Перейди по ссылке, прослушай, найди ошибки в предложениях, исправь их и запиши ответы в тетрадь

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СОЧ 5 класс- 4 четверть 2021

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the Term 4 5 grade

Learner’s name _______________________________________


Learning objective 5.L8 Understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics.

5.R3 Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 Write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information.

5.S2 Ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

LISTENING Task 1. Listen to the text. Find the mistake, underline it and write the correct word. (Прослушай текст и исправь ошибки. Правильные предложения запиши)


(перейди по ссылке, прослушай, найди ошибки в предложениях, исправь их и запиши ответы в тетрадь)

1) My favorite sport is basketball – the kind with the round ball.

________ My favorite sport is ______ – the kind with the round ball.

2) What is your national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport taekwondo.


3) It is one of the most boring sports in the world.


4) Another good thing is that it makes us happy.


5) They love their job and do exercise by doing it every day.


Total [5]

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