higher 
education student "interview" [4]. 
In short, this is not news opened, we faces today. Now it is in many countries. Unfortunately, 
these illiterate mass recording – all over the country thanks to the Internet, all the enthusiasm 
infected the whole nation. 
To reduce the recording of speech on the Internet is, a deliberate violation of the norms of 
language, socialauth errors. To shorten the entry, as a rule, extensive among trusted friends. In 
addition, the letter, telephone symarip one thought that occurred I think that the way to save 
However, it would be best letters in business communication. 
Kazakhsha Oriskany and mix the pulp with the use of language, and there are those who, in turn, 
are formed in alphabetical order, and relationships meet the developers. Not "some similar, 
approved by the rule of law, organization or Br gazar that demand, we can not. First, the 
dictionaries of modern society, approved in accordance with the rules of the Kazakh language 
ASAS do not use. We can only see its simple gardamariny street. Dictionaries, reflecting the 
correct spelling of the word, but the responsibility for clean speech storage no. Second, since the 
information exchanged between the Internet platform for free, however, on the back of the 
monitor and not know who such a person. Thirdly, students of compulsory school age and 
students are the main group of Internet users in Kazakhstan is. If you write ignorantly on the 
Internet, work in the field of education needs to be a little denies see this word. To return to 
Russian cybistra so for the Kazakh youth, as well as to increase the language Fund, jargon and 
slang, from the word, the phrase made a mental Russian on the Kazakh language it is literally 
translated as the waste is very topical issues. 
However, young people will probably be understood. They daily susundin information, 80 
per cent of courses in Russian language. For mar Oriskany Ercan to learn. Among the Kazakh 
youth in their native language steepened "Mambet" in the world, definitely call in the process of 
Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер тізімі 
http// www.google.com// 
Алманов Б.Компьютерлік терминдердің қысқаша сөздігі-№12 (1218) 
The internet in Everyday Life Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthweait, C.,Nielsen, 
ИвановЛ.Ю.Язык интернета:заметки лингвиста. 
Ғылыми жетекші магистр, аға оқытушы Токсанбаева А.А. 

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