Пән мұғалімі : Жаксыбаева Э. О. Сыныбы: 9 А/В 2021-2022 оқу жылы кіріспе

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18.2 In, on, at In

  • We bought the flat in 2003.

In + жыл / ай / жыл мезгілі

  • In 2012

  • In September

  • In winter

st century

  • In the 21

In + жұма / жұмадан көп

  • In the New-Year holiday

  • In the summer term In + күннің бір бөлігі

  • In the morning

  • In the evening


  • I woke up in the night (=in the middle of the night)

  • I can`t sleep at night (=when it is night)


  • The exam is on Monday.

  • On + жұманың бір күні / күннің жады

  • On Wednesday

  • On 19 April

  • On that day

On + нақты күн

  • On Christmas Day

  • On Independence Day

On + жұманың бір күні + күннің бір бөлігі

  • On Friday morning

  • On Tuesday evening

  • In happened on Monday night


  • The film starts at seven thirty.

At + уақыт (сағат) / тамақтанатын уақыт

  • At three o`clock

  • At lunch (-time)

  • At that time

At the moment
Еvery, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday сөздерінің алдында in, on, at демеyліктері қолданылмайды.

  • We go to Greece every summer

  • I`ll see you next Friday.

  • My brother got married last year.

  • I leave school this year.

  • The party is tomorrow evening.

  • The group arrived yesterday morning.

In time or on time?
In time (for smth/ to do smth) = soon enough for… (уақытында болу, кешікпеу, белгілі оқиғада)

  • I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on television.

  • I`ve sent Asem her birthday present. I hope it arrives in time.

On time = punctual, not late (дәл уақытында)

  • Buses aren`t on time like planes.

  • The 11.35 train left on time. (=it left at 11.35)

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